Mac/Stella #7- "Can't Put Out This Flame!"

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^Psh, yeah. *sigh* Hell's breaking loose over at some of the NY board threads. Lol....

Thanks, I've seen them and thank Mother Abagail for SMACked. Hahahahha!
OMG!... ran ,thanks soo much for the vid! :D*hugs you!*..I haven't seen the episode yet and it was the scene you were all talking about and really wanted to see!!..Thanks again :D!..

Cate --->as always,nice chapter! ;)update soon..

The scene was cute..Who knows what would have happened if Danny wasn't there! :lol:..From the little I've seen she was more,..relaxed than the last episode!..Is that true or not? :confused:
Awww. That whole "rose" thing was so cute. Damn Danny for being an asungot (third wheel, or something like that).

ETA: I've got something better than caps! Go to my LJ (just lookie my profile)
nice.. Danny is an asungot eh? :lol: and omg, love you for posting it (the vid I mean)! woot!

cathstokes :lol: we all do :p

I was thinking, "Come on... You know you want to. Just do it Mac... Peyton isn't around." I wonder what she would think if she saw that.
here here~!!!

Oh and I saw the scene Did you guys see Danny's face while Mac was doing the trick?? it was like WTF??? and then when he gave it to Stella, his face was like double WTF??? . And Stella was like o_O
girl, you made me laugh like heck... :lol:

ate cate-thanks for the translation... it confuses me sometimes to think of the tagalog word for it :p and about DL, I think sila na... though I don't really mind... :D wonder how theyll work it out...and hey, *pouts* i wait for your fics too, why Reine gets the link...*pouts again* :p
Sorry, guys! I haven't been around in ages on this thread! I've got a cute little pressie though. Someone I know on thefashionspot requested it:

Sorry... that it seems like they're going backwards, then forwards again!! I got mixed up with the slides! :( :lol: Still hope you guys enjoy it!
Welcome back :D. I *love* your little pressie heh. The one thing about this ship is that you'll always support it, no matter what. Believe me, there's no way of getting out :lol:.

Hmm, I wonder what would've happened if Danny wasn't in the room with them. Perhaps Mac would've done another magic trick, only this time it would be a disappearing(sp) act. Yep, Mac & Stella's clothes would dissappear :devil:. All Mac needs is his magic hands and...

*runs away from the pg-13 meter*
Awww I like it Delia...that's a nice present! ;) Just one of several cute Smacked scenes in the eppy...the Smacked scenes were smaller and more subtle but still totally prove how much in love they are...the rose scene was totally cute, loved that one...but I think I liked their "brainstorming" scene in Mac's office best...there's just something SO sexy about when these two put their heads together like that! :D
^^ haha, yep. That was adorable! :) My friend franchaise* requested it and I was like grinning from ear to ear when I finished it! GO, SMACKED!!
Believe me, there's no way of getting out .
Agreed. I'm a Flack/Stella shipper as well... I'm quite the multi-shipper... but when I'll ALWAYS be a Smacked shipper as well!
I'm way late but did like the rose scene. *giggle* Lynn around? She better be lol *looks at Cate* go update again, I want more lol *Cries over the hiatus*
Cute presents Delia :)

Yeah Mel I loved that scene *sighs* they are :D

SMACked Quote Of The Week (SQOTW)
Stella: Just telling you makes me feel a lot better, okay?
Mac: Okay, I'll call you. 3x08 Consequences

SMACked Pic Of The Week (SPOTW)
from 2x04 Corporate Warriors (original pic from Modern Day Gallery :D)... The Cannoli Love :lol: :lol:

About the pic: this scene didn't appear in the episode, did it appear in season 2 dvds? as an extra scene or something??? :confused:

kissme-love your work! ;)

mel- i know... hiatus is torture!

ff writers...updates please :D btw, ff alerts are not working again T_T
Reine awwww, I adore that quote...that scene it's from is so sweet! I love how Stell felt better just telling him...that seems to be a pattern for her, tell Mac and suddenly things in life are okay again!

And that pic is totally cute! They look so happy, and SO together! I like it! Thanks hon! :D

Oh hey by the way...the next eppy is in like 2 weeks, so we don't have to wait until April, yay!! D :D
^^ YAY! So... there's only one rerun!! Yay! Thanks for all of the comments guys! Is there any Stella/Mac "action" during the next ep?
Acutally Delia babe let me amend that...I think we have two weeks of reruns and then we get the new eppy...I think, I'm not positive on that...but I know we do not have to wait until April, which totally works for me! The less I have to wait for my ships the happier I am! :lol: What I'm not patient, we knew that! :lol:

More Smacked goodness to come and sooner now than we thought, yay! :D
Waaah, the alerts are f'd up again. :( But thanks for reviewing my fic. It's nearing the very moment. "Yi qi yi hui" - Mandarin Chinese for "that very moment".

So what if Danny wasn't in the room? Hmm, magic hands? I was kinda thinking of magic fingers -- then again.... *catches up with JF* I wonder what Danny was thinking. Lol, and why am I getting the image of a mom and a dad with their youngest son? Hahahahah!
Lol, if Danny hadn't of been in the room I'm picturing magic trick followed by magic lips...pressed gently to Stella's! :D Followed by magic makeout on the desk...followed by...well you know! :devil:

Lol, mom and dad with their youngest son, now that's funny! I love Danny but yeah I can kinda get that pic sometimes! :lol:
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