Mac/Stella #7- "Can't Put Out This Flame!"

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So, did we get any sMacked tonight :confused:

that Flack knows about M/P, and now Danny, too! (btw, I found myself LOL when I saw that clip where he made the grandchildren comment to Peyton) What about Stella? Did we get any hint if she knew about them? In any case, I think that if the two boys know about it, I'm betting that she does as well already. I suppose that now we can only just imagine how it went down. Argh!
*slips out of lurking*
In tonight's ep when Danny figures it out (after he closes his mouth, man that look was priceless) he asks Mac "Am I the last one to find out about this" Mac says "I guess so" Danny asks "Does Flack know" Mac replies affirmatively. (this is just approximate wordage, I don't remember the convo verbatim) ETA: Oh, and Mac could totally tell that something was wrong with Stella almost as soon as it happened. You could just see it in his facial expressions. Usually Mac keeps things in, but you can really read his concern for her. At the end of the ep I was yelling "Follow her!"
*resumes lurking*
No Smex?! Gah poor Smacked! And of course Mac should and knowing him will, abstain for her! He wubs her dang it! He wubs her which is why like Mercy said he totally noticed something was wrong right off...haven't actually seen the eppy yet, but that definitely sounds like Mac to me! ;)
Thanks a bunch, mercy! I still have quite a while before I see the whole ep.

As for Mac showing his concern, I really hope he would this time! Since Mac is, dare I say it?...actually a bit open now.
*enters while muttering obscenities in her wake*

ok i'm gonna start ranting like heck now... :p

Well, i was smiling when danny knew...(dang it, why is there no confirmation that stella knows? i mean flack and danny knows so yeah, i agree, stella already knows-i hope i was wondering why she NEVER mentioned it before then...) and the way he kidded peyton :lol: ok, here comes the ranting... first...WHY stella.... AGAIN!? *sobs hyterically* she's still dealing with the Frankie thing and now another bombshell? i just cant see her sad anymore :( ok, is it me or when mac first entered the crime scene with stella, stella's voice sounded sad?! it's that or im losing my hearing... i mean i rewatched it again and thats what i think... and... mac definetly noticed...TWICE. first when they were with Adam and the glasses and the ending scene... :p i was screaming FOLLOW HER dang it... she needs you NOW! she left three men who saw her in that state... wonder what'll happen... lastly, i wish stella's clean...*sniffs*

i saw the aids site (thanks for the link) and i noticed four (or more) posts saying that mac should/would dump peyton because he'll realise that he cares for stella and he doesnt want to lose someone he cares about again... don't hit me, i only read that. i swear! that kinda made me smile a bit... *sighs*

oh well, done ranting at the moment...
*walks away preparing to write an angst fic*
Hey.The little Smacked interview thingy my little shipper heart totally overeacted to has finally appeared on youtube :D its worth checking out-especially with all the spoilers i just read :eek:
I don't think i'm allowed to link so i favourited it,so you can find it through my account if you want-Larssonsgirl1989.
-I also just put my first Smacked vid up this afternoon too!
ooh what spoilers? can you link me? *pleading eyes*

I enjoyed reading the forum too...should be interesting to see their comments as we go.

ROFL Someone at Sinise Mania on Yahoo referred to Payless as the barracuda *snicker*

I wanted to bop Stella and tell her "go tell Mac you dope" but it's kinda IC for her not to...or to tell anyone for that matter. She wouldn't want pity and there's probably also a bit of denial and fear involved.
Not sure if anyone has posted this yet, but...
Okay so I was looking on and it was talking about next weeks ep and went on about the cases, blah, blah, blah, and then says this "Also, Stella tells Mac that she was exposed to HIV when she got cut at a crime scene." I can't wait to see how this plays out if it is a big enough deal for a mention!
^^Thank you so much summer89! I needed that after the dose of M/P last night :p Gary looked absolutely drool-worthy in that clip. So very sexy.

And mj, I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thought that about Stella (in her first scene). Also, I found it rather intriguing that...

Stella didn't tease Mac about his showing up on his night off, especially since we just saw Danny and Flack doing it (and consequently, the thing about him and Peyote being out)

What do you think? I'm imagining things again? Haha.
Well I don't know but I think Stella knows about Peyton and Mac, 'cause he said Danny was the last one who knew about it :lol:, but I think she's different with him now :( 'cause when he arrived to the scene (before she cuts) she was like ignoring him, I don't know, I can imagine the same situation in s1 and it'd be different. And well she'd told him inmediately about her cut if that'd been in s1 :(

Well we already know that she tells Sid and Mac about her cut and the HIV etc. I only hope that he doesn't get angry at her for not telling him or something, I know that's unlikely that he gets mad but I don't know I'm kinda disappointed :(, maybe it's just that I don't like his relationship with Peyton, although she's a good girl and everything but I can't help it, I can't like her :( and at the moment I really hope that Stella's with Hawkes (or whoever) already so she can have someone by her side during this situation.
My problem with Peyton (other than the obvious getting in the way of SMacked) is I have a hard time taking her character seriously, due to Claire Forlani. She is a good actress, this is in no way a flame to her, but back in the day she starred in the movie "Mall Rats" alongside Jay & Silent Bob. (Okay, I'm aging myself now.) Any how, everytime she appears on screen in NY, the image of Jay & Silent Bob wanders into my head and my subconcious tries to picture their characters in a room with Mac and my mind just goes blank. *blinks* O-okay, now back to your regularly scheduled programming...

*runs back to the D/L thread to stop buggin' y'all*
^ Well what can I say? she's the star of one of my favorite movies "Meet Joe Black" and I just realized about it like a month ago :lol: :lol:

Maybe there's something good in last episode: Mac looked worried about Stella while they were with Adam (?) looking at the evidence, at least he was curious :( man I really wanted him to follow her at the end of the episode. Maybe we could see some flashbacks next week *crosses fingers*. But w/e happens he won't be with her all the time 'cause he's busy with Peyton :(
Okay, so maybe I'm not gone just yet...

The only time I yell at the television is during this show, and I certainly was yelling at Mac to follow her! Since during the ep they told her it would take time for the test results hopefully they build on this with their personal relationships. Mac needs another awakening!

Yeah, Claire was great in Meet Joe Black. Gawd she got to make out with Brad Pitt while filming a love scene (before he got weird) :lol:
Hi shippy buddies...(Mer I thinking I'm following you tonight! ;) ) Anyway, I've seen half this eppy, gonna watch the other half asap...but so far...I've got a few comments...first Mac looks DANG HOT in his off-duty! And second I knew the HIV thing was coming but I was still just as shocked as Stel when Sid said that. The look on her face made me want to cry, it was a cross between sobbing and wanting to puke and I felt so bad for her! Gah, poor Stella! Man! I can't wait to see the rest of the eppy and see what happens...that's for sure. I did like that Mac left Peyton to go to Stel and her crime scene, it's a little detail, but still! ;)

I'm glad tvguide made a point of saying Stel tells Mac about her cut, that to me says it will be a big deal which opens up more possibilities for Smacked shippyness! I really really hope Mac is kind and comforting to her, he should be dang it! He loves her, and now is when she really needs him!

Okay I'm write a fluffy fic and get myself in a good mood again! :D
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