Mac/Stella #7- "Can't Put Out This Flame!"

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I second that! When I saw Mac perform that magic trick where he turned that white piece of napkin or candy wrapping into a rose and handed it to Stella who twirled it in her hand, I knew I was going to get SMacked hard-core.

As for the 'magic lips and onto making out and :devil: :eek:', I thought the same thing had it not been for Danny being present.
Don't get me wrong, I so love Danny too but lol.... he's like a little boy sometimes like Dylan. *hides from Mel because she wants me to update now* Hahahahahaha!
Glad you liked the pic and quote :p

Danny = Dylan??? :lol: :lol: yeah I think you're right :lol:

Oh, guys your theories about the magic trick are making me laugh :lol: excellent!!! :lol: Mo the magic lips sound very hot :eek: :devil:

I thought about magic lips, hands and... words :devil: ;)
Mo best scene ever :D magic macky and his assistant stel :p

CW love the SPOTW and SQOTW... wheres that scene? i never saw that canolli love :lol: and i LOVE your banner *tackles for it*

danny as dylan O_O omg thats so cute :p ate Cate, speaking of... update!! :lol:
Unfortunately, that cannoli shot was never shown.

Mac's Magic Fingers eh? Heh heh heh.

I think it'd be cool if both of them disappeared inside a cabinet and went somewhere else together, alone ;)
he's like a little boy sometimes like Dylan. *hides from Mel because she wants me to update now* Hahahahahaha!
Cate hon she's not the only one! ;) I'm all for an update! You can't leave us hanging where we were last! :D

Mo the magic lips sound very hot
Lol, I know huh Reine be still my racing heart...Mac's lips...ohhhhh yeah baby! ;)

Mo best scene ever magic macky and his assistant stel
Lol, thanks MJ0! That totally makes me picture Mac in a suit and cape and Stel in a hot "assistant" outfit! :lol: One Mac wouldn't be able to take his eyes off her in! :D

Mac's Magic Fingers eh? Heh heh heh.
And I'm in the gutter again...Oh lord, hello Smacked Gutter!! :devil: Lol! :lol:
Magic Fingers.... lol... I can think of other parts of Mac that are magic. Buuuut, I've had enough gutterville traffic violations just by thinking about it.

Where's that cannoli shot from? It earned a place as my wallpaper lol. And speaking of which -- my cousin called me up from out of the blue just to tell me this:

Cousin: Cate, you watched CSI:NY season 1?
Me: Duh!
Cousin: Okay, okay. Is it just me ... or do you also find it funny that Mac Taylor uses an iMac? *crackles*

... frankly, I haven't thought of that hahahaha....

And oh, sorry if this portion is OT but I just want to share:
SCUBA trip + pics

Back to topic and well.... I give in:
More Dylan....
The less I have to wait for my ships the happier I am!
:lol: Well said, Mo! I feel the exact same! :lol:
Lol, mom and dad with their youngest son, now that's funny! I love Danny but yeah I can kinda get that pic sometimes!
Me too... and CalleighWolfe had an icon of Lindsay as their daughter and with Mac and Stella as her parents! So I totally see that. :lol: Especially when Lindsay does little experiments and shows them off to Mac and Stella and Stella once mentioned that: "I love it when she does this." :lol: What a beautiful family!
Yeah, early season3, when Lindsey has a hunch, Mac and Stella would gang up on her and remind her not to jump into conclusions and 'educate' her as if she's still the new girl (although I still feel she is, but that's another thread).

And Danny.... lol, how can you not love his little child-like / childish antics? I love it when he's in a scene with Mac. Then Mac would stay serious even if Danny's blabbering away.
I think Danny would be Mac's song and Lindsay would be Stella's daughter so that D/L can be together :lol: :lol: :D and well I think that now Lindsay trust Stella more and Danny the same with Mac :D

kissmesweet said: Me too... and CalleighWolfe had an icon of Lindsay as their daughter and with Mac and Stella as her parents! So I totally see that. Especially when Lindsay does little experiments and shows them off to Mac and Stella and Stella once mentioned that: "I love it when she does this." What a beautiful family!
I love the little experiments too, or when she looks for Mac and Stella: "Mac, Stella there you are, I found..." or when they come to check what she did, TOGETHER, like in "Bad Beat" when she's talking about the 911 calls and they enter and ask some things about that :lol: :lol:

I see that you guys like the family theory *takes notes of that :p*, now you can help me with something??? :D Do you know a song that can be Smacked but talks about family too :p??? now I have an idea... :devil:

chaostheory said: Cousin: Cate, you watched CSI:NY season 1?
Me: Duh!
Cousin: Okay, okay. Is it just me ... or do you also find it funny that Mac Taylor uses an iMac? *crackles*

... frankly, I haven't thought of that hahahaha....
:lol: I haven't thought about that either :lol: although I have this experience: you know computers need two adresses to "go" to Internet: a logical one (IP address) and a physical one (MAC address) :D so everytime I'm studying and it says something about MAC addresses I start smiling like an idiot :lol:

Cate I loved the update of your fic ;) now I want more :( but I know you said you'd update twice a week :D so next one it's on Friday??? *crosses fingers* Loved the "Maconals" idea :lol:

You're using the pic as a wallpaper??? Excellent!!! That makes me feel happier :D :D :D I'm glad the pics I post are useful :lol: That cannoli shot should be from Corporate Warriors but the scene isn't in that episode :(, that's why I asked if it's on dvd or something :p

So the magic fingers will appear in any chapter of your fic??? Like Mo suggested??? :devil: :eek:
Lol, thanks MJ0! That totally makes me picture Mac in a suit and cape and Stel in a hot "assistant" outfit! One Mac wouldn't be able to take his eyes off her in!
I know but how'll Magic Mac perform if he can't take his eyes off his lovely assistant :lol:

Magic Fingers.... lol... I can think of other parts of Mac that are magic. Buuuut, I've had enough gutterville traffic violations just by thinking about it.
well, you just made me splash in the gutter again ate cate... :p

CW that scene is not on the s2 dvds... Im sure... I never saw that scene..bah... another one of those too much scenes to be shown on tv... :( sad... looks like a fluffy scene to me... im having thoughts of them after shift eating... and er... eating :lol: :devil: *runs away from meter*
Hey all
I love the cannoli picture its really a nice picture of them together. Also the quote is sweet that he cares for her and Magic fingers you guys send me to the smacked gutter with this :D oh btw i know this belongs in the wallpaper thread but I thought i'd share this with you.

I love your banner CW
MJ btw if you still wanna do the fic im ready!!
Have you ever noticed that mac and stella finish wach others sentences? am i the only one?
Buuuut, I've had enough gutterville traffic violations just by thinking about it.
Cate! :eek: :lol: *Mo trips over her feet before even fully stepping into the thread and falls head over heels into the gutter!* :devil: Lol, I think we're gonna get whacked just for thinking that! ;) But still...nice! :lol:

Off to read your update! :D

I know but how'll Magic Mac perform if he can't take his eyes off his lovely assistant

Okay all I read there was "Mac" and "perform" and I was gone...Gutter here I come, again, wow I'm bad this evening! :devil: I can't even help it! And I'm sure he'll "perform" just fine! :lol: :devil:

Have you ever noticed that mac and stella finish wach others sentences? am i the only one?

Yup I totally notice that too! I love it, it's just another example of how truly in sync they really are! It's great! Oh and I LOVE your banner and icon...those are gorgeous...Smacked goodness...ahhhh Love! :D
Have you ever noticed that mac and stella finish wach others sentences? am i the only one?
You're definitely not the only one. They're not only friends, they're best friends and each others' confidantes. They know what each other are thinking even before they say anything!!
Reine -- I won't be hearing the last of "Maconals", would I? Hahahaha.... I loved Dylan in that chapter. If only he were real.

Mo -- *gutter parking meter runs out* Mac + perform + magic body parts = *hears the sirens of PG13 police* hahahahahah.... ahem... so what did you think of the update? *the police passes me by lol*

Stella and Mac do finish each other's sentences. Great minds think alike... uh-oh .... *why does that sound guttery to me?*
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