Mac/Stella #7- "Can't Put Out This Flame!"

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Thanks Rhonda :D I'll read :)

Well I don't think she'll find a b/f while she's not sure about the HIV, I think she already has it, and maybe we'll know who he is while she's waiting for the results :D. Well if they haven't dropped the idea of giving her a b/f this season :)
Hi all, how are my lovely Smackers? :lol:
Thanks for confirming Sid is NOT Stel's new bf, Modie...that'd be way too weird! :p Lol! And I gotta say I'm going with Lynny on them leaving the fate of Stel being HIV free or not to a seems like what they'd do....sad day on that! I'm still thinking the new bf is Mac and it'll just be "new" cuz it'll be a surprise to us...although let's be honest, we all KNOW it's inevitable! :D
mj -- alright, I'll start. Maybe with an outline first and then lets get the ball rolling.

Lol, it would be weird if it is indeed Sid. What is it with CSIs and their MEs? Hahahahah.... anyway, I think even a year after the Frankie incident, I doubt Stella's up for any kind of romantic relationship (unless of course it's Mac lol). Plus this HIV scare and all that... she's got a lot of things going on for her -- and in true CSI:NY writers' style... with no coherence. Lol...
Stella and Sid would definitely be weird as you've already said!..funny,but weird...With Frankie and the fact that she won't know if she has HIV or not[which she better not has because I don't know what is gonna happen :mad: :p]she may be scared to look or agree to a new boyfriend.Even if she is heaelthy it will definitely be something that will make her think after all..

After all these,they better leave her away from bad things and let her be happy at least...and with Mac! ;)
ate cate- ok :D im already looking forward to it. (can you believe Im squeeing right now? lol :lol:)

i thought i was the only one that found it weird... :lol: no offense to sid of course :p anway, i guess you guys are right.. ok ill try to arrange my mind to NOT think of shippy thingys for stella (except for mac :D ) ...yeah, i hope stella's gonna be fine... :( im kinda worried for her... dang, why her? why her AGAIN? *sniffs* and to think that she was moving on from what happened to her before... i wanna give her a big hug.... *hugs stella and drags mac with us* ah... :D couldnt resist it :p

Edited to add: Semper Fidelis by remote control has been updated.. :p i had to say that... its awesome :p
Just wanted to pop in and say I can't wait for our eppy tomorrow night! I am really really hoping it's good and there's some good Smacked moments in there...I swear I have the worst memory ever, but do Smacked work together that we know of yet? Wait I remember they do! Yay! Okay sorry, brain bubble for a sec yeah, can't wait to see our eppy!

Off to work for me! Peace out! ;)
I can't wait either but I'm gonna be sad too. Man, Smacked must be SNOWED IN now!!! I hope they find lots of ways to keep warm <ggl> Espeically with valentine's day coming up.
Yeah Mo they work together, you can see the pics if you want :lol:. And talking about the number of months Stella has to wait to know if she has HIV or not: well Rhonda said it was between 3 months and a year, but if Leo and Sienna bodies could float inmdiately in "Free Fall" in CSI Miami (that could happen but not all the time, as far as I know :p) Stella could know the truth in 3 weeks :p (I'm kidding)
^I thought it was 6mos to a year. Oh well... hahahah...

I love Sid and he does flirt a bit with Stella -- but I don't think it'll go further than that. She could confide to him about the blood and she would've made him promise on his life not to tell Mac. Lol, she's stubborn like that esp when it comes to making Mac worry. And yeah, why ALWAYS her? Should tptb victimize the women in every way, shape and form? Well, if they want to establish Stella as a strong woman, they've already done more than they needed. Show us her mushy side -- have her invite Mac for dinner. :D

Btw, Happy Valentines Day y'all!

And for some: Happy Singlehood Awareness Day!
Lol, Melly no worries I'm sure! Smacked was always good at keeping themselves warm and occupied...if ya know what I mean! ;) ;) Heehee! :devil: I'm sure they'll come...through just fine! :devil: (Gah I'm evil gutter mind today! :lol: )
Yeah I did remember they worked together, those are the gorgeous pics of Mac in casual clothes and Stel in that jacket I love! Cool beans! And really it takes THAT LONG to find out if you were infected with HIV? Wow! Talk about a waiting period...geez! :p
Can't wait to see our eppy! I'm really hoping we get some good scenes, really really really! :D Smacked deserves some good fluffy stuff! ;) Right Lynny? ;) :lol:
^Yeah, because of the waiting period the virus has. Or what my doctor friend calls the "cultivation period". It's a scary wait.

Hmm... I wonder what Mac and Stella would do this Valentine's day?
Happy Valentines and anti-Valentines to everyone! :lol: ;)

eehm,considering they are both two hardworking people I would say a late nice dinner and giving to each other their presents..Altough they are both unique characters and I am not sure about what they would do..

I don't think it's needed to put it in spoiler but ,anyway...Did anyone think that Stella with this HIV thing would try to be more,isolated and distance herself from the people that love her[here comes Mac!] and she may not want to be with someone at that time?I am not talking about a new realtionship.but maybe because of her past she may feel more comfortable if she is passing all these alone?..
Yeah athens you could be right about Stella's behaviour after the exposuro, 'cause as far as I know, she was given post-exposure prophylasis, a treatment to prevent the disease to break out (wikipedia knows a lot :lol:) and it could cause some secondary effects like tireness, nauseas, headaches and other things so maybe they'll reflect that in the show to make it more dramatic. I only hope they don't exagerate and that at the end she doesn't get the virus :(
I still keep thinking about what this could mean for Smacked. He better be there when she tells him. I was crying to Lynn that they can't even have teh smex *waaah* until she knows. Oh yeah *kicks Peyton out window* Get away from Stella's man!

Anyone check out the website yet? Story for Stella

There's even a forum associated with it.

I didn't know it was going to cover the whole eleven weeks. Mac better be there!!! He can still cuddle her and hug her in his big strong arms and...huh? where was I? lol *drool at Mac hug*
^Can't access the site. :(

Yeah, until she knows -- no smex for a while -- with rubber or otherwise. But hey, if he does indeed love her (is that a rhetorical question? lol ), then he would abstain... no matter how long it takes. OMG -- all 11 weeks? Geez, then this'll conclude in the finale hopefully? Them writers have a lot of loose ends to tie up come finale.
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