Okay I'm totally on a high from this episode for many reasons! This was a great episode for both my ships...and I gotta say I loved the Smackedness in the eppy...YAY!!!
There were so many good Stella/Mac/Smacked parts...
Stella going protective after the Captain threatened Danny, how totally Mama bear was she...LOVE her!!
And then her "The Law, the Order" line, nice, loved that!! :lol:
Mac pissed at the Captain after seeing Hawkes...holy hotness Batman! :devil: Wow so wanted to jump him right there! :lol:
Ohhhhhh...Mac so doesn't want Stella knowing about him and Peyton and Peyton's pissed! YAY!! :lol: I LOVED that scene! I think that scene wasn't that Mac wanted it kept a secret at work like Peyton said later, but that he wanted it kept a secret from Stella! Cuz in that earlier ep he didn't have a problem kissing Peyton at work, but as soon as Stella comes around he totally backs away! Mac's true feelings are SOOO coming out!! YAY!!! :lol:
Okay the only thing that would have made that "scene" where Peyton confronts Mac better would have been if Mac had called her Stella....I would have died!! As it is, I'm pretty happy!
I feel a tiny bit sorry for Peyton...but if it means Smacked gets to be together than I can live with it!
And there was a tiny moment, where Mac and Stella are looking up Shane's phone number...Mac opens the phone, closes it and hands it to Stella and as she takes it their eyes connect and she gives him this cute little smile...it was so quick I had to watch it twice to catch it, but it's totally cute!
Yay for Smacked...TPTB listened, our ship is gonna sail!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!