Mac/Stella #7- "Can't Put Out This Flame!"

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my sweet smacked thread, how I love thee?

Well I didn't think she'd tell him that soon, but the HUG was totally worth it!
Holy crap! There were tons of great SMACked moments. Mac actually spoke Greek to Stella, reminding her of a word she taught him & she spoke Greek back. Then they talked in his office & he reassured her, especially when she was worried about Sid. However, the best moment was the hug in the beginning. The way she leaned onto him & the way he held her made my fluffy heart skip a beat. Sooooo sweet!

*sigh* TPTB really love us :D.
YAY!!!!! YAY!!! And double YAY!! A Smacked hug? I'm SOOO watching the eppy tonight! Gah that makes me SOOO happy! And he speaks Greek to her? Gah, could it get any better for Smacked? Wohoo! Heehee! :D :D
:D :D :D
Man, I can't wait to see the ep! I want the caps! Now! :(

OT: mulder8scully, I'm a PXPer myself which means we've probably chatted (or even met!) once, hahaha. And a friendly reminder (before the mods do it), double-posting is frowned upon so it's better if you just go back and edit your post. I think you have something like 24 hours to edit ;)
*me jumping off my seat upon reading JF's spoiler*

Really? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! I hate this.... we're too friggin' far behind and my comp's too slow and I'm too SMACked deprived and and.... waaaaaaah! *comfort me please?*

*sniff* anyway, here's something for you all:

My heart's aflutterin' as I read that spoiler box. We've been lacking those SMACked hugs for a while now. So I guess I won't be making that SMACked fic with Mac speaking Greek nemore.
Okay this was a GREAT Smacked eppy! Smacked opened it, I mean it started and there they were...talking and then Mac spoke Greek to her and then hugged her...and yeah I SO want caps of that moment...her face pressed into his was SO sweet! Gotta find clips of that! And then they kept meeting up and talking...I just loved it over all for Smacked...yay! This ship is SO alive! :D
Tonight's ep...
Wait for it.... AIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! OMG! It's a good thing there's no one here in our booth right now as I think I squeed really, really loud. I haven't finished the ep yet. Took me five minutes to watch the first minute alone, hahaha. I love how Stella mashes her face into Mac's. It was so sweet! I would've probably died if Mac moved his face a little bit to the right :lol:

I'll edit this when I'm more coherent. I'll post caps later. I can't capture them on WM. Argh.
Why use a spoiler code?but..
...Greek???A hug???..Hopefully I'll watch the episode tomorrow!..I'll let me be even more excited about this episode now,that I know is a SMACked one,and a good one!!.....And did Stella's results came back negative?

thanks Ran! I really want to see some caps! :)
I've been an inactive M/S shipper for a while now, but the last episode made me want to peek my head in here. I come baring gifts too, I did somebody ask for caps?

Sad Stella:


Worried Mac:


Lovely hug!:

:D Aww, that was one of the cutest scenes ever. He really cheered her up too. First, look at her little smile after he spoke in Greek to her, and then look at this. Her clenchy-face frown thing turned into a little smile too. That rocked! :D

As for the question about Stella's tests. I believe she said her blood test came back negative, but she's still in the 'at risk' window, and won't now for sure whether she has HIV or not for another ten weeks. So, lots more time for comfort from Mac between now and then. ;)
OMG!!Thanks Ali for the caps and the info!..
This episode is so already added in the SMACked episode list! ;)..
In season1 we get a kiss!..Now,in season3 we get a hug!!..Way to go my writers!!..They are the best when they do something like that!.. :lol:

In the caps Stella looks sad :(..I hope things will be better!!>..And it's fantastic that Stella is OK from what she knows until know! :)
Thanks Ali!

Here's a couple more:

I think we capped the exact same shot :lol:

I'd like to upload more but I'm on dial-up here at home. Maybe tomorrow, if the caps still aren't up.

Ahhhh, I know I'll sleep with a smile on my face tonight. Hee.
Yay pics!! Awwww that whole first scene was SO sweet! I said that last night already but seeing the pics again this morning just brings it all back...that was a great great couple minutes or our ship right there! And in that second cap of yours Ranma it SO looks like Mac was turning his head to kiss her! :D If only! ;) But still...yay for great Smacked...and Mac saying "I'm here for you, you know that right?" and then the hug! it! :D
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