Mac & Stella #5: Tie Me To The Hood, Baby

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Yeah, Stella manages to hide her surprise as well as her hurt from Mac. She might feel betrayed or hopeless with the situation. But she stays with Mac.

Mac and Voldemortress's fight might start out professional but it might root from a personal thing. After all, Mac realizes that having a romantic relationship with someone you work with can have negative aspects. He voices this out on her over probably his professional visit to the ME and then it goes on being a personal thing. Upset and lost, Mac suddenly finds himself looking for Stella... someone to talk to.
Okay y'all...I was rewatching the end of last season's finale and that's such a nice little Smacked scene! **sigh!**
With Mac saying, "I'm glad you stayed..." and then Stella smiling and going, "that's what we do. we take care of each other!"
And so I was thinking maybe we could use one of those as a potential new thread title...I mean we could wait til the premiere too...see if we get any good Smacked lines! ;) But just for fun...I was thinking like...
Mac & Stella #6: I'm Glad You Waited! (ya know like stayed...but waited for him to leave "her" and choose Stella! :D )
Mac & Stella #6: It's What They Do...For Eachother!
So yeah that's what I got...just for fun! :lol:
JF i didn't mean phisically... it's stupid to hit another one 'cause she or he is having a relationship with someone you want to... we're more civil than that :lol:. But there are other ways to fight like sticking around as a real good friend showing that the only thing it matters is that the person you love is happy, being there in the good times and the bad ones, showing that the best love relationships are those settled on a deep relationship and obviously Mac's friendship with Stella is deeper and longer than the one with Peyton.
No, Stella's too classy to sink to that level. But a catfight in the ME's office or the morgue sounds cool. Lol! Anyway, maybe in that fight/hostility between Mac and she-devil, Mac has to work with her again but this time, he's partnered with Stella. So he goes to the ME's office with her and witnesses first hand the hostility between the two. She-devil being all cold and Mac being a lost puppy and all that...

with Mac out of earshot, Stella wheels around and says: "You know what, Peyton, you don't know how lucky you are. And now, you're throwing that away." *end scene* Hahahahahahah! I'm preempting the writers BIGTIME!
Lot's of posts here!~ :lol:why did school had to start huh? :rolleyes:...anyway..
I agree that Stella wouldn't even try to hurt physically the female Voldemort although she maybe would love to but...we forget someting..People who are in love are supposed to do ssssssssstupid thing[kx,at least is what they say! :lol:]...So Stella maybe would say that it is-he found a girlfriend is over I give up..enough..he maybe not fells the way she feels :( :rolleyes:[I know,is completely out of S's character and personality but as I said before before in those ''situations'' act strange!]
yeah I gotta say I agree, I don't think Stella would fight physically...but proving subtely that she is better for Mac, I could see her doing that...but then again, she is better for Mac so that's not a bad thing. ;) Lol! Although a catfight would be very fun to see, I don't see Stella stooping to that...catty comments to the she-devil though, I could see that happening! :p Every jealous woman no matter how classy is allowed a few mean comments, it's how we survive! :lol:
I like the gooey one!!!
It's my signature!!!! :p

Or Stella's language, Mac's language, Love language (I know it's awful but what can I do?)
It's not so out of characther. Probably is the easiest thing to think.... I mean if i was Stella and knew Mac was dating another woman i'd probably be mad first but then i'd accept it and probably give up on him. It's normal to think that he doesn't feel the same way about her. I'm sure Stella would like to see him happy and then move on and find someone who she would probably not love the same way she loves Mac but that would care for her and love her.

Did i make any sense? :D
Oh good lord Mok that's so sad and depressing to think! :( I mean I guess I could kinda see how that'd happen...but still...SAD DAY!!!! :( I refuse to think that'd happen...I'm gonna go with eternal optimism and say that won't happen...she wouldn't do that! :D (Call it denial, I call it a lovely Smacked bubble in which nothing bad happens to seperate my lovely ship! :D )
*puts fingers in ears and joins Moriel in bubble* la la la I agree with you Moriel.
I also agree she wouldn't fight physically, it's too OOC. But I can see her fighting for Mac in other ways. And, ack, did you all see the interview with Melina about them thinking of getting someone for Stella? She needs Mac, you hear me? *yells at writers*
Mo, Mel i'm optimist too and i think we'll finally have our share of Smacked if not in the show at least in our fanfics and art but we've to face the fact that people, even Stella, gets tired of waiting for someone. Probably you only fall in love once or twice in your life (i'm a hopeless romantic and i believe in true love) but if you don't get the opportunity to live this love the only thing you can do is give up and move on to find someone that at least gives you some happiness. And i think that "she who must not be named" is that kind of person to Mac 'cause i can't see him falling madly in love with a person with who he obviously doesn't share the same kind of friendship, confidence and honesty he shares with Stella.

Did i make any sense again? :lol: :lol: :D
I personally don't think Stella will ever give up on Mac. I mean, I bet was in love with him when he was with Claire and at the time he was married. Once Stella sees who this Peyton chick is she figures Peyton won't be much of a competition and she'll probably figure that there's no use to give up on Mac.

They're both too much in love to give up on one another. Only death can stop them as eerie as it sounds.
In an interview Melina has said Stella is getting involved with some guy this season and that he's someone we know. Obviously someone from the cast. I know i have to be more pessimistic but what if is it Mac?... Though people say it will probably be Flack

With every second it goes i'm getting more and more confused.
*puts fingers in ears and joins Moriel in bubble* la la la I agree with you Moriel.
Yay Mel! I knew you'd agree with me! ;) And sure hon, join me in my's fun in here! :D Heehee! :D
Oh No Freaking Way! Melina said they're thinking of getting someone for Stella? NOOOO!!! She and Mac need to be together dang it! Not Mac and she-devil and Stella and whatever crap bag they pick for her! Grrrrr!!!

Mok yeah you made sense...I just hope that's not what happens! :D

J.F. Thank you hon! I agree, I think they're too much in love to ever give up on each other...that's what I'm sticking with! :D

Melina's getting involved with someone we know? Really that's what she said? Oh Lord I hope it's Mac! And NOT Flack...I mean nothing personal to Flack, he's fabuous....but it is Mac who Stella needs to be with, bar none!!
Hey Mok where did you find the Melina interview you're talking about? Do you have a link? :D
Hhahaha... yeah FLack's fabulous!

It would be an interesting thing to see. But yeah, out of character. Stella is known for her strong emotions and expressions. As well as her intense dialogue. Melina has really great and powerful lines on the show. So I guess, I can settle for a verbal confrontation at least... when Voldemortress breaks Mac's heart.
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