Mac/Stella #7- "Can't Put Out This Flame!"

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^You managed to extract Mac from Mel? Wow.... nice hahahahhaa!

In the pic, Mac looks like he's mad...
Lindsey - being their teenage daughter: Daddy, I'm practicing this so I can...
Mac: Your mother should be doing this, you know.

Hahahhaah.... :)

Mo -- hahaha, can you find me a Mr. Cheeks too? :D
CalleighWolfe said:
Stella: Gentlemen, you can continue your "promoting" anywhere, but this suite...
Mac: ... is ours now.

I'm guessing they don't want to be interrupted. . . :devil:

It was just the first thing that came into my head when I read that! :D
^ lol chaos *I think they passed by* :) also i ready the next chapter of you fic Dylan is so cute i just wanna cuddle him :D
Axatullux I like you smacked weather drawing very nice.
CW i love the SPOTW and SQOTW. The suite of love steaming up the room *sorry meter police i'll be good*
I come bearing an icon for you all :

::stops nibbling on Mac's ear::
hang on a minute... :p
I was like... "These guys know what they want."
woot... talk about getting all aggresive and stuff *runs and dives into her hiding place from meter police*

CW i love you... you know that ;)

Axa cute :D

ETA: ms- love it
Axatullux, I must admit that I'm kinda lost with all the big words you're using in your designs and descriptions but I really think they're great ;) it's a great idea to compare them with weather :D. Excellent!!! :p

Mo, I want a Mr. Cheeks too :p, although we could you just make Mac wear ties again so we'd have a Mr. Cheek in natural size :devil: so we could hold him and play with him :devil: *hears the police sirens* *tries to take the gutter bus to run away* :p

fastfoodjunkie said:
CalleighWolfe said:
Stella: Gentlemen, you can continue your "promoting" anywhere, but this suite...
Mac: ... is ours now.
I'm guessing they don't want to be interrupted. . .
OMG!!! Yeah, I hadn't thought about it!!! :lol: :lol:

Cate, loved your update, and I have some questions for you, so.... wait for an e-mail ;)

Love you all guys!!! *hugs*
Reine Awww, nice pic and quote of the week...I likes it! Well done honey! :D Lol, nice with the pic by the way, "Smacked parents!" heehee, I likey!

Mo -- hahaha, can you find me a Mr. Cheeks too?
Lol, I'm looking! He's a little harder to's cute possible Dylan...I'm not sure it's "perfect" but it's quite possible! :D


Mo, I want a Mr. Cheeks too , although we could you just make Mac wear ties again so we'd have a Mr. Cheek in natural size so we could hold him and play with him *hears the police sirens* *tries to take the gutter bus to run away*
Lol, you better run fast there hon! These Gutter police are getting quicker and quicker...then again, I could just distract them for you...I seem to call them to me just by stepping into the thread! :devil:
CalleighWolfe said:
OMG!!! Cate you updated!!! *dances* I must confess I was kinda anxious *bites nails*, well let's do my job before reading ;)

SMACked Quote Of The Week (SQOTW)
Talking about finishing each other's sentences, here we have 2 examples, in the same episode!!! :lol:

Stella: Divide and conquer?
Mac: *nods*
Stella: I'll start with...
Mac: ... Missing Persons
Stella: I could have just as easily said the sheet.

Stella: Gentlemen, you can continue your "promoting" anywhere, but this suite...
Mac: ... is ours now.

Both quotes from 1x19 Crime and Misdemeanor :D

Oh guys and guess what??? Stella is taller than Peyton!!! :p ... Ok, that's not important but I didn't know it :p I thought they were the same height *shrugs* (nothing against short people, I'm shorter than them both :lol:)

SMACked Pic Of The Week (SPOTW)
and talking about SMACked kiddos... here we have one of their oldest ones :lol: :lol: ... from 3x01 People With Money


I like that quote! haha! Very funny! :) And the pic..WOW! Lindsay does look like their eldest daughter..ehhe....So that would mean they had her when they were really young..
*dances around*
New fic new fic new fic

Something to distract those blasted meter police.

Mo -- awww...... yeah, he could be. Maybe a bit chubbier. :) I love chubby little kids. Where are you getting all these kid pics? They're all adorable.

Reine -- hmmm.... yeah, Mac could start wearing those ties again and we could.... *sirens!!!!*
It makes you wonder why Stella keeps wearing such revealing low cut tops. I mean, it does seem like what Stella wears on the show when she's not outside with a coat on, is somewhat suggestive like as if she's trying to woo Mac.... :devil:
^The most revealing I've ever seen her in is in the season2 pilot. Lol, my cousin said if he was Mac, he'd be near salivating in front of her. hahahahah!

It makes me wonder more what Mac thinks of it. Lol...
Very cute baby picture! Smacked's baby would be totally adorable! S/he'll have Stella's enthusiasm and amazing energy as well as Mac's morals and his eyes! :) God, I'm just grinning thinking about it!

Does anyone have a Smacked baby fic? Preferably oneshot, so its easy to read.
^I have two.
Head on over to my profile and click "A Little Mac Man" and "Little Miss Stella".

Three, if you include the companion piece: "NYPD Legend = Dad", which is Flack-centric.
Lol, Cate yeah I was thinking a little younger too, cuz the little guy in my pic looks about 3 or 4 I think, and Dylan's 2 right? And yay for a new ficcie...but don't be thinking that'll distract me from wanting more of the "Dylan" ficcie! ;)

I get all the pics just by image searching on hopefully I'm not jacking somebody's kids pics illegally or anything! :eek:
^ lol :lol: nice, the kid pics are cute :D

my my... babies... makes me wanna think when... *runs from police*

*dances around*
New fic new fic new fic
ate cate, when i saw your alert I was like... 'ha??! SPaM?? am I dreaming? :eek: lol I'll review later :)

Mo, I want a Mr. Cheeks too , although we could you just make Mac wear ties again so we'd have a Mr. Cheek in natural size so we could hold him and play with him *hears the police sirens* *tries to take the gutter bus to run away*
:devil: ;)

It makes you wonder why Stella keeps wearing such revealing low cut tops. I mean, it does seem like what Stella wears on the show when she's not outside with a coat on, is somewhat suggestive like as if she's trying to woo Mac....
:lol: don't even get me started on this one... my friends on ff are talking about this too and we all came to one conclusion... for Macky :devil: that's why their stares are so hot :devil: it's like theyre saying:

Stella: are you staring at me mac?
Mac: What if I am? *shifty eyes*
Stella: my eyes are up here Mac...*grins* finally, he notices...

*fans self and starts running when siren echoes in her hiding place*
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