mj, great update
I read it, it's excellent
Cate, thanks for your message in spanish
it's very cute
Delia, none offense taken, althoug IMO, Smacked will happen, maybe not now, but at the end of the show, and for me it'll be ok, 'cause it's fun, I enjoy seeing their interactions and I really enjoy knowing that they have a real chemistry because they're friends out of the show too, and that's something that can be easily seen in the tv show. Sometimes I get a little dissapointed but I don't give up because of that, because I know that the writers can read what we say and maybe someday they hear our wishes
. And well if you don't like it anymore (I see you don't have 'em in your ship banner) I respect you, but in my case you won't get a negative answer, I still love 'em
Ok, now guys, here they are
SMACked Quote Of The Week (SQOTW)
Stella: Coney Island, February. Water's 35 degrees... these people feel the need to take a dip. I don't get it.
Mac: That's why you're not a polar bear. 1x14 Blood, Sweat and tears
SMACked Pic Of The Week (SPOTW)
from 1x07 Rain
Mac: Stell, my face isn't there...
Stell: what??!!!
Sorry guys I had to :lol: