Mac & Stella #6 = "I'm Glad You Stayed."

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^From the Miami/NYC Nonstop ep. The vic was apparently with a ho before he got killed and the two got to talking that way. Heh.

Aaaah, Mac was bloody gorgeous there. With the sideburns and longer hair.

Oops, there I go again with his 'burns :lol:
BTW, I found this in an old thread: "Yeah, Mac did say something like "How do you put out his flame?" and Stella responded with "Blow." And they both looked at each other."
That was the freaking coolest line EVER!! That was one of the first real Smacked interactions we got to see...and I remember when I first saw it, I was like "OMG! They are so HOT for was the perfect blend of teasing/flirting/smex talk that I'd seen!" And that was just to start with these's was FABULOUS!!! :devil: :lol:

Yeah what's with Peyton being back...again? I thought she was gone...I mean really who all liked her? Were there really enough people who thought she and Mac were great that it warrantted her staying? I'm sorry, but I just don't see it! I don't have anything huge against her...other than the fact that she is stealing Stella's man...which of course makes me really NOT like her! :p

The PTB need to just give us what we want already...dang it!! **Mo points to her icon and nods emphatically!** :D
My recent favorite Smacked moment was definitely when Stella advised Mac to talk to Reed again. It showed how close they were and how much Mac trusts and confides in her. :)
That was randomn
I mean really who all liked her?
No one here-- :lol: Dating Mac aside, I still don't like her.
*loves Mo's icon not only for the CSI but the Bones too*

I like that quote too...hey did anyone else find naughty in that? :devil: I did hehehehe a little
Yeah kissme/Delia (can't decide which I want to call you! :lol: ) that was a totally cute moment! I loved when Stel read that note and Mac came up and said his "I appreciate you too Stella" line and then her smile, that was SO adorable! And then later when she thought she was being followed and so she had him meet her at the bar, that whole scene was totally cute too! They are just such a perfect couple for each other seriously! I really, really want my Smacked together! The whole world can see they belong together PTB...why can't you?!!!

See yeah I'm not a huge Peyton fan...aside from the "dating Mac thing" which is why I do NOT like her at all...she's not a bad character. If she were there as a romantic possiblity for like Flack then I'd probably like her. But when she messes with one of my ships...yeah not liking her so much! :p

Awww glad you likes my icon Melly! Thanks hon...yeah isn't that Bones pic totally cute! I adore them too! And I found that pic the other day and I totally squee-ed! They're adorable, totally! :lol: :D

Which quote Melly? Cuz between you and me we can find something naughty in anything! ;) :devil: :lol:
The putting out the flame with a blow quote.

This last new ep rocked for B/B *squee*

back to CSI...yes let's all write the PTBs..."dear dummies..." LOLOL j/k

I also can't say I really disklike Peyton as a character, it's just that she can't keep her hands off (my...hear me, Lynn, MY)Mac and keeps interfering in my ship. *pouts*
Hi guys :D

Here they are...

Smacked Quote Of The Week (SQOTW)
Stella: Black coffee, two sugars, right?
Mac: *nods* 2x24 Charge of this post

Smacked Pic(s) Of The Week (SPOTW)
Today's is a little story :p
From 1x20 Supply and Demand

A happy couple is waiting for results :)

The same couple is fighting :eek:

An angry couple is waiting for results :(

The same couple is happy again :D *sighs*

The same couple is happy again :D *sighs*

The End

P.D.: Today's are links cause I think I can't post more than 4 pics in the same post :D
*thwacks Melly* Lets get this straight. He's mine, Not yours. Get it?

Reine got pic happy. Check out all the hot little smacked moments in those.

Aww, I love how she knows how he likes his coffee. *looks at Melly* haha you didn't know how he liked it thats why he gave you that WTH look haha.

Melly, that really is a dirty line.

*kisses Macky, then shoves him in the closet with Stella and smirks at Melly*
Aww! Thanks, Calleigh! :D I'm grinning from ear to ear. :D

If she were there as a romantic possiblity for like Flack then I'd probably like her.
I still wouldn't like her, after all-- I think Don deserves someone but not her! Someone better than her...!!
Gawd, they always manage to look hot, even when they're bickering. Leave it up to the two sexiest people of CSI:NY to make angst look scorching heehee. Seriously though despite last episode I am a firm believer that they will end up together. C'mon, they've been friends for 10+ years & you're telling me that there's not a hint of romance in the future? Pffftt yeah right. It's bound to happen. If I have to wait another 2 or 3 seasons to see them to hook up then dammit, I will. They both deserve to be happy & the only way that'll happen is if they're together. We see it & soon so will TPTB :D.

Ooh, and I love the photos Reine. That's one of my favourite episodes :). Mainly 'cause of the M/S moments but also because we got to see Stella get all rambo style :devil:.
The putting out the flame with a blow quote.
Ohhh!! Yeah! :devil: That line was freaking awesome...and totally naughty! Heehee! I totally took it that way Melly!! :devil: Definitely! ;)
This last new ep rocked for B/B *squee*
I know didn't it! They almost kissed at the end...YAY!!! :D
Back to CSI... :lol:

Reine thanks for the quote and the pics hon! Those were great! I LOVE that she knows how he likes his coffee...awww! Just one of a million little details she pays attention to and knows about him! Too cute! :D And those pics were great! They are just SO hot together, it's fabulous!! :lol: :lol:
Melly, that really is a dirty line.
Yeah it really is, isn't it Lynny! :devil: Smacked gutter rocks! ;) :devil:
Gawd, they always manage to look hot, even when they're bickering.
So true J.F. there's just so much passion inside of's dying to bust out! :devil:
I am a firm believer that they will end up together
Good! Cuz I totally think so too! :D I may have my freak out moments, but deep down I do KNOW they will be together in the end, for sure! :lol:
heh too late I'm here in the closet *grabs Macky and kisses him before running from Stella*

*thwacks back* Nope he's mine and not yours, got it?

eh I don't drink coffee, I have an excuse.

I agree with jorja_fan :) They do manage to make every scene they have together downright hot.
They totally's like the sexy factor goes up by a factor of 10 whenever they're in the same room together! :devil: It's fabulous! :lol: Look at their recent TV Guide photo shoot if you need any further proof! ;)
Oh glad you liked the pics :D

Found this in an old Smacked thread :p. It was made by wynter126. She says that those were 2 different pics. I know I've seen them somewhere, so if there's a person here with a beautiful soul who have them, please, give them to me *makes watery eyes*

Thanks a lot!!! :D
Wow, been MIA for two days and the angst level went through the roof! Hmm.... Peyton and Mac breaking up, Peyton asks for a 2nd chance, Mac says yes and wants to make it work -- sounds like my fic, right? Hmmm... Hahahaha!

So, Peyton stays. It was a lonely Thanksgiving for Stella -- would it be a lonely Christmas time too?

TPTB would never sink SMACked like they did to SNICKers. I mean, it sold off the bat and the more they put angst and drama between them, the more the fans love it. Gary and Melina (I think) understand what we see between their characters and works with it.
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