Mac/Stella #7- "Can't Put Out This Flame!"

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Lol, yay I'm glad y'all liked little "Dylan"...Cate hon, I saw the pic and I swear I giggled, he was so perfectly as you described him in your story...and then I saw the pic with the tie and I almost died, it was too perfect! How totally cute is he cute and cuddly and I know it's not real, but he really could be a Smacked baby! Gah they so need to have kids already dang it, they'd be BEAUTIFUL!!! :D :D
It's creepy, how much that baby looks like Mac and Stella. He's got bags under his eyes just like Mac, too. Creepy. Gary and Melina have some splaining to do.
^Lol, not to mention having a pic in front of a computer. *hmmm, fic idea lol -- Dylan tinkering with a computer* Hahahaha....

The little girl picture can be "Ally" from my "Little Miss Stella" story. She's so adorable.

Hey, I saw this off Wikipedia under "stella bonasera":

Stella cares deeply for all the members of her team. She is very close to Mac Taylor and constantly worries about his physical and mental well-being. She and Mac have one of the noticably closest relationships on the show. Stella acts as his right hand, the most senior member of his team aside from himself. They are so close that, in preparation for a date with a woman he met in a coffee shop, Mac allows Stella to remove his tie at the end of episode 123 ("What You See Is What You See"). Considering how uptight Mac had been during the course of the first season, this can be seen as a very trusting, if not intimate, gesture.

Oh we know it's more than that.... lol
^^ Yep, we know it means more than that! :p
Lol, ain't that the truth Delia! I think they KNOW how perfect Smacked is for eachother and they're just teasing us with it for a while! I've decided that's the PTB's mission in life, to tease us shippers with "possibilities"!
Yep, they have the easiest chemistry together and I love how they confide in each other, as if they've been friends for ages. Maybe they have. :)

To be honest, I can't care less about Stella's HIV storyline. I mean that's terrible, I know. I feel bad for her and all and I'm so glad that TPTB have decided to raise awarness in HIV and that's really, really great. But c'mon! What are the chances of her getting infected? She's the female lead for crying out loud! I mean if it was Hawkes or Lindsay or Flack, I might believe that. But definitely not Stella. I just don't see it coming...
I'll be looking forward to the Mac-centric episodes. They're very strong and Gary Sinise is amazing and I'm so glad that CSI: NY really allows him to shine through, despite Mac's shy, almost distant persona. I'm also happy to see more Stella/Mac scenes. One good thing about Stella "perhaps" testing postive:)rolleyes:) is that we got an amazing Smacked scene during the end of the world episode!! God, the embrace was amazing... :)
I like putting Mac on the spot. He's usually this cool, calm, collected guy who seems to know everything in every situation possible. I want to see things not go his way once in a while lol...

As for Stella's HIV scare -- I don't think she'll test positive.
It's creepy, how much that baby looks like Mac and Stella. He's got bags under his eyes just like Mac, too. Creepy. Gary and Melina have some splaining to do.
this made me laugh so hard! :lol:

ate cate see? even other non-shippy people see their 'connection' right? btw, when are you updating?

welcome thecoroner! enjoy the SMacked ship! :D

Axa are you a reporter in real life? tell me, im facinated with the pics ;)

Finally! I updated! :lol: :p A Right Mistake chapter seven[/b]: :devil: I did something with the hot scene they had.. i know... I'm mean :p

woot! new eppies on our way!!! bring it on!
It's creepy, how much that baby looks like Mac and Stella. He's got bags under his eyes just like Mac, too. Creepy. Gary and Melina have some splaining to do.
Lol, I told you! He really does look like both Stella and Mac...he's just so adorable...I just want to hold him up and snuggle him...oh and I want to snuggle the little boy too! ;) Heehee! :lol:

this can be seen as a very trusting, if not intimate, gesture.
Oh you GOTTA love that!! See the intimacy and trust is OBVIOUS between them...yay, *Giggles and sighs!* that makes me happy to read! :D

As for Stella's HIV scare -- I don't think she'll test positive.
Yeah I gotta say I don't think so either Cate. Hmmmm, although I could see them having her get a false test result, that someone in the lab made a mistake and she thinks she tested positive...then she could go to Mac for comfort, he'd hold her, calm her...and then he'd do the double check himself and find out she really doesn't have it and then they'll celebrate...yeah..."celebrate"! :devil: That's my guess! ;)
Should I be scared that both Cate and MJ posted a fic at the same time? *nods* But great job to both my loves!

Wow, at least they know Smacked is destined for each other. :D
MJ haven't read yours yet, but I'm gonna...Cate I reviewed yours already, but's AWESOME...I'm in love with your story hon! ;) Lynny you'll like this chapter, read it and you'll see why! ;)

Yup Smacked is destined for totally destined and I'm SO glad the world is seeing that! :lol:
Oh you GOTTA love that!! See the intimacy and trust is OBVIOUS between them...yay, *Giggles and sighs!* that makes me happy to read!

Well, how can you be more intimate than taking articles of clothing off each other? Lol... may it be a tie, a shirt or pair of pants *siren alert!* ...

Hahaha.... *me gotta lay low for a while*

Anyway....CathStokes -- be afraid... be very afraid hahahah. So how was it? I had to test the tenacity of that T rating over at hahaha.

Stella's going to test negative for HIV and I hope when they find that out, Mac would be there. It's like one of those scenes where she'll get the results in a sealed envelope and she'll have Mac open it and read it for her.
Well, how can you be more intimate than taking articles of clothing off each other? Lol... may it be a tie, a shirt or pair of pants *siren alert!* ...
:lol: :devil: That is SOOO true Cate you can't get much more intimate than that...well okay you can, cuz doing that leads to more uh....intimacy...but still...:devil: Make some room in that hiding spot there hon, I think the Gutter police are coming after both of us tonight! :devil:

Consider the T rating nicely tested hon...the idea came across very nicely! ;) VERY nicely! :devil:

Ohhhhh, I like that Mac will read her the results and then she'll fall into his arms with joy and he'll hold her and hug her and then they'll pull apart just enough to stare into eachother's eyes and then they'll lean in both at the same time, slowly until their lips meet! YAY!!! :D :D
^Oh that "almost kiss" again... only this time with SMACked, it's going to go through. Lol.... and then to spice things up, while Stella's in Mac's arms -- both of them happy about the results -- Peyton walks by. :) Mac's office does have two doors. ;)

*opens the bunker's trap door to let Mo in*

Hahahahaha.... yes, you can get more intimate. Shedding of clothes: the top layer (sweaters and such), then the middle (dress shirts and blouses) and then the undergarments. Hell, you can even bare your soul hahahahh.....

*uh-oh.... radar alert! hahahahah*
Or perhaps Mac performing more 'magic' tricks where clothes dissapear, the two disappear 'alone', and return later with four or five SMacked offspring, ALL biological, none adopted. Can you imagine?

My mind is clouded with R or above-rated SMacked fanfictions, or plot ideas that they even interfere with concentration on certain school subjects! :devil: :lol:

*meter police cars blown up by landmines planted by Stella who also blows up another meter police car with a hand-held bazooka*
Lol, speaking of school things... tener que estudiar para el examen. Pero estoy aqui. Navegar por Internet. Estoy empiezando es mi semana de exámenes finales. *waves @ Reine*

Translation: I must study for the exam. But I'm here. Surfing the Internet. I'm beginning the week of finals exams.

Anyway... back to topic: yeah yeah... that could be one of Mac's magic tricks. Imagine, Stella will be his lovely assistant and they'll both disappear in that magic box with a flick of a wand............

*hmm, even them gutter police can speak Spanish i presume... lol*
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