Mac/Stella #7- "Can't Put Out This Flame!"

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Where's it say she won't tell Mac? *is confused* Someone said in the spoiler thread that it might get carried over to the next ep btw. We know she'll be okay, I'm not sure she could still be a CSI if she were positive, but it's a great Smacked opportunity :) *gets fic ideas already*
In the previous spoiler thread, somewhere, it says that she'd try to hide her injure, so I'm speculating ;) maybe I'm wrong, I hope I'm wrong I really want Mac to know, and support her *sighs*
It was me. ;) I was the one who said her problem would carry over into ep 17. I don't know if she tells Mac or not but I do know that she tells someone else in ep 17. BTW, I know who too :p. Mac and Stella do work together in ep 16 with Flack. As far as I know, Peyton is working on the scene with Danny and Angell. It seems that Mac & Peyton show up at the scene Danny's working on. Apparently Mac gets another call and ends up working with Stella.
Waaah! You can't leave us there! :( Who does she tell it to? *asks herself if she really wants to know* Yeah, yeah, I do! Unless it'll sink the M/S ship further, gah!
Knowing Modie thats code for haha I'm not going to tell you suckers, haha.. evil.. But I'm curious on the who too, yeah if it sinks us, I don't want to know. I love my smacked!..What? I want Fluffy for Smacked at the moment, I'm emotional, Shuddaup!

and I do PWN you, Ra!

ooh I think I know why we haven't seen that much Peyton, I saw the chick who plays her in the TV Guide this week, she's been in a movie, its supposed to air next week, I believe or near Vday.

ETA: I hate buttons.
Hiya shippy buddies! :D How goes it here in our lovely Smacked vessel? worries our ship can't be sunk, **Mo points to our thread title!** we're surviving Payless, we'll survive anything else that comes up! :D Yup, yup! ;)
I wonder if this is the ep where Stella finally finds out or at least confirms it (oh, wait, does anyone find out about the "office secret" at all?)
On the one hand ranma I hope Stel does find out, cuz I want to see the scene! On the other hand I hope she never has to find out cuz I hope it ends so there's nothing to tell, ya know!

Lol, Lynny it's okay to want Fluffy for Smacked...they deserve it! ;) No worries on that hon! :D
Oh that's so not fair Modie hon!! That's just teasing and tempting us! Please, please, please tell us...who does Stel tell? Pretty please...I might even let you have Danny for a bit as a bribe! ;) :D
You know who Rhonda??? :eek: I know you won't tell :(, and I don't know if I want to know it :lol:. I'll try to guess. She posted it here in Smacked, so that could be a hint ;) :D, on the other hand, they said in the spoiler thread that she'd talk to Sid about her past, so maybe, it's him :|, and he's a doctor, and that won't sink our ship at all :) nothing can do that ;)
this cant be happening... :( i dont want thinking angsty thoughts... where's the bubble im hiding in!!? :p

I am evil, aren't I? :devil: You don't have to worry, your ship is safe. It looks like Stella hides her injury from everybody in ep 15 but Mac probably knows since he seems to know everything. I saw something about her pulling her sleeve down or somthing (can't remember exactly what). It looks like she injures her elbow. CalleighWolfe, good call. ;) She does confide in that one person because she has to. That's in either ep 16 or 17. Whichever episode has someone in danger and somebody else comes to the rescue.

Does that help any? :p
Ok, so what I understand is that Mac knows wether she tells him or not, 'cause he knows everything and he's her boss :lol: but Sid knows too, 'cause she really needs to tell a proffesional :D, but we're safe :D *crossing fingers* Thanks Rhonda ;)!!!!
*takes a breather* Thank you modie. yes you're evil. aww poor Stella getting hurt. yeah totally Mac knows all, so he'll have it figured out in a bout 10 mins after he sees her :D
Actually I was just guessing that Mac knows just because he seems to know everything. I'm not for sure if he does. Sid only knows because she had to tell him which sets up everything for their little heart to heart (which isn't shippy ;)).

CS, you posted while I was typing. I'm so slow tonight. :p
haha. I pwn you for once! :lol:

well I'm glad its not shippy, I still think Mac will figure it out.
Holy crap it sounds so *promising* & of course Rhonda decides to hold the juicy information from us hahaha. I still think it's Mac & I foresee a really sweet & shippy moment, perhaps with a hint of angst for Lynn heehee. Oh, and I also think Stella's mind will be clouded with smex when Mac lifts up her shirt sleeve. I know mine will. :devil:

I can't wait :D.
Hello Smacked buddies! Wow SOOO many big spoiler boxes...hmmm, here's hoping that means good things! :lol: Let's see....

where's the bubble im hiding in!!?
Right here Mj honey! **Mo pats her bubble invitingly and giggles happily!** Come join me in my lovely fluffy bubble, it's good! **Mo nods happily!**
Stel has to tell Sid? Because she needs someone to check and make sure she didn't catch anything from the contaminated blood? If Mac doesn't figure it out (which he totally will!) but it not, I could totally see Sid assuming Stel told Mac and mentioning it and Mac freaking out and going to find Stella...thus giving us a concerned shippy Smacked scene, yay! :D
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