Mac/Stella #7- "Can't Put Out This Flame!"

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Awwwww gotcha...thanks for the explanation hon! ;) Lol, sounds like an angsty pairing to me...or a dead one, cuz I don't see either woman sharing him! :lol: Especially Stella! :devil: He's hers! :D

So come on people...any Smacked tonight? I need to know! Details, details! Please? Help!! :lol:
MacsGirlMel said:

*watched Stuck on You and wishes Stella had come with Danny to see Mac play...although he probably plays for her when they're alone...and she can sure pluck his strings the right way :devil:

I just assumed she was waiting backstage to give him some proper groupie love :devil:. Y'know, gotta make the man feel like a rock star...

So, any SMACked moments tonight? I had to tivo the episode 'cause of the damn Canucks hockey game my parents wanted to watch. I really hope there was something...
Lol, no worries Mina I'm SURE Stella makes Mac feel like a rock star every night! ;) Heehee! :devil: :devil: Smacked love is just that happenin'! :lol:

Yeah I know you and me both hon, I waiting to find out if it's worth missing sleep over so I can see Smacked moments immediately...or if I can sleep and watch it tomorrow! ;)
Lol, mj -- like hell I would! Hahahaha... come to think of it, I have been writing SPaM for quite some time now. Well, not SPaM-centric ones but my newer SMACked fics have a pinch of Peyton in them. "Nakita Ko" is basically slathered in SPaM grease. Hahahahahah!

Hmm... looks like we're gearing to a SMACked-filled coupla weeks, ei? That'll be great then. :)

reine -- i *LOVE* the pic! Hahaha, looks like they're doing something naughty hahahah.. not to mention talking about it with their eyes. :)

Lol, been thinking the same about "Stuck on You". But I figured Stella already knew about that and has enjoyed countless 'special shows' with Mac and his guitar. Geez... reminds me of Forrest Gump -- Jenny playing guitar dressed in nothing lol... hahahahahha!

And oh,
looks like they're doing something naughty hahahah.. not to mention talking about it with their eyes.
Lol, yeah it totally does Cate! But then again Smacked seems to have pictures like that alot...both where they look like they are doing something naughty, and talking about it with their eyes. They talk to eachother alot with their eyes I think...silent communication perfected over years of working together...and years of being in love with eachother! ;)
Hi guys!!! :D

Glad you liked the pic and the manip :devil: I'm in my way to the gutter again :lol:

What happened last night???? Tell me please!!!! *pouts* any scene between them??? :) Thanks :D

Cate I read chapter 12. Loved it!!! I left a review at ff. ;)
ate cate said:
Lol, mj -- like hell I would! Hahahaha... come to think of it, I have been writing SPaM for quite some time now. Well, not SPaM-centric ones but my newer SMACked fics have a pinch of Peyton in them. "Nakita Ko" is basically slathered in SPaM grease. Hahahahahah!
come on you know you want to *pokes* lol I can't wait for the updates (btw, i reviewed ;) ) it would be interesting if someone wrote a SPaM fic... ate, i was thinking of a plot but im not sure i can write it alone. would you like to share it with me? its drama/angst and romance of course here's my idea:
:devil: diff code: kabebreak palang ni Mac at ni Peyton(about a month or so maybe?) then just when Mac realises na andyan pala si stella (and his feelings para sa kanya) may makikilala siya na kamuka ni claire... tapos syempre mahuhurt si stel something like that... you interested? ok lang kung hindi pero baka masayang kasi yung idea eh... too good to be wasted nga naman...di naman kasi ako ganun kagaling magsulat ng fic. :(

SPaM-Stella Peyton and Mac - wow I never thought that a could be an and lol silly i know :p as long as Stella is the main woman I wouldnt mind this ship at all! :p

last night's eppie? uhgh dont ask... *sighs*

but next week's eppie looks promising...

omg i saw the tidbit of next week's eppie and it looks like were gonna have some goodies about mac...peyton... stella... yum... thats enough for me to get me hyped :p
Stella and Mac are so hot is ridiculous.
I have no idea but suddenly I have become more attracted to Frankie he is very hot.
SPaM? That sounds...interesting. Heh heh. Though I prefer Mac/Stella/Claire (Christina over at has written one, vurrry nice) :devil:

::thinks about a ship name for the three::

SCaM? Bwahaha!

Reine: You're the second, no...the third person I've turned over to the dark side of fanfic! (the other two were for XF) Go ME! :lol:

ETA: So I just saw Some Buried Bones

sMack-less! :( But Reed and Mac's scenes were heartbreaking. And we get to find out more about Claire's death. Mac is still obviously not OK, which doesn't bode well for M/P, yessss! Yeah, I'm bad.
Glad you liked the pic and the manip I'm in my way to the gutter again
Reine lol! :lol: I find it best to just stay in the gutter, especially where Smacked is concerned! :devil:

SCaM? Bwahaha!
:lol: :lol: Nice Ranma! Heehee, that's pretty funny!

Awww bummer, no Smacked! :( But the Mac and Reid sounds good...I'll watch the ep here in a bit...
for next week! Should be really good! Poor Stell cutting her hand on the glass, and having to deal with that fear, but at least she tells Mac, he can comfort and hold her! ;)
I really hope things turn out well for Stella, and I hope Smacked gets some good scenes outta it!

I pwn you Ra.
they'll get a good scene or two or three Lynny...I think this will be a good eppy for Smacked...I'm hoping we get scared Stel, leading to comforting by Mac...leading to of course...the Smacked Smex! :devil:
ooh smacked smex would be nice. :devil: I'd really like to see a comfort scene though, poor girls gonna need him
up for some good Smacked smex! :devil: Yummy! ;) And yeah I agree, poor Stel is gonna be freaking out a bit I think and she'll definitely be in need of some Mac lovin'! :D
I think Stella's really going to need all of the teams support, and mostly mac's through this time. Hopefully it all goes well Stel! *mumbles mean ass Macky better be there for you, thats all I got to say*
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