Mac & Stella #5: Tie Me To The Hood, Baby

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I don't know a site with CSI:NY scripts. Just a truckload of CSI:LV ones. I usually retain those lines *that's why I need a life hahahah*

Btw, I saw the ET segment on CSI:NY and lo and behold, I saw she-devil there beside Mac leaning over the DB. I just realized, Mac's very keen on European women *wink*.... 2 English women and a Greek lady... :)

Btw, it's my 18th birthday today. Finally, I'm legal!
Awww Happy Birthday Chaos!! Yay for being legal...that's fabulous! :D Have a wonderful, wonderful Smacked filled B'day! :D And as a nice little b'day present...Gary has something nice just for you! ;)

Mac is keen on European women isn't he...hmmm, interesting. Although really I think it's the Greek women who particularly hold his fancy...Greek women with gorgeous crazy curls, passionate brown eyes, stubborness like none other, strength of a tigress and the playfulness of a kitten...think he knows any Greek woman like that...who could melt his heart with one smile...make his knees quiver with one quirk of her eyebrow...and make him laugh with one word? :lol:
Happy Birthday Chaos!

Melly, Mac's mine. Dangit. We both know this. But we'll fight that one out in his thread :D

God you ppl are making me want this thing even more. Grr to you all. Why is this girl getting all up on our Mac?!?!
^Thanks! Better hide that from my mom or she'll grab him from me -- birthday or no birthday. She's a die-hard Gary fan and she's all for SMACked.
Is not, he's mine, darnit, and I share him with Stella. Anyway, I like your description, Moriel. She can also intimdate him like no one else and make him bow to her wishes...Officer Blue...and still make his heart race and make him weak-kneed too :)

She should spank him hehehe...."You'be been a naughty boy, Mac, now I must punish you." Maybe with the robospanker? :devil:
Mel! :lol: Stella spanking Mac now that would crack me up! :lol: I'm thinking that might be showing a bit more than we want on primetime! :devil: (unless you just meant that in the non-guttery way...and I just took it to the gutter...which I frequently do! :devil: )

So y'all new thread got any ideas?
We could go
Mac & Stella #6- "Always There For Each Other!" Or
Mac & Stella #6 "I'm Glad You Stayed!" Or guttery...hmmmm we need a few guttery Smacked title ideas...anyone??!!
Mel23, argh!!! Teh Robospanker! DnA!!! *cries* The only moment we got was the cool, olde, robospanker *weeps*.

Chaos! Heehee! You're 18? You are now responsible for all the things you do! Cheers!

You guys do realize that my fingers are all sore with all the dragging to see the spoilers and stuff. We ought to have some forum where we can freely speculate with glee.

Ranma, Payless? I'm eating the same thing now... YOu almost made me choke. Grrs-ness at you.

Let's come upi with the list of nicknames of ________ (you all know who she is)
er, well, half and half, I don't want to get smacked by the meter but I wanted to be slightly naughty LOL. And hey, maybe it won't make primetime but there's always fanfic and our guttery minds *g* *now has mental of Mac going "Thank you ma'am may I have another?" even though she's never seen Animal House* lol. about
Mac&Stella#6:Accept No Substitutes
Mac&Stella#6: Meet *me* in the shower
I know what I wish we could do lol
Mac&Stella#6: Peyton who? lol but it might be considered ship bashing, I can't tell.
but I wanted to be slightly naughty LOL
Lol, that's awesome! **High five to you!** I love slightly naughty! :devil: :lol:
Mac & Stella#6: Accept No Substitutes!
Mac & Stella#6: Meet *me* in the shower!
Lol, yay Mel! Those are great, I LOVE them both!! And as for the other one ;) Yeah I'd totally do that in a heartbeat...but I think you're right about the bash part... :( Still like it though ;) :lol:
ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTES. Man, that ROCKS! I mean, try saying it seriously, then think about SMACked-ness. While, Meet *me* in the shower, is verrrry guttery.

MAC/STELLA #6: Because Melina spoiled us already.
MAC/STELLA #6: We overuse the use of the spoiler.

*huggles to all*

Oh, and I am absolutely bored. Any new, shiny fics lately?
Is it just me or does Mac tend to like women with accents, such as Jane & she who will be not be named? Also, I found that both women were fair skinned so maybe if Stella came to work one day with pale skin & a thick Greek accent Mac might notice her more :lol:. I mean, how could Mac not be turned on by a Greek accent? Words just seem to sound much more dirtier :devil:.

*eta* Happy frigging birthday chaos :D!
Lol, J.F.! Well we know he likes it when she speaks Greek to him...that always works! :devil: Personally I think Stella should march right up to him and go "Mac, I know you love me...and I know I love you...and since you keep dancing around this...I'm just gonna say you need to do something about it!" And then Mac should look at her and kiss her senseless right that would make for a great season premiere! :lol:
It definitely would. I can also see Mac just looking at Stella for like 2 minutes, waiting for her to finish while Stella is thinking inside her head, "Um, this is certainly awkward!" :lol:. After that he would take her in his arms & just plant one. It could be a great way to end the episode as we would all be excited for next week to see what happens. If only the writers were are smart as us. *sigh*
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