Mac/Stella #7- "Can't Put Out This Flame!"

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Then Mac would stay serious even if Danny's blabbering away.
:lol: I DEFINITELY see a Mac/Danny Father/Son relationship between the two, especially after Louie was beat up and put into a coma... Danny came out and cried. :( That was a great scene and YAY! Stella and Mac and Danny would be a very happy family!
Lol, soooo could picture Danny pulling at Stella's sleeve whining, "Mooooommmmy!" Hahaha, as for Mac:

*little boy Danny whining*
Danny: But Daddy, I want that Wii now!
Mac: (getting agitated) No, Daniel! (Danny shrinks) Now, get back up to your room and study for your Physics finals.
Danny: Yes, daddy.
*then Stella comes in*
Stella: Weren't you a little too harsh to the boy, Mac?
Mac: *pulls Stella on to his lap*

.... oh-kay, better stop now.... lmao!
well, this proves my theory: enter the SMacked world and prepare to duck your head in the gutter :lol:

Okay all I read there was "Mac" and "perform" and I was gone...Gutter here I come, again, wow I'm bad this evening! I can't even help it! And I'm sure he'll "perform" just fine!
well, whatever mac has for a special presentation, im sure stell would love it ;)-btw, i reread what i said earlier and i was like oohh... O_O :lol:

*gutter parking meter runs out* Mac + perform + magic body parts = *hears the sirens of PG13 police* hahahahahah.... ahem... so what did you think of the update? *the police passes me by lol*
now... THAT *points to cate* is a nice save :lol: i gotta learn how to do that ate :p

Have you ever noticed that mac and stella finish wach others sentences? am i the only one?
you're not the only one... that im sure of... ;)

now, i gotta squeal now cause my brain is reacting to a different show since last night O_O...

btw, before i leave, close to home is tonight right?

oh and msgirl i sent you a mesg (PM) :D
I mean, the way Stella twirled the rose in her hand and the deviant expression on her face told me that the family tree is going branch out. :devil:

The PG-13 police are weaklings against SMacked which means it's probably time to expand Gutter Street into a superhighway for us to drive on.
You're definitely not the only one. They're not only friends, they're best friends and each others' confidantes. They know what each other are thinking even before they say anything!!
Yup they so are Delia and that is what makes them so fun to watch and so fun to root for! Plus they're both gorgeous and all that tension between! :devil: :D

Mo -- *gutter parking meter runs out* Mac + perform + magic body parts = *hears the sirens of PG13 police* hahahahahah.... ahem... so what did you think of the update? *the police passes me by lol*

*Police passed right on by to chase after me! Yikes! :lol: *
Oh Honey, I LOVED the update! I have to go back and read the whole thing again, but I adore your story! It's so sad and yet so sweet! And I ADORE Dylan...he is SO Smacked's little boy...he's just adorable! :D :D

it's probably time to expand Gutter Street into a superhighway for us to drive on.
Axa that totally cracked up!! :lol: And I think the Gutter St. is technically the Gutter Autoban...cuz once you're on it, you're flying 120mph toward your destination! :devil:
Nickel welcome! You are joining a truly lovely board of Smacked shippers! We're pretty crazy around here, but we all ADORE Smacked, so are among friends for sure! :D

Okay so I can't remember if we've done this here lately (I know we just did it over in D/L) but what do we think Smacked kids would look like and what would their names be?
(Cate Dylan totally comes to mind! ;) )

Girl: Samantha (Sam) Claire Taylor Sammie (she's SO cute!)

Boy: Michael Logan Taylor Mickey (what I picture Dylan like, Cate!)
I don't think we've had the baby talk in a really long time. I miss those days :(

Cordy -- I like the smacked banner thingy you made. Its cute.

Reine you're doing awesome at the pics :D Great job, I love that picture, it never gets old seeing it :D
Well here they are then again, hon! ;) Do you like the pics...aren't they cute!! I saw them and I said..."Ohhhh, you're Smacked babies!" :D Especially the little girl, she is SO dang adorable! :D

Cate honey....please update your ficcie soon...oh please, oh please, oh please...having finally read it, I'm completely addicted, COMPLETELY!!! :D :D
Cate - honey run, Mo finally got an LJ... but yes, update your ficcie along the way though! please and thank you!

Maybe she could be a little smacked. She'd work in the role :d
Please and thank you indeed! I LOVE that idea Cate! ;) And wait why run Lynny? Unless you mean run to my which case, yeah do that...that'd be fun! :D The link for it is in my profile thing on here :D

A little Smacked? Oh please hon, she IS Stella at 5 years old! Seriously! Admit it, you know it's true! :D
Moriel21 said:
Nickel welcome! You are joining a truly lovely board of Smacked shippers! We're pretty crazy around here, but we all ADORE Smacked, so are among friends for sure! :D

Okay so I can't remember if we've done this here lately (I know we just did it over in D/L) but what do we think Smacked kids would look like and what would their names be?
(Cate Dylan totally comes to mind! ;) )

Girl: Samantha (Sam) Claire Taylor Sammie (she's SO cute!)

Boy: Michael Logan Taylor Mickey (what I picture Dylan like, Cate!)

Lol, that little girl is such a beauty! Deffo a SMACked baby. :) I could picture her walking into the lab, a shy little girl then break out into a wide smile.

And hey, in my other SMACked fic (my first ones actually), Mac and Stella's son is in fact nicknamed Mickey lol.

As for Dylan, I can't see him in my head but I hear him when I re-read my stuff hahahaha. *gushies* So cute!

Welcome, Nickel!

And the gutter police? Nah... there are too many dark and narrow alleys in the SMACked gutter to hide into.

Mo -- I added you on LJ.
*Heads onto the onramp to Gutter Autobahn*

Gosh, this thread is going from green zone to yellow midway between green G/PG and red Naughy light district rating. :lol:
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