Mac/Stella #7- "Can't Put Out This Flame!"

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Yay! Got SMACKED!!! Woopiee! I thought it was just full of Danny and Lindsay....hehe...glad to know there's a moment... I'll get to watch the episode tomorrow.

@chaostheory08 : that's really funny! hehe...where peyton can't find them...haha!!!
Loved the red rose scene!!
I realize most people will consider this ep as a Danny/Lindsey shipperfest (and I do like them, too) but SMACKED is my main ship and they have been so sweet together lately.
"Sleight Out Of Hand" is definately a glowing SMacked episode. I would say that when Mac made a rose appear from some sort of 'magic' trick he did in front of Stella and gave it to her, I was like "well....let's hope Peyton didn't see that coming."
woot! I'm not the only one thinking of that eh? :lol:

I was hoping for Peyton to show up! Why is it that everytime I wish she'd show up she doesn't?

kaasar naman eh :lol:( I dunno the english of this word :p)

Love the rose scene *sigh* she was smiling... *pokes stella* she was like... er.. how do you describe it... when she was talking (to him to tell how he did it) it's like a part of her mind is somewhere else... *goes think* I can't explain/point how..*sighs*

ETA: I love the DL stuff too but my SMacked side is wishing it's their turn...
Yeah, her eyes were just sparkling :D...

And about the HIV scare, i could totally picture that: Stella getting her results but being too scared to open the enveloppe, so she asks Mac to do it for her... Is there a good fic writer around here?
Soooo, it seems we got a good Smacked scene yesterday *dances* can't wait to watch it *bites nails*

Well I really don't care about D/L: if they're happy good, and if they aren't good for me too *shrugs*. I felt a little jealous yesterday when Katie told me about the scenes they had, but now I think that mac and Stella can't have the same things 'cause Mac has a g/f :p, Stell is worried about the HIV and the most important reason: they're older :rolleyes:, but still, with Peyton in the middle they're soooo good friends, and they show it, and I feel so happy for that :)

PsyKay said: Is there a good fic writer around here?
Well PsyKay, first, welcome here, have some olive oil and ties :lol: :lol:, and second: are you kidding? :p :lol: :lol: just kidding ;). Sure we have some of the best Smacked writers here :D, for example chaostheory, mj0621, msgirl, etc.. If you go back some pages you can find links to their fics in Fan fiction. NET, at the moment chaos is writing "Since that cold november day", for example ;).
Awww. That whole "rose" thing was so cute. Damn Danny for being an asungot :lol: (third wheel, or something like that).

ETA: I've got something better than caps! ;) Go to my LJ (just lookie my profile)
ETA: I love the DL stuff too but my SMacked side is wishing it's their turn...

*coughs* Your smacked? I have rights in there you know!

I loved the rose thing, it was very cute, and Stella loved it.
As Randy Jackson would say "That was hot dawg!" :lol: Mmmm me thinks Stella is the expert with handcuffs. Sure, she may have to use them for work but the way she quickly identified them as plastic(???) clearly proved that her & Mac have used them for fun :devil:.

The rose bit was absolutely adorable. The way Mac handed it to Stella & the way Stella took it made me squee on the inside. How sweet was that :D. *sigh*

Love it, absolutely love it.
Reine said:
Soooo, it seems we got a good Smacked scene yesterday *dances* can't wait to watch it *bites nails*
Can I just point out that when I told her Mac gave her a rose she thought I was lying? :lol: Sorry, thought it was funny. :p

I found myself squeeing on the inside too, at that scene. So, I guess I really am a Smacked shipper, just not as hard core. ;) I knew he was going to give the rose to Stella. I was thinking, "Come on... You know you want to. Just do it Mac... Peyton isn't around." :devil: :p I wonder what she would think if she saw that. :lol:

Oh, or what she would think if she saw the hug type thing in lasts episode. I was squeeing inside there too and was all hyper and happy to tell Reine. :lol: I need help. :p
sandersidle said:
Reine said:
Soooo, it seems we got a good Smacked scene yesterday *dances* can't wait to watch it *bites nails*
Can I just point out that when I told her Mac gave her a rose she thought I was lying? :lol: Sorry, thought it was funny. :p
:lol: :lol: yeah *blushes* I have to admit it :p, I couldn't believe it, in fact I thought it was Criss Angel who had given her the rose. I was like: OMG more Smacked :O :O *thuds*

And Katie welcome to the thread *hugs*, you girl you make my Wednesdays happier telling me about Smackedness :D. Thanks :)

Oh and I saw the scene ;) Did you guys see Danny's face while Mac was doing the trick?? it was like WTF??? :lol: and then when he gave it to Stella, his face was like double WTF??? :lol:. And Stella was like o_O
Okay I ADORED the eppy last night for obvious reasons *points to her new avie and banner!* but it was also a great Smacked eppy too...the Smacked was a bit more subtle in this eppy, but it was still totally there and totally cute! I adore these two working together...especially when they brainstorm together! They are SO brilliant and when they're together, gah they're geniuses! :D And that little rose scene, so totally cute! I liked that...awwww! Heehee! :lol:
jorja_fan86 said:
As Randy Jackson would say "That was hot dawg!" :lol:


You kno what was hot for me? When Mac rescued that woman in the tank and she was between his legs. Sigh.

I can't believe we have to wait until April for new sMack :(

About that magic trick Mac did, I edited my earlier post ;)
When Mac rescued that woman in the tank and she was between his legs. Sigh.
Okay I don't know if you meant that how I took it...but if you did than that was bad! :devil: And if not...well I took it there! :lol: Can't help it, it was too guttery not to! :devil: :lol:

Yeah I know this whole "hiatus" SUCKS! :p
OMG, are Danny and Lindsey going to kiss? *points to Mo's avvie* Uh..... yeah.... no comment. *sigh* So does that mean, they're on? *to the Filipinos: sila na ba?*

Okay okay... I'm side-tracked.... *breathe*breathe*breathe*

Clips of the rose scene please? And the D/L scene too. *sigh* I'm about to cry.... :( partly because we still don't have NY here and so many school crap to swim through.

mj --it's "bummer" lol.... not exact but you get the point across hahahah....

reine -- speaking of fics:

Whee! I'm going SCUBA diving tomorrow! :) Want pics?
Moriel21 said:
Okay I don't know if you meant that how I took it...but if you did than that was bad! :devil: And if not...well I took it there! :lol: Can't help it, it was too guttery not to! :devil: :lol:

It is what it is :devil:

Hey Cate, check my LJ for that rose-magic-trick :D Though I don't have *all* of your requests (I think you can guess which one, heh)
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