Mac/Stella #7- "Can't Put Out This Flame!"

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hehe gotta have a hint of angst in the episode for me :d Its gonna be MAC! .. oh I'm with you on the smex thoughts when he lefts up her sleeve, meow!
SPaM -- angst in a can! Hahahaha!

Hmm.... so Mac and Peyton are in a scene with Danny but Mac gets called out to Stella. Nice! Them writers really know how to get us going. And hmmm.... the injury is on the elbow -- and Stella's pulling down her sleeve to cover it up? Hmmm, I know a lot more things Mac would be willing to pull down to search for that damn injury lol *makes herself invisible from the meter* :D


Stella has four doctors there. She would prolly go to Sheldon because they're close but maybe she won't because she doesn't want him to worry much about her. Maybe to Sid... he's flirting with her all the time and I love seeing that. Or to Pino -- they haven't had any interactions. But here, I think she'll tell Peyton -- or she'll be the one finding out. It's a good window (1)for Stella to find out about Peyton's relationship with Peyton; (2)for them to establish a somewhat more civil rapport than what they have now; or (3) for Mac to see them talking and realize whom between the two he really feels for.
Thanks for the new info, modie! :D

Yeah, Mac does seem to know everything :devil: But then I remember his ignorance of Frankie's evilness :( I reeeeeeally hope Mac will actually *show* his concern this time. Come on, he gave Lindsay a hug! Stella's scare deserves a lot of TLC (though I really wish he'd give her the sexx0r)

On a side note, "Peyton" is all over the place right with the Super Bowl coming up :lol:

::snickers when she remembers Gary's Peyton Manning moment::
I hope Mac's there for her, he better be. And she better be okay, 'cause the smex would be a lot harder if she wasn't. Poor girl.

Grrrr Chaos I say we all band together and hunt you down with pointy objects lol. You are eeevil!!

Hmm not sure how it'd go...interesting question.
^oh Mel I am with you!..nice update though Cate

thanks for all the new info!It is an interesting storyline!I would love to see Stella talking about her injury to Sid,,and like Cate said[I think]maybe Mac doesn't know and he'll find out from Sid..interesting!....I could see her talking to Sid and Hawkes easilly but no way to Peyton..At least I don't know If I would like it.. She is supposed to be her ''enemy''..although we know she isn't really :lol:!I hope she will be OK!
Well, Stella doesn't want to tell anybody about her HIV scare. She's obligated to tell Sid because of something that happens. The "something that happens" affects Sid and therefore leads Stella to tell him about her possible HIV exposure. From my sources, it doesn't look like Mac knows she cuts herself and I'm not sure why they think the blood is contaminated with HIV. Stella does go to the hospital (or clinic..not sure) by herself to get tested. They give her all these pamphlets to read over. I am hoping she'll confide in Mac sometime.
*squee* Look what I just found over in the spoiler thread...

Also, Stella tells Mac that she was exposed to HIV when she got cut at a crime scene.

It looks like she does confide in him. I knew the writers loved us a little bit :lol:.

*eta* credit goes to celtess for posting it...
Right here Mj honey! **Mo pats her bubble invitingly and giggles happily!** Come join me in my lovely fluffy bubble, it's good! **Mo nods happily!**
wah... it seems for a moment i got lost looking for this place... *sits in the bubble giggling with mo*

SPaM -- angst in a can! Hahahaha!
seriously ate! may pwp fic pa nga yung site na yun eh.. asar nga lang nawala ko... *sobs* :D though I wouldn't mind this shippy :p *giggles hysterically then blushes* awesome update btw :D

:D im so happy to hear that! it seems tptb are listening after all... somehow i know stel would tell mac about her 'condition'. of course then he'll check her... make sure things are alright... :devil: lol my mind's on a rye again... *gg*
Yeah.... I might have some SPaM in my pantry once season3 rolls in here. You know, angst sells like pancakes hahahaha!

Ooooh, I knew it! I mean, it's almost like impulse... she gets in trouble or feels like she's in trouble and the first numbers her fingers dial on the phone is Mac's. And the grapevine is short within their office -- and Stella has a direct line to Mac.
Apparently she tells Mac in the same episode that she tells Sid. Why does this stuff always come out after I post? :confused: Makes me feel like an idiot. :p Although TV Guide always seems to tell a lot more than any other source. It would make sense that she tell Mac. Would being exposed to HIV have any effect on her job? IMO, I don't see why it should.
So she tells Mac??? *dances* great!!!, those guys love us :D. Thanks Rhonda, Mina, celtess :D You've made my day :D *kisses them* and don't feel like that Rhonda we love your job ;), you've helped us a lot, remember those things can change, right?. Remember the Stella's b/f thingy? Almost the middle of the season and we have nothing yet, that's a little unpredictable, I think, you and the other spoiler girls do an awsome job :)

Cate loved the update, I left a review at ff ;)

mj I read a couple of your latest fics :D I loved them too ;) left a review too :D

And..... here they are.... :D

SMACked Quote Of The Week (SQOTW)
Stella: I'll step off the collar... because of the complaint.
Mac: You ran with it. Finish it.
Stella: You sure?
Mac: Yeah.
Stella: Thanks. *fool smiles* 1x20 Supply and demand.

Well that was: SMACked dialogue of the week :lol: :p

SMACked Pic Of The Week (SPOTW)
from 1x15 Til Death Do We Part :D (Sorry, the SPOTW haven't been very original lately. S2 started here so I'll pay attention and I'll bring better Smacked moments ;))

Oh, my. That cap speaks a thousand words! All of them have to do with sMex :lol:

Thanks for that, Reine!

*giggling helplessly*

And YAY! to the upcoming sMacked!
Yay Stella does tell Mac! I figured she would, but still yay that that's confirmed! As for her "having to tell Sid" what's up with that? What could happen that would make it imperative that she tell him? I'm confused! Help?!

Love that cap Reine! Mac is SO checking her out! :devil:

Oh, my. That cap speaks a thousand words! All of them have to do with sMex
Ranma I totally agree! That was my first thought after seeing that cap too! ;) Heehee! :lol:
Whoa, that photo is smoking hot :eek:. In it it looks like Stella is grabbing onto Mac's "goods" while Mac is saying, "Stella! What are you doing with your right hand?" :devil:. Me likey. Me likey a lot :devil:.
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