Mac & Stella #6 = "I'm Glad You Stayed."

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Thanks 1CSIMfan :D

Well, I'm gonna watch Wednesday's episode tomorrow (hopefully) but a friend of mine, Katie, watched it and she told me about it, she said it was very cute although they didn't share the last scene like in most of the episodes.

Talking about Peyton, I was watching The Simpsons and they went to England and stayed in the Buckingham Pay-less Hotel, I spend the whole episode laughing not at their funny situations but at that name :lol:

Could anyone re-post the list??? I can't find it :( Please :D Thanks!!!
^ Are you talking about this ;):

Season One:

Three Generations Are Enough
Til' Death Do We Part
Officer Blue
The Closer
Night, Mother
The Dove Comission
Crime and Misdemeanor
What You See Is What You See
Creatures of the Night
Blood, Sweat & Tears

Season Two:

Super Men
All Access
Necrophilia America
Corporate Warriors
Manhattan Manhunt
Charge of This Post

Season Three:

People With Money
Open & Shut

I promise to update the list asap as there were quite a few M/S episodes this season :D. Anyway, I found this while browsing my photobucket account:


Is it just me or does Stella always have these huge grins on her face whenever she's with Mac? That guy makes her so happy & it's just unbelievable. Remember that being in love makes you really happy :D.
I just watched the newest episode. It was great. It seemed like Mac really cared about Stella when he asked if everything was already after that outburst with Lindsay. She seemed sort of happy/relieved to see him.
I'm rewatching the Central Station case on season2 with my cousin and she thinks that Stella dresses oh so great because of Mac hahahah....

When she gets the report back she looks at Stella and says, "Peyton found" blah blah.

Why does she have to look at Stella first? Grrr.....
J.F. Yay thanks for the list hon! Sweet deal! Yay for lots of Smacked goodness! :D

Okay real quick, I got to see the new ep...finally! :lol: And I gotta say I actually liked regards to Stel and Smacked I thought it was really good in fact.

I liked that they showed this emotional side of Stella, she really got into this case and took it hard and I like that we got to see that...her vulnerable side and the fact that she was wrong I gotta say I even liked that!

I liked how when she said to Mac "I want this case" he just nodded, like he knew how close to home this was and knew better than to push her on it at that moment.

The scene where Stel gets annoyed with Linds...I felt so bad for Linds (cuz she was right after all!) but I liked that they showed Stell lose her cool like that...
And then having Mac come in and just look at her with his eyebrows raised! I loved about your non-verbal...need no words to talk to eachother communication! :lol: And him bringing up their first case sweet!
Seriously Smacked SOOOO belongs together...come on now! PTB you know you want to bring them together already, so DO IT!!

And the end scene with Stel and Grace and the Psych banter...totally cracked me up! I'm a Psych dork, so everything they were saying was right on and totally funny! :lol:

So yeah...good Smacked stuff...I liked it! :D We should get some good Smacked stuff in our upcoming's hoping! :D

I watched it too!!!

I t was a nice episode!It had some ''moments'' like those pictures J_ posted!that scene was really nice!!Giving us hope!..Is too bad they didn't work that case together but I shoudn't want everything!!..aaaaand,they were b0th incredibly good looking!! ;)
Thanks a lot for the list jorja_fan!!!

And thanks for the pictures, yeah definitely he's looking at Stella's butt :lol:

BTW, I had the chance to watch the Smacked scene in Oedipus Hex. OMG she's all the time like this :D :D :D while Mac is with her in the room.

I'm looking for a new SPOTW but I don't think it'll be necessary, since you already have very good pics :D. I'm concentrating in the quotes, although both tasks are very hard to do 'cause they have too many good moments that I don't know what to choose, maybe I'll look for old ones :D
Come on jorja_fan, you know he was really checking out her chest in that first pic <g> Or thinking he'd like to see her out of those clothes hehe.

What's an SPOTW? Shipper PIc of the Week?
very busy hard to keep up but who's complaining?! I need my daily dose of SMacked goodness!

Is it me or there's a lot of SMacked moments this season?! And don't SMack me guys but I wanna see Peyton...she's kinda freaking me out..making me think something's happening between her and Mac after shift or something... the ending of the eppy feels like it lacked something between mac and stell... *sigh* but the spoilers for the next eppies are enough for me to calm down...

A Right Mistake: -my fic where they accidentally married... :D
Well a SPOTW is a Smacked pic of the week. Since we have one in CaRWash thread (well that's CaRWash pic of the day) that was a little my idea ;) (although Dutchie post them. The original credit is for ThumpyG42 who used to have a daily pic on Jon/Ryan's thread) I thought it'd be a good idea to have and Smacked one, one per week (for now) as long as I have more pics so I could do it everyday :D. I was thinking about a quote too.

I posted the first one last Sunday (or Saturday night, that depends on where you are :p).
mj0621 -- glad to see you over here! I'll read your fic a little later. I'm updating mine as we speak.

The scene where Stel gets annoyed with Linds
Good to know that I'm not the only one hahahah! No but really, these two need to have more scenes together. Like Cath and Sara -- they established their own relationship (rocky or supportive) by working together.

I'm happy to say that the writers are doing well with our ship this season. Hopefully Payless won't ruin it .

Well, I think the ship is doing so well that they need to spice it up to keep the momentum going. We don't want SMACKed to be predictable, right? So Peyton wouldn't be a huge problem ... especially if she's just there for four episodes. I mean Mac and Stella are there for all of the season... together.

Waaaa....*turning green in envy* -- make it April 2007 already!

But it's just 28 October 2006 :(

UPDATE finished:
Peyton's only there for four episodes? YAY! I'm cheering! :D

OH MY GOD-- I never realized it was you, chaos whose been writing my favorite Smacked fic! I'm a huge fan of your writing!! It's so effortless and easy and flowing. I review everytime. I'm all the glitters.
OMG, wow. *hugs kissmesweet*

Thank you! Just saw your review -- thanks. I'm stuck on that Peyton situation on the previous chapters. So, that'll take a bit.
all the glitters?! it's you? wow nice to see you here..

I heard that Peyton's gonna make another appearance... *grins* I think it's in the eppy with the spoiler I've been waiting for... >:) this is it people! are we gonna be canon too?*crosses fingers*

Anyone see this week's TV guide? :D I love this week!!!

chaostheory -- I know you will..and thanks for updating fast! I simply LOVE it!
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