Mac/Stella #7- "Can't Put Out This Flame!"

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MacsGirlMel said:
Sorry it should be

I hope you're doing better, Chaos :)

*agrees with your spoiler box*

Oh yeah.... fun forums. Quite a SMACky world in there huh. Lol...

:( I feel so left out. Am I the only one 'round here who has not seen ep9 to what they are showing? :( Waaaaah!!!!

If Danny's the last one to figure it out (duh, like in almost ALL the fics hahahah), so Stella knows? When? How? Or maybe.... she doesn't yet. If that's the case, I can think of tons of ways she can find out now that Danny knows. But if she does know, poor Stella. First, sort of losing the possibility with Mac then the HIV scare. Of course, she would feel slightly betrayed by Mac because it took him that long to tell her -- as if he didn't trust her enough to tell her. (A/N: Stella honey, he loves you THAT MUCH that he doesn't want to hurt you.) So maybe she'll begin to distance herself from him... but the pressures are so strong that she falls back to him...

Something to make me feel better:
And mj, I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thought that about Stella (in her first scene). Also, I found it rather intriguing that...

ranma you're definitely not imagining things... (it's either this or I need my glasses and hearing aids...i pick this one :p) I totally sensed stella's unlikely mood/reaction(what's missing anyway). You think she's been like this since she knew?! she's not herself in the eppie (before the "incident") so i'm guessing that stella's not too happy... I waited Stella to comment but none came... *sniff* and Mac definetly sensed her worries twice (and i said this twice already :lol: ) so I think he'd react when...
she'll tell her... and I'm guessing that this will be another "obstacle" for peyton and mac since we all know how protective mac gets... and stella's a woman so im thinking she might be worried about losing mac...again... to stel.

theres an article about CSI:NY on TV guide? or just the sched thing?

about peyton/claire forlani: I just learned to like her... I added her to my "i dont mind ships" list with Fiesta/FlackStella. I even started to be interested in watching some of her movies... meet joe black and nora robert's carolina moon she's okay I guess... but of course, SMacked is my OTP...

o_O; I tried writing SPaM with a friend and it's... kinda... new for me... but it was twisted and funny... :lol: -here's a fic I wrote yesterday... it's pure angst... and it has no spoilers but it has a lot of shippy hints...(a lot of shippies)

ate cate, I'll email you and I'll review your fic later :D
ackkkkkk could you do more and make it happy? lol j/k Go update ARM.

She should just tell him she loves him and let him tell Claire bye bye hehe. Maybe she needs to knock some sense into him.
HI, Im new to Shipper Central cause Im always posting in CSI NY, Anyways I hope Stella doesnt have HIV and I would so want if Mac would hug her or something.
*kills Peyton so Stella can have Mac*
I love Smacked.
mj -- yeah, I'll reply. I have some ideas to start too :)

I watched Ms. Forlani in Meet Joe Black and well.... I don't mind her at all. I like her more in that movie than as Peyton. Idk.

Hahaha, it's tricky to write SPaM. I can't write a full-blown catfight without bursting out laughing so I can't have these two ladies up at each other's throats. Hahaha, let's put the pressure on Mac!

This is off-topic but: Kung Hei Fat Choi! Xing Nian Kuai Le! Happy Chinese New Year :) lol
Peyton's cute. :D

MJ you know its shocking to hear that your writing a SPaM.

Wait, did Mo just say she was writing a fic? She owes me a dangit fic!

I still can't believe their wanting our opinions about Stella, and I do hope she does talk to Mac eventually.
Lynny I blame any compassion/affection I feel for Peyton on you, you know that right?! :p :lol:

I finally finished this last eppy yesterday and I liked it! Poor Stel at the end there...gah I so wanted Mac to chase after her and hold her!! I did like how he could tell the whole time that something was up with her. And did anyone else notice how everytime Stel stood still she was holding her cut arm with the other one...unconsciously clutching it.

Yeah Lynny I wrote a fluffy D/L fic...I'm pretty proud of it! You should read it...although I warn you it's very fluffy! :D

Can't wait until this next eppy...I'm excited to see how they develop this story with Stella...I just really really hope they do not leave it on a cliffhanger for us! :p And I really hope they weave Mac into and not make it another Stel's a strong woman who can get thru this alone. Cuz we know she is, but it never hurts to have support and comfort either! Come On!!
I take full blame, I likes her :D

I think she was mostly afraid of what would happen if she didn't. I dunno. I never been in that position so I'm not sure if I'd react the same way or do something different.

Yeah, we know she's a strong chick, but even she needs someone.
Yeah I know you do! Read my PM you'll appreciate! ;)

Yeah I think it was her unconsciously being afraid of what had happened or not allowing herself to forget it had happened maybe....

Yeah she does need someone dang it! She's strong, but part of being strong is knowing when it's okay to lean on someone else!
Hi guys :D

Yeah I noticed the arm thing, I was like: hey Mac why don't you roll her sleeve so you can see what's wrong, but nothing happened :(

And... here they are :D

SMACked Quote Of The Week (SQOTW)
Mac: I'm glad you stayed.
Stella: Mac, that's what we do. We take care of each other. 2x24 Charge of this post

Mac dear, I really hope you remember this quote in the future episodes ;) help Stella!!!! comfort her!!!! please!!! she needs you!!! Peyton can wait!!! :p

Stella in spanish is "Estela", btw :p and it means something like trail or slipstream :D :lol:

SMACked Pic Of The Week (SPOTW)
from 2x15 Fare Game ;)

Man, looks like a pic to do a manip too, muahahaha :devil:, maybe tomorrow when I don't have this headache :(. Loves Mac's shirt in the pic, btw :D

Awww Reine first...*Mo passes Reine some Tylenol and water!* and second now honey, love the SQAPOTD...those were great! I adore that quote...that is SO true of Smacked...that IS what they do, they take care of eachother...and yeah remember that Mac, dang it! Your love needs you now, so take care of her! :D And yeah that pic is great...they are so beautiful! :D
Okay where is everyone? Smacked buddies...Yoohoo...yohooo?! Where'd you go, I miss you so... :lol:
We know Stel tells Mac about her cut and HIV possibility this when do you think she tells him, at the end? And how do you think she does it...I'm hoping for crying into his arms while he comforts her...hey a girl can dream! ;)
Aw... Reine -- the pic is muy bien! It looks like Mac and Stella are in a bet, which straw (in that case, piece of balloon) is longer or something like that hahahhaah.....

This is my version of the next episode..... ;;OUTLINE;; It starts out, Stella's avoiding Mac -- as if she doesn't want to be in the same room (alone or otherwise) with him because she knows that he'll feel that something's up with her. He always does. So, they work on with the cases blah blah blah -- until Mac catches Stella alone and she's terrified and finally she tells him.... at the end of the episode -- after the cases and after all the issues of the other characters are pushed to the side. The end of the episodes are always SMACked time.

mj -- got my pm on
Cate hiya! Yeah I totally agree with your thoughts for this next eppy...that's actually pretty much what I was thinking would happen too! ;) Or at least what I'm hoping will happen...we need us some good Smacked at the end there! :D
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