Mac/Stella #7- "Can't Put Out This Flame!"

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Who does she it tell it first to, anyway? Mac or that other person? Coz I've already read why she told the other person but I dunno which part of the ep it is exactly (though I'd hazard a guess that it's about a third into the ep) What about that spoiler (Zuiker interview) where Stella supposedly discovers something significant about her past and AZ said something about her blood being sent to the military? Why was it sent there? Do they get faster results? Whatever the case, I'm thinking Mac had something to do with it ;)
Nice pic Reine !thanks...It's like those jewlerries that are divided..The one piece for Mac,the other one for Stella and in the picture they get it together..Lol :lol: :lol: :rolleyes:..and as you said,Peyton can wait,somewhere far away from SMACked in at least these episodes..I hope Mac will do something,at least as her best friend and not change completely..

At the -near-end of the episode..And what Cate said,can actually happen...She may be avoiding not only Mac,but Hawkes and Flack too..I'd like to see him getting a little angry and frustrated with the fact that she is not talking to him....--I don't know why they send it to the military hospital,but I guess it they do so,more people will know..And I think that the spoiler about her past(which is really interesting)won't be in the next episode..Maybe,end of the season?
Glad you liked the pic and quote guys :D

Mo Thanks for the tylenol :lol: I'm better today ;)

Well we already know (T think :p) that she tells Sid first, then she tells Mac and I think it'll be in the middle of the episode and Mac is gonna be like: Are you crazy??? why didn't you tell me??, blah, blah, blah and she'll try to explain but she feels bad so she just listen to Mac's words. Then at the end of the episode, he'll find her somewhere and comfort her *ssiigghhss* maybe a hug, and she cries a little and says Mac I'm afraid!!! and he says it'll be ok *melts* and I think the secret thing could be for the last episode of the HIV series on May 2 that'd be episode 22 :D so that leaves us 2 episodes for a kiss :p
ackkkkkk could you do more and make it happy? lol j/k Go update ARM.
so I see you read my latest fic... :p Yeah, I'll write something funny... ARM's new chappie coming up. :D

MJ you know its shocking to hear that your writing a SPaM.
you're like the...tenth person who told me that... lol :lol: I was just trying it out with a friend.. o_O it was twisted and funny really... im just relieved that my buddy won't post it on ff... yet... o_O; :p

ate cate yeah I did. its just hard for me to access the internet nowadays...(nagloko compy ko :( ) I'll reply soon...

CW love the pic and fave smacked line ever!

Dangnabit Mac, if you dont recollect this moment(CoTP), I swear some people are gonna hunt you down... :devil: oops...wrong message :p

I want Mac to realize that Stell's VERY important to him... the scene should be (hot) arguement then some lovin'... i hope Peyton sees it.. Oops, i forgot I made peace with the ME already :p
my specs is short cause you guys already said the best ones. :D
Because of last week's incident I definitely think Mac will be more protective of Stella, more then usual. I wonder if he'll confront her for the fact that she didn't tell him right away. I mean, he easily senses that something was bothering Stella so I wouldn't be surprised if he felt hurt or worse, angry. Of course a fight always leads to angry smex for them :devil:.
Hi guys :D

Here's the list updated :p

Mina's List (SMACked episodes)
Season One

2. Creatures of the Night
8. Three Generations Are Enough
9. Officer Blue
10. Night, Mother
11. Tri-Borough
12. Recycling
14. Blood, Sweat & Tears
15. Til' Death Do We Part
16. Hush
18. The Dove Comission
19. Crime and Misdemeanor
22. The Closer
23. What You See Is What You See

Season Two

4. Corporate Warriors
7. Manhattan Manhunt
8. Bad Beat
10. Jamalot
14. Stuck On You
17. Necrophilia Americana
19. Super Men
21. All Access
22. Stealing Home
24. Charge of This Post

Season Three

1. People With Money
5. Oedipus Hex
6. Open & Shut
8. Consequences
10. Sweet 16
13. Obsession
16. Heart Of Glass

I added "Oedipus Hex" when he told her "I appreciate you too, Stella" :p, and "Heart Of Glass" 'cause like you've said guys he noticed something was wrong with her :D
Awww Reine thanks for the list! And I agree with your thoughts for tomorrow...
tells him before the end I could see him being upset she didn't tell him earlier and that causing a bit of an arguement :( but then I think that they will make up before the end of the eppy, I would LOVE for Mac to go to her and hold her and comfort her and tell her he'll take care of her and they'll make it through this together! I would melt! Do it Mac!!!
Can't wait! :D
Thanks for the list!..Always very helpful!.. :)

I really want to see them arguing!..Sure,it will have a happy ending though!..I can see Mac being mad and confused the same time as to why Stella didn't tell him sooner about it..& they better show us something to talk about..[g0od]

It would be unfair if Mac won't be a bit sensitive with the fact..We didn't get something good in All Access,when she had problems..
I was also laughing when Mac took out Peyton's hand on his face when he saw stella coming..LOL!!! eheh...


I like those spoiler tags!
^Hi! Welcome to the sMacked love ;)

::hands out ties and olive oils::

Don't you just love that MSR also stands for them? Heheeh /xf geek

OT: Your username is vaguely familiar, are you a member of PXP? (PinoyXPhiles)

I can't wait to see what Mac's reaction will be! I hope he does react because I solemnly swear that I'll throw tomatoes here at my office PC (where I usually watch it first) if he goes dedma* yet again! :mad:

*no reaction
Yeah Ath I agree...I really wanted to see Mac comfort/be with her in All Access and since we did not get it then (Grrrrr!) I really really think/hope we get it now! Stel's strong, we KNOW that already, now show her letting someone be there for her! She's always there for everyone else...and we won't doubt her strength if she breaks down with Mac and lets him hold her! In fact I think I'd respect her more...not less! So here's hoping we get some good Mac comfort tomorrow! **fingers crossed!** :D
I hope we'll see something good because she deserves it!..I am not sure she'll break down but if that would happen,Mac should really be there for her..She need it..And Mac is the one that can be there for her,in this and he should be..And it's what best friends do in hard times.And we know that Mac is her best friend too ;)..

The thing is,if Mac want's to help her,will she let him?Is she ready to open up,even after all this time and especially in this case?
I DO hope Mac doesn't *deadma ( :p) what happened to Stel... she needs him more than ever (of course, including All Access...). If tptb are consistent, they'd show a long SMacked (friendship) scene... after all, from the very first episode, they showed a deep relationship between the two.

btw, i wrote a SPaM fic but I cant post the link here because of the rating. just look at my prof link. The title is 'I'm Dreaming of You Two"
Ath yeah I agree, Mac is her best friend and as such he really should be there for her! And I really hope she would let him do that for her...I think it'd be nice to see Mac push her a little, not let her push him away but keep pushing her until she breaks down and lets him comfort her...cuz I could see it coming to that before she'll let him in...but I think it should happen! :D

And yeah Mj0 Smacked's friendship has been around since the beginning (their LOVE! ;) ) so I think it would be really bad of the PTB to drop that now when Stel needs it the most!

I read your ficcie! :D Totally cracked me was great! :lol:

ETA: Anybody know if we got/get some good Smacked tonight? Or not? I need to know if it's worth staying up for or not! ;) :D
ranma said:
^Hi! Welcome to the sMacked love ;)

::hands out ties and olive oils::

Don't you just love that MSR also stands for them? Heheeh /xf geek

OT: Your username is vaguely familiar, are you a member of PXP? (PinoyXPhiles)

I can't wait to see what Mac's reaction will be! I hope he does react because I solemnly swear that I'll throw tomatoes here at my office PC (where I usually watch it first) if he goes dedma* yet again! :mad:

*no reaction

Yes! I am a member of PXP! hehe...MSR mulder & scully now it's Mac Stella! ehhe...This is so cool! :) thanks for the welcome!
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