Mac & Stella #6 = "I'm Glad You Stayed."

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jorja_fan86 said:
Moriel21 said:
And Smacked is the energizer bunny...not as fast...but it keeps goin' and goin' and goin'! :lol: :lol:

I guess it's no surprise to anyone when I say that is probably the dirtiest thing I've read in a while & it didn't even have the intention of being dirty :devil:. Mo, you're getting better every time haha :lol:.

Tonight is the new episode :D! I am so excited but I will also be very mad if the writers do not make Mac comfort Stella. Out of all the team members he should be the one by her side in her darkest hour like the note from last week said ;). Who knows, maybe Stella will show her appreciation to Mac in more ways then one :devil:.

I know, I hope Mac comforts Stella.It would be a good SMACked moment. If the writers don't, I'm going to get really sad. I feel really bad for Stella though, don't you? And yes, the Energizer Bunny comment is really dirty even though it was not intended to be!

(I'm listening to Somebody To Love by Queen right now and it is really making me think of SMACked for some reason.)
I'm listening to Somebody To Love by Queen right now and it is really making me think of SMACked for some reason
Awwww I LOVE that song! :lol: :lol: Yay and it does fit Smacked! :D

We SOOO need a Smacked moment or two tonight...definitely need some Mac comforting Stel, definitely! Come on PTB please give us what we want! :D
Anything that connects Stella to Mac (and possibly Claire, too) is interesting. I mean, the sexual tension/attraction between the two is enough to make our spines tingle. If there is a real tangible connection, then things will get interesting.

Well, I do hope Mac gives Stella a hug. That's the only thing w/o a check mark on the "innocent touches" list hahahahah
Well, I do hope Mac gives Stella a hug. That's the only thing w/o a check mark on the "innocent touches" list hahahahah
Ohhh yeah Cate we totally need a Smacked hug! :D That would make me smile hugely if we got that! Awwww now I really want that...alot! :lol:
Hey y'all! Okay so anybody have any word on any Smacked goodness tonight?! I have a little under 2 hours to go...and I'm dying to know! :D

And um yeah hon...the Smacked gutter is pretty much full all the time anyway...but if they hug and they have that much of their bodies yeah Smacked gutter overload, baby! :devil: :D
This is bad, but while I've been staying in Hong Kong for a quick time, I've been dowloading... from BitLord. My grandfather recently passed away and we're here to take care of everything. I'm downloading it on my mom's Mac before we head back to AZ next week... and I'm so sick of waiting!!
hey all was there any smacked scenes in last nights ep also i have season 2 to help me with smacked are there any smacked moments in seanson 2?
hey all was there any smacked scenes in last nights ep also i have season 2 to help me with smacked are there any smacked moments in seanson 2?

Yeah I'm curious too! :D I haven't seen last night's ep yet, I had every intention of watching it, but my tv got taken hostage, so I couldn't! :( But I'm dying to know...any good Smackedness? I was thinking we might get being "Stell-centric" and all! So...did we??

As for season 2 moments msgirl I want to say we have a list of them somewhere... J.F. where you at? You'd probably be good to give her a list of those! Cuz I know we got Smacked moments but I don't have list readily available! ;)
J -- Has a list of the Smacked moments on page 1 or 2, I believe. She always posts them on the new threads.

Last night, was a great episode. Mac was hot. as usual. and we know *she*'s still around, according to Lindsay. Me and Melly figured we would've gotten a hug or something outta this episode, but. *hits her*
J -- Has a list of the Smacked moments on page 1 or 2, I believe. She always posts them on the new threads.
Ahh okay, yeah that's what I thought! Hmmm, might have to go check that out myself! :D

Mac was hot. as usual.
Of course, that never changes! :devil:
and we know *she*'s still around, according to Lindsay
She...meaning Peyton...and wait what? Linds knows about Peyton and says something about it??! Or just mentions Peyton's name...not in relation to Mac?
I so need to go watch this ep!
**Mo ducks and hides in the corner!**
When she gets the report back she looks at Stella and says, "Peyton found" blah blah.

And yes you should.
When she gets the report back she looks at Stella and says, "Peyton found" blah blah.
Ahhhhh! I had a moment of panic, thinking that you meant that Linds knew that Mac and Peyton were together...and I was thinking wait why does Linds know if Stel doesn't? And then that lead to well that might be why Stel gets so upset...and blah blah blah! But it all makes sense now! :D

Yeah I know I need to watch it, I'm so bummed...cuz I was all set to just watch it last night and then I couldn't! :mad:
thanks about the list i found it and why does peyton have to be back i was happy when she was gone i could sense smacked beond the horision lol
msgirl, could you please not run all your sentences together? They are very hard to read. :( Also, please include more discussion in your posts.

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