Mac/Stella #7- "Can't Put Out This Flame!"

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Nice picture of the week Reine :lol: ;) !..

Cate and mj nice updates!...write more soon! Cate ,about the fic with greek whenever you want,tell me! ;)

Delia , to be honest I am not even sure if I want SMACKed to be on the show truly and ''officially'' in this season..It's a crime show and I don't think they would give enough time for romance on the show..Especially since Mac is with Payless in this season..It's better to see little moments between them on the show,talking about a ''realtion ship'' as fans but,on the show right now..Nope..Later ;) :D..and that's for sure! :lol:Even if they don't really show it.. :p

ran ,why sixth and last season?
Well,Stella is stuborn and after what happened with Frankie she may want to feel more indepentant so she doesn't tell about her problem even to Mac,until she has to..
^Well, remember on "All Access" -- I believe Mac drove Stella to her apartment. But she decided not to stay because she's too shaken up so she packs up and leaves....

I want to believe that when she reaches her building's lobby, she finds Mac... waiting for her there:

Stella: *blushing* Hey Mac.
Mac: Hey, big girl. Ready to go?
Stella: I remember it was Parkview you said?
Mac: Done.
Stella: And Mac?
Mac: Yeah?
Stella: Thanks. *kisses cheek*
code-switch -- gets ko. Parang dahil sa matalik na magkaibigan sila ni Stella, hindi niya itutuloy yung feelings nya. Just then, may Claire look-alike siyang makikilala say sa.... department store whilst bumibili siya ng something from Stella's birthday? How's that for angst?
yes ate! exactly my thoughts! so you up to it? how we gonna work on that? :D *squeals in excitement* omg im gonna work with THE cate(aka bubblerouge08)... oh the pressure lol :lol:

CW- thank you!!! and love the pic... i went straight to guttersville :devil:

athens- thanks too! :D

nice I was confused, thought that was Chaos's fic lol. And I like your preview, yummmm
omg that's like the third time i heard someone say that.... and that is ONE big compliment for me :D lol and im glad you did... previews make everyone drool :p

ranma- even though six is my fave number... why only six? *pouts*

about SMacked- well, i admit, when my other ships sunk/is sinking, i kinda felt sad but i was still (and always be) a shipper of those ships. i dont loose all my hope :D and hey theres ff for me anyway :p and i believe/hope SMacked will be canon if not soon then later. even though the wait is killing me :lol: and another thing, thats why i hang around my shippy folders, with other shippers... that way i wont loose any hope :D (not to mention the smut some peeps hint) *ducks* gotta love shippy places!!! :devil:
Wait, I have no idea how long the series will be (that's why there's a question mark ;) ) But Gary signed for six years so I was just basing it on that.

I love Mac but I love Gary more, heheh. Six years is a long time. I'd want him to move on.

*runs away from the sporks*
yes ate! exactly my thoughts! so you up to it? how we gonna work on that? *squeals in excitement* omg im gonna work with THE cate(aka bubblerouge08)... oh the pressure lol

Dios mio! Hahahahahahha...... yeah, I'm up to it. Maybe we do it like this: One of us starts the thing going and then E-mail it to the other for beta and additional parts then back again until we finish the piece. How's that?

Yes, some of my ships have sunk in the romantic sea. SNICKers -- but their friendship is still there. At least they still talk... and eyes don't lie lol.

Ra -- yeah, I absolutely LOVE Gary. When I first heard he'll be doing CSI, geez... I knew it's gonna be good. My Mom and I watch Apollo13 just for him (and for my mom, Kevin Bacon lol). If CSI is gonna last for a long time (hey, tv shows do last 10seasons) time, I hope these writers exhaust all the actors' abilities on it. I think they won't stop until one from each show gets an acting award lol....

so you know, I'm patient. Very patient. Hee.
Yeah I'm with ya on that...I don't feel patient, but I waited 10 seasons for Harm/Mac (JAG) and I'm still waiting for Sam/Jack (SG-1) so patience with ships...yeah. But Smacked will happen! :D

Okay y'all, what's with the codes? What languages are y'all speaking? :confused:

Stella: *blushing* Hey Mac.
Mac: Hey, big girl. Ready to go?
Awww I like it Cate! Very cute...I like to think she went back and stayed with Mac though, so he could watch her and hold her through the night! ;)

Can't wait for our eppy this week y'all...I think we might get some Smacked...not sure cuz my memory is having issues, but I think we might! :D Here's hoping! ;)
^Hahahaha, I'm on English, Filipino and basic Spanish hahahah.... sorry if it's confusing.

Yeah, I think she stayed with Mac. Couldn't stand to be alone. Stella wanted to feel safe and at that moment, the only person -- the only guy she trusted was Mac.
Awww, I was just curious...cuz it was words I didn't know! :lol: Thanks for clearing that up! :D

Yeah I agree...Mac made her feel safe and that is very important for her! :D Definitely think Mac took care of her! ;) Heehee! :devil:
I wanna know what Smacked is doing Thursday, besides the obvious :devil: I think a nice fancy dinner...dancing....*sigh* What's he gonna get her? *giggle*

I think she stayed with him too after AA.

ETA: Yeah Wednesday. *facepalm*
Melly if you're meaning for V-day, that's Wednesday honey! ;) But yeah I agree...definitely curious as to what they'll be doing! (The obvious, is well...obvious! :devil: Heehee! :lol: ) Besides that though, I like the idea of fancy dinner and dancing...I think it'd be really cute if Mac cooked dinner for Stel at his place, candlelit dinner, with soft music that they would slow dance to in his living room, barefoot and close...and then he'd play her a song on his guitar he wrote just for her! And then they'd go...well you know! :devil: Heehee! ;)

I know right, it only makes sense that she would go where she felt most safe, and we all know she feels most safe in Mac's arms! :D
:devil: omg... now my vday is definetly filled with...
lol :lol: anyway, sorry bout the code switching. i was speaking in tagalog/filipino to ate cate. :D i kinda wanted my plan to be a surprise to the others (or quiet just in case it doesnt work. lol)

Dios mio! Hahahahahahha...... yeah, I'm up to it. Maybe we do it like this: One of us starts the thing going and then E-mail it to the other for beta and additional parts then back again until we finish the piece. How's that?
sounds good ate. but it seems youre gonna be the beta in this one. im not THAT good (yet) and *smiles shyly* im no good in beginnings either...

:p im so excited this week... and i dont even have a valentine. :lol: oh well, my beloved tv and dvds are here to cheer me up.

don't get me yet, im just the messenger. a friend just told me that sid is the 'lucky' guy. is it true??! im very confused...
mj as Rhonda said in the spoiler thread Stella will talk to Sid about her past, so I guessed that he was the other person she tells about her situation with the HIV but he's NOT her new b/f if that's what you mean, as far as I know he is NOT ;). Hope that helps ;). And man that would be weird :| :p. You can read about this a few pages back in this thread :)
No, Sid is not going to be Stella's new boyfriend. Sid and Stella do talk but you'll also find out something about Sid that nobody knew before. I'm just wondering with this HIV thing if Stella would even consider dating right now. I don't think I'd want to start up a relationship not knowing what my future was. We're not entirely sure how long it will take for Stella to know if she's HIV free. I believe that at the clinic (I think in ep 17, might be 16) they tell her it could take 3 months to a year to know for sure. Either she will find out by the finale if she's HIV free or it will be a cliffhanger.
Its going for the cliffhanger, just cause NY's evil in that kind of way..I personally hope she's not got it, but it would make a new type of storyline for her. and crap, there went my bet it'd be Flack.. LOL
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