Mac/Stella #7- "Can't Put Out This Flame!"

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Mina! Heehee....yeah it totally does look like that! :devil: Now that you said that that's all I can see! :lol: I love it! :D

Hey, I love your banner by the way...Rambo Stella is awesome! Love her! ;)
ROFL! nice caption :)
Stella: Oooh, nice...*smack*
Mac: Ow
Stella: You know I love your butt

If NY is as cold as Chicago, they'll need lots of cuddling and smex just to keep warm lol. I'm sure they have no shortage of ideas...hehe.
Hey Macky, where's ya hand? :devil:

oh shuddaup Melly, I'm sure their doing that anyways, ;)

Yay Macky finds out! *snuggles you all* aww Modie, don't feel like that, you know you help us out alot.
Hi guys :)

I'm glad you liked the pics :D I'm loving all the dialogues you're doing about it :lol:, and because of that I decided to make this little manip of the pic ;) hope you like it too :devil:

I'm not an expert, but I tried to do it well :D

Lol, Reine that's totally cute! It looks like Mac is...well...okay my mind is in the, what's new I know, but that pic brings naughty things to mind! :lol: Well done Reine! ;)
they'll need lots of cuddling and smex just to keep warm lol. I'm sure they have no shortage of ideas
Lol, yeah Melly I'm sure Smacked has a LONG list of ideas to keep them nice and warm and toasty and sweaty and hot and yeah...I should stop before I get whacked! :devil: :lol:

Can't wait to see our new eppy, hopefully we get some Smacked! :D Okay I had a total brain bubble/blonde moment...
but this next ep is not the contaminated blood one right? That's the one after this next one...this next one is Nelly Furtado then contaminated blood, possible Smacked moment, right?! Lol, and I'm silly!!
Thanks Mo!!!! :D

I had dirty thoughts while doing the manip too :devil: specially after reading some fics ranma recommended me :eek:. Man definitively I lost my angel wings in this thread

Yeah wednesday's episode is Nelly Furtado's one, but it's the Reed thing too, so I think that Mac will ask Stella for advice or something *sighs*. Next week is the episode with the blood thing :eek:. And I'll have "Corporate Warriors" tonight *dances* Smacked is in the air!!!! :p
Lol, you're quite welcome hon! ;) And hey no better place to lose your angel wings than in here! :lol: I know I replaced my halo a long, looooong time ago! ;) But really the Smacked gutter is totally worth it! :devil:

Awww, thanks for the eppy info...I'll try to keep it straight in my head now! :D Cool beans, can't wait to see what kind of Smacked we might get! :lol:
Hey Guys!!
Its been a while since i've been here a lot to read and catch up with lol.
CalleighWolfe I love your wall manip!! Sending my mind to the gutter :devil: lol
I've been reading the spoilers and I squeed at certain parts lol. I had a smacked dream a while back during my exams and Lets say they did Stuff :devil:.
I just saw people with money!! wasn't very smackish is there any season 3 eps with smacked in them.
Mo & CW I love both your Icons and banners by the way lol :D
Yeah.... I might have some SPaM in my pantry once season3 rolls in here. You know, angst sells like pancakes hahahaha!
ate, so you planning to write SPaM then!? :devil:
mj I read a couple of your latest fics I loved them too left a review too
thanks CW, thats one of the reasons I write :D I'll update my WiPs soon ;)

and awesome pic/manip and dialogue thannks for sharing... nice way to push me back in the gutter... *gg* oh well i love making splashes anyway... :p

:devil: SMacked is in the air? swoon! finally! something to look forward to! :D *sighs and curls up in a ball in Mo's bubble*
Reine -- So wrong, You know what I want to comment with on that pic! Kudos to you. ;)

Who's writing SPaM?

Smacked is in the air?? Yay!
Smacked is in the air?? Yay!
Lol! You know what this makes me want to sing, don't you Lynny? ;) My favoritist shippy song ever... :lol:

SPaM? What's SPaM? (well other than the meat in a can! :p )

And yeah for a new eppy tonight!'s hoping we get some good Smacked tonight...I really think we should hopefully! I can't they work together tonight?
I think Stella Peyton And Mac but not sure.

I hope so too...we haven't had enough lately. But then there can never be enough hehe.

*watched Stuck on You and wishes Stella had come with Danny to see Mac play...although he probably plays for her when they're alone...and she can sure pluck his strings the right way :devil:
wow, havn't been in here for awhile. Well i have an episode question ((kinda about tonights)) so i'll put it in the spoiler box.

Who's Reid? i thought at first it was his son. does Stella know about Reid? and if Reid is family i was hoping Stel would confort Mac with his family trauma :p
Hiya all! Happy Smacked evening to you all! :lol: Haven't seen the eppy y'all who are so lucky as to have seen it already, help us who haven't! ;) Do we get any tell, do tell! :D

although he probably plays for her when they're alone...and she can sure pluck his strings the right way
Melly! That is hysterical and guttery and SO VERY TRUE!!! :devil: Nice! ;) I'm sure he plays for her and I guarentee she plucks him the right way! :devil: ;) Heehee!!! Love it! :lol:
SPaM = Stella Peyton and Mac. Don't look at me, I didn't come up with it.

Reid is Claire's son, yeah Stella knows, when Reid first came , he stalked Stella thinking she was Claire.
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