Mac & Stella #5: Tie Me To The Hood, Baby

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No Kidding! Whatever she says about the shower...I SOOO wanted to smack the smug look right off her face...if I were her I'd be running scared, no one showers with Mac but Stella and once Stel finds out...yeah let's just say Rambo Stella will look tame compared to what will happen to Payless after we're thru with her! :mad:

6 days y'all...I'm desperately trying to stay positive with 6 days, YAY!! :D
Hehe. Oodles of noodles! We can throw them at her :devil:

She said "And I'll meet you in the shower." Nearly had a heart attack as well on that one. Demm.

P.S. Gary Payton is a veteran Miami Heat player (for those who have no idea)
Mmmm, drown her in noodles, it'll just look like she's a glutton and died stuffing her face...hey that's feasible! I'd believe it! :lol:
now that's funny! Lol! Yeah she did say that...GRRRRR!! No one showers with Mac but me...I mean Stella, yeah Stella, dang it!!
Ranma i love how you always come up with names for "she who must not be named" :lol: :lol: I think we should probably write a dictionary so no one here gets confused.

See.... I told you.. i nearly died of a heart attack... i mean he looks so sexy in that promo and i love that smile he gives to her... and that her should be Stella or at least me! End of conversation!
I'm not having a heart attack either...even if I wanted it,I am too young...But...come one...see the positive thing...we had the opportunity for another shirtless scene and that cute great slime he damn gave her :D...I may have to change my glasses but that wasn't Peyton was someone else...Stella,or someone from in here! ;)...Lol...What I am trying to say is that you can erase her from your brain cells and think that is Stella...simple! :cool:
See... i don't know if i have enough brain cells to perform the operation of erasing Peyote from the scene....guess too many wild nights with Mac doesn't help maintaining a good brain health :lol: .... I will give the writers the benefit of a doubt but nothing more... 4 ep-arch then i'm starting WWIII :lol: :lol: :lol: .... Seriously, let's leave Mac have a girlfriend to practice how kiss and make love and then we send him back to Stella... (or maybe he'll get lost and will land at my home... but that's another story)
Could you help me with this? I posted this 2 days ago in the quote forum, but nobody answered :(

I collect the quotes, so when I hear a good one (well one that sounds good in my language) I look for it in English. So I hope you can help me with one quote I hear yesterday in "Night Mother". I'd like to know the right words please!!!

It was something like this:
Stella: Do you hear that?
Mac: Hear what?
Stella: It's your brain working!!! You won't sleep again right?
Mac: I won't as long as the questions keep me awake.

Thanks a lot!!! And I'm sorry about the bad translation from Spanish !!!! :D
Lol, I don't know if I have all that many to erase, between soccer and playing with my CSI boys :devil:...I'm thinking I need to keep what I've got! ;) But I do like, no LOVE, the idea of erasing Payless from the show, from Mac's life...etc. 4eps and yeah she better be gone or I'm joining in declaring WWIII!! :mad: :lol:
I think i cannot help you with that CalleighWolfe... i watch the eps in spanish too! :)

Mo soccer?!?!? Yay! In which position do you play? I was left defense.

So we all don't have enough brain cells.. What does that mean? That we watch CSI too much? Or we loose them getting angry with Mac? I have to agree with Athens it's too soon for Stella to start dating but that doesn't mean that Mac has to be in a relationship with Peyote further than 4 episodes.
Mok you play soccer, sweet deal! I usually play center mid...although sometimes I get kicked back to Stopper or Sweeper...depends :D Great game huh!

yeah too much CSI, although I like to think that makes me smarter! ;) And currently yeah being mad at Mac! :p And I think it's too soon for Stel to date anyone, other than Mac! I think if she were to start dating Mac it would be okay, because that's who she's wanted that would not be too soon or unreal! :D
mokis said:
Ranma i love how you always come up with names for "she who must not be named" :lol: :lol: I think we should probably write a dictionary so no one here gets confused.

*nod* It's in TV Guide now and he looks entirely yummy but I gotta put up with *her* in the pic. That's why I threw out the last promo pic in there. But I'll volunteer to take her place in his arms if Stella's busy *drool* Or hmm anyone know how to photoshop her out and put Stella in instead?
See.... I told you.. i nearly died of a heart attack... i mean he looks so sexy in that promo and i love that smile he gives to her... and that her should be Stella or at least me! End of conversation!
CalleighWolfe said:
Could you help me with this? I posted this 2 days ago in the quote forum, but nobody answered :(

I collect the quotes, so when I hear a good one (well one that sounds good in my language) I look for it in English. So I hope you can help me with one quote I hear yesterday in "Night Mother". I'd like to know the right words please!!!

It was something like this:
Stella: Do you hear that?
Mac: Hear what?
Stella: It's your brain working!!! You won't sleep again right?
Mac: I won't as long as the questions keep me awake.

Thanks a lot!!! And I'm sorry about the bad translation from Spanish !!!! :D

I think that's it. If not really exact, it's very close. I remember that scene -- Mac and Stella walking in a corridor somewhere that looks like a dark basement, right?
you're right chaos and BTW, do you know any pages with the scripts for CSI NY or any other CSI? I have one but it doesn't have many CSI NY just CSI :( Thanks a lot!!! :D
Lol, C.W. I was just gonna post the site I know of where you can get scripts and stuff, but then I remembered that it only has one CSI-NY script on there...sad day! :( They're a little behind! :p Sorry!

Oh and y'all...we should definitely start thinking of new thread titles...we're getting closer! :D
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