Mac & Stella #5: Tie Me To The Hood, Baby

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Mo.. take your way to the spoiler thread... i don't know if there's a link there to the interview.

Edit: found it!!!

TV Guide (Sept 18-24)"Though Stella isn't 100 percent ready to be in another relationship--can you blame her after her last boyfriend attacked her?--she'll start thinking about dating. "We've been talking about getting somebody new in Stella's life," Kanadaredes says. "Maybe he'll be somebody you already know. Maybe he'll be a good guy.".
^..maybe...we don't know for sure...I don't know,I do not want Stella to be with someone at this time..And Mac is with the -she,who must not be named-[I don't know if I said that correct!]...for now,none of them is available...Stella at least emotionllally move on after what had happened.what,they are getting us 4-5 months after Frankie's attack and she already has a boyfriend?why...Mac is 1 year alredy with Peyton-Payton whatever,time to break up...5 episodes are enough... About what J_ said I don't want to think that Stella was in love with Mac when he first saw him...and I think he was happy with Claire,that's why he was mourning for her for years after her death..Into the healing process,Stel helped Mac and then she felt...stronger!

my turn to ask If I made any sense! :cool:
You sure made it athens!...btw i've updated my fic.

I too think is not enough time for Stella to deal with the whole Frankie thing. It's impossible to be fully recovered from a situation like that in only 4 or 5 months but, i'm sure, the producers of the show think that if the lead man has a relationship, then the lead woman too. Concerning to when their love start i also think like JF and Athens that at first they were very good friends and it was after that love grew.
Okay so it's in the newest TVguide huh, okay. Mmmm, "maybe it's someone we know, maybe he's a good guy"...sounds like Mac to me! Lol! If it's someone on the team I really do hope it's Mac...who am I kidding, I hope in general it's Mac! Plus if it is Mac that would make sense as far as her moving on so fast from Frankie, cuz she was in love with Mac before so it's not as much of a stretch to think she'd get over that whole "thing" faster with Mac. And I don't remember who said it (sorry!) but 4 or 5 eps is enough for the she-devil...then she can leave in a huff or tears or whatever and Mac can realize he needs Stella and go running to her apartment to win her heart! :D
I don't write angst so well...but I gotta say I'm seriously tempted with all these angsty plot bunnies running around in here! :lol:
And thanks Mok I'll check out the spoiler thread! :D
More spoilers

There's another episode with Mac/Peyton fighting....yay! The more they fight, the more he'll want to turn to Stella for comfort :)I like the "trouble in paradise" label someone gave it. *is happy*(

And guess what we get again tonight? Shartless Smacked-ness!

Stella soooo needed to take him home and strip him and sponge him down and kiss him all better :devil: If it weren't for having to find the guy and help poor Flack of course.
Ohhhh, yummy, yummy! Thanks Mel now that's a nice visual to have! :devil: And yeah if it weren't for finding the bad guy and making sure Flackie was alive...I totally agree...Stella should have taken Mac home, cleaned him all up and kissed him all better! :devil: (Not that she still didn't do that later anyway! ;) )

YAY for trouble in paradise...although I'm loathe to call anything involving Mac and the she-devil "paradise"! :p Mac's paradise is Stella, plain and simple! But yay for trouble with the she-devil, that means Mac is that much closer to getting to be with Stella! :D And as for the rumors of Stella being with someone new (if it's not Mac :mad:)...well let's just say if TPTB play the "oops now he's free, but she's not...oops she's free, but he's not...oops..." game then heads will start rolling people! And don't think I won't do it either!
Yay!!!! Trouble in paradise!!!... soon Voldemortress will be someone we can't seem to know where we saw her or to who she was related. But at the same time i'm afraid... 'cause if they fight because they can't separate their professional life of their personal life then Mac may think it's not a good idea to date Stella. Do you know what i mean?

Thanks for the the pic Mel... i like shirtless Mac, wet Mac.... well, let's face it i love Mac! :lol: :lol:
I've think we've all established, Flack's mine. so is Mac. I'm sharing him with Stella. *nods*

Shirtless!Mac is like. total. :drool: Anyone seen my bucket?
Lucky, Lucky, Stella.

Its not flack. I stated why above. Anyways, so I have high hopes that its Mac, and possibly all of our bitching and moaning got them to waken up and give us our SMACKED!

Nice Icon, J.
I'm giggly over the fight spoilers.

We don't need to see Stella come in-between Mac & Payless, it's gonna unravel on its own. Heheh.
iheartnickcath said:
I've think we've all established, Flack's mine. so is Mac. I'm sharing him with Stella. *nods*

Shirtless!Mac is like. total. :drool: Anyone seen my bucket?
Lucky, Lucky, Stella.

Its not flack. I stated why above. Anyways, so I have high hopes that its Mac, and possibly all of our bitching and moaning got them to waken up and give us our SMACKED!

Nice Icon, J.

No, we've all established that he's MINE! So hands off!

I have to agree about it unraveling on its own. Not to mention still wondering why Stella would date so soon anyway, unless it's Mac. I could see him, she can trust him and he's a good friend. 'Sides, where was *she* when the bomb went off? Must've called him offscreen, but it was Stella who was really there for him :) Who really loves him :)
Howdy Smackers! :lol:
yeah I agree, I really want Mac and Peepee to break up...but I don't want Mac to give up on dating people in the office...cuz we know it'd work with Stella!
I've think we've all established, Flack's mine. so is Mac. I'm sharing him with Stella. *nods*
Oh seriously chica, you claiming all the guys now? :lol: Mac, Flackie, gotsta share some of them hon! ;)
Payless...that's awesome! I LOVE it! Fab nickname! And yeah I'm hoping you're right and that it unravels on it's own!
Nice banner Ran I likes it! :D
Let's face girls! Mac is mine and only mine... but i don't mind to share him if you ask nicely and Stella lets you all put your hands on him. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Edit: I've seen season 3 promo and i have a few things to say

I don't know if Peyote says "You. Me. Shower" or "I'll meet you in the shower" but... who the hell does she think she is?!?!? xDDD... I'm too young to die of a heart attack just because she gets to be in the shower with Mac... at least if it was Stella... There's an Anti-Peyote league?!?.... I need SMacked in my veins!
Hey its been a while since ive been on her i was reading a page back i dont know if you guys have a new topic name so i thought of:
Mac/Stella "I will always take care of you" ;)

P.s love the shirt less mac picture stella you lucky lady and all you lucky gals ;) ;) :devil:
mokis said:
Let's face girls! Mac is mine and only mine... but i don't mind to share him if you ask nicely and Stella lets you all put your hands on him. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Edit: I've seen season 3 promo and i have a few things to say

I don't know if Peyote says "You. Me. Shower" or "I'll meet you in the shower" but... who the hell does she think she is?!?!? xDDD... I'm too young to die of a heart attack just because she gets to be in the shower with Mac... at least if it was Stella... There's an Anti-Peyote league?!?.... I need SMacked in my veins!

oh the smug cow!! no one but stella (and us obviously) sees mac in the shower. i think we all agree that she who shall not be named must be taken care of by the writers or us!

What is that f... thing about the one who must not be name and Mac taking a shower :devil: I've missed a lot!!!!!
BTW, is Tri-borough a good smacked episode??? :D
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