Mac/Stella #7- "Can't Put Out This Flame!"

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I'm thinking the roof of their building :confused:

Mac (or is it House? haha) once went to the rooftop (in the pilot, I think), presumably having really deep thoughts (and where that Gary Sinise super-intense-stare shot in the former change-up was from)

I can't really say. The shot was really tight, 'no?
Lol, Ranma do you mean tight like cool, or tight like close-up? Not that it matters I guess, cuz it was both! It was totally tight (cool!) and yeah it was really close up so it was hard to tell where they were, although when I saw it my first thought was on the roof too!

I don't remember do Mac/Stell work together tonight?
OMG!!! You're right Cate *blushes*

So... I've had the wrong quote in my MSN siggie for a whole week :lol: :lol: phew thanks God I have you guys :D

Yeah Mo they work together :p, you can see the pics to confirm it ;)

Cate what did you decide about your fic?? To post everyday, or every 2 days, or to do a sequel? :confused:
^^They all work the same case tonight.

Just to clarify...Ep. 3x18 is tomorrow night...those spoilers are for Ep. 20 right Modie?
Yeah, those were for ep 20 instead of 18. I'll go back up and change that. I have spoilers for episodes 18, 19, & 20 floating around in my head... :p
^Thanks modie!

Moriel21 said:
Lol, Ranma do you mean tight like cool, or tight like close-up? Not that it matters I guess, cuz it was both! It was totally tight (cool!) and yeah it was really close up so it was hard to tell where they were, although when I saw it my first thought was on the roof too!

I meant "tight" as in close, but yeah, the other one works as well :lol:

Aww, so we're not gonna get any Peyton? In any case, I do hope we get something "personal" between M/S tonight and not just work-related stuff. I'm still waiting to catch a glimpse of Stella knowing about Mac's relationship.
We've had this talk, she's MY modie!

I'm looking forward to Danny/Mac/Peyton fun time again.. Tonight, No Peyton? Crap!.. I really want to see some Smacked though!
Lol, Lynny you getting territorial again! ;) Lol! :lol:
Heehee, Ranma yeah I kinda figured both would work! :D

Okay so I'm already happy about tonight's eppy...totally jazzed would be more accurate actually and if we got a Smacked moment in addition I think I would be able to survive this hiatus without my feet ever touching the ground! :lol: Heehee! Floating on my fluffy cloud! :D
Let me put it in terms: Ra's like me. :D Except I pwn her. :p

and yes, I'm territorial with my Modie.

okay if they don't get anything tonight, to last me through this hiatus, which I hate, cause that means no smacked, no catnip {plus various other things that I obsess over} except I get Macky. {suckers}. I get cranky. Because I need these things, all of my shows are going on hiatus together!
ranma said:
I'm thinking the roof of their building :confused:

Mac (or is it House? haha) once went to the rooftop (in the pilot, I think), presumably having really deep thoughts (and where that Gary Sinise super-intense-stare shot in the former change-up was from)

I can't really say. The shot was really tight, 'no?

To me, it looked like it's in a park somewhere. Sure there were no trees but it had a feeling of an open space. It would be nice though -- the two of them hugging *cough*canoodling*cough* outside their office building... when anybody who knows them can see.... lol

But if it is the rooftop... hmmm, reminds me of Alias. And for the Filipinos: Meteor Garden hahahahahahha! Secret rendezvous.... hahahah....

Reine -- I'll probably update twice a week. I'm currently writing the epilogue so I gotta slow down hahhaha....
if Danny's the last one to know about Mac and Peyton, that would mean stella knows about it but we don't know that stella knows...LOL!!! just wondering if Mac's telling the truth though...about Danny being the last one to know
Lynny yeah totally with you...we need some Smacked this week to last us through the hiatus, although if we don't get something I think I can survive on the lovely Smackedness we got last week...that was pretty dang sweet! But still I want something tonight too! Speaking of...anyone know if we got something? Any Smacked? :D

And Cate yeah hon, I gotta say I think it was the rooftop...somehow had that feel to me...not sure what a rooftop "feels" like exactly, but still it had that feel! :lol: Plus I like the thought of Smacked on the rooftop, alone, under the stars, away from the office, did I mention ALONE! :devil: :lol:
^Oh yes.... alone. Just the two of them. Away from the hustle and bustle of the streets of New York. Under the stars. Cool air around them.

where Peyton can't find them -- lol.

I wonder who is the one who invited the other there.... hahahahaha.

*ducks away to probably update*
*taking a breather from my D/L squeeing*

As fas a Smacked goes, they work well together as always. But there is a moment in the show where mac is doing some sort of magic trick and makes a single red rose appear and he hands it to Stella who is twirling it in her hand while they discuss the case.
"Sleight Out Of Hand" is definately a glowing SMacked episode. I would say that when Mac made a rose appear from some sort of 'magic' trick he did in front of Stella and gave it to her, I was like "well....let's hope Peyton didn't see that coming."
mercy said:
*taking a breather from my D/L squeeing*

As fas a Smacked goes, they work well together as always. But there is a moment in the show where mac is doing some sort of magic trick and makes a single red rose appear and he hands it to Stella who is twirling it in her hand while they discuss the case.

omg. omg! OMG!

Really? Hmm.... so even if Lindsey's back, SMACked is still on full blast.
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