Mac/Stella #7- "Can't Put Out This Flame!"

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CathStokes said: Reine you're doing awesome at the pics Great job, I love that picture, it never gets old seeing it
Thanks a lot!!! :D Believe me, I really enjoy doing it :p, so that I have an excuse to look at them together lots of times :lol: ;)

nickel said: Hi, I'm new here but I am a HUGE Smacked fan!!
Welcome nickel!!! Have some ties, olive oil and ... cannolis :devil:, btw, are you the same nickel who was yesterday night in the Eddie Cahill chat?? :D

Mo I love those pics, specially the curly girl :p, I imagine Dylan with dark hair :lol:. You have a LJ??? *runs to read it*, wait, what's your live journal?? :lol:
Thanks for all the welcomes! And yeah, I'm the same nickel from the Eddie chat..... that was really wierd what happened!! :lol:
Yay, I'm glad y'all liked the pics...I saw them and I just "Awwwwwed" they were so stinkin' adorable! :D And such a good combo of Smacked...especially the little girl, she looks like one of those little girls who looks like an angel but is curious to a fault (just like her parents! ;) )

Cate the little boy reminded me of Dylan cuz in your ficcie you talked about him loving policeman stuff and this little guy was wearing the police hat! That's why! ;)

By the totally need to update again Cate! I'm dying to read more...seriously, dying!!!

I think I added you back too, did I?

Lol, yup I have an LJ Reine...Lynny & Aud made me! ;) The link to it is there when you click on my "name"! :lol:
I want to show another SMacked tribute to the forum and combine it with my enthusiasm for meteorology.

In this drawing, I made Stella Bonasera into a tropical air mass where the temperatures are in the 90s, humidity near 100 percent and the sun is blazing hot. I gave her this because I fell head over heels when I first saw "SUmmer in The City" with that turquoise tank top back in late 2005.

Mac Taylor is an autumnlike cooler air-mass from Canada whose charachters are temps in the low 40s to low 60s, low humidity, and autumnlike winds plowing head on into the Stella Bonasera air mass.

SMacked is the severe thunderstorms that occur when the two systems (Mac and Stella) collide. Here lightning, downpours, derechoes, hail the size of basketballs, and tornadoes all occur.

Think about it, SMacked Stormchasers speeding along The Gutter Autobahn to chase the SMacked storm cells occuring as the Mac and Stella fronts collide. The PG-13 police don't care when SMacked T-Storms are detected on Doppler Radar. :devil:
^Lol, I like that! :)

We can have our own little community in the gutter -- and when it floods, there ain't anything the meter police can do about it hahahahaha!

Mo -- oh yeah... I see it. :)

Geez, we're a wee bit slow over here ei?
..juuuuust a bit..!

Thanks for the kids pictures!Smacked children as you have said!..Both are so adorable! :p
axata_ ,nice!!..Nice country to live in!..That's something I haven't seen before so,it's really nice and new!

Cate ,don't let Mo, die! :lol: ;)..Come on,update!
:lol: omg the pictures are amazing... and funny ;)

ate cate... whens the next update? :lol: its killing me...
Cate ,don't let Mo, die! ..Come on,update!
Lol, thanks Ath! Yay Cate updated!! Yay, yay, yay, triple yay! :lol: I know I reviewed on, but I gotta say this chapter was fabulous hon! Dylan is SOOOO cute! Gah I want to cuddle him forever! :D
I'm gonna go see if I can find a "pic" of him...
**Mo skips off to find a cute "Dylan" for Cate!**
OMG!!! Cate you updated!!! *dances* I must confess I was kinda anxious *bites nails*, well let's do my job before reading ;)

SMACked Quote Of The Week (SQOTW)
Talking about finishing each other's sentences, here we have 2 examples, in the same episode!!! :lol:

Stella: Divide and conquer?
Mac: *nods*
Stella: I'll start with...
Mac: ... Missing Persons
Stella: I could have just as easily said the sheet.

Stella: Gentlemen, you can continue your "promoting" anywhere, but this suite...
Mac: ... is ours now.

Both quotes from 1x19 Crime and Misdemeanor :D

Oh guys and guess what??? Stella is taller than Peyton!!! :p ... Ok, that's not important but I didn't know it :p I thought they were the same height *shrugs* (nothing against short people, I'm shorter than them both :lol:)

SMACked Pic Of The Week (SPOTW)
and talking about SMACked kiddos... here we have one of their oldest ones :lol: :lol: ... from 3x01 People With Money

::stops nibbling on Mac's ear::

What? Uh, yeah. right.

Thanks for that pic, Reine! Mac was absolutely sexcitable in that scene.

And yeah, S1 was practically teeming with sMack goodness. Ahhh. Last night, American Dreamers was on a local channel. I just love their exchange on top of the bus. Hee. And that last scene! *sigh* Sometimes I miss Mac's ties.
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