Mac & Stella #5: Tie Me To The Hood, Baby

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Melly, quit lying your the biggest fan of angst.. Mo, have you seen what she does to Mac in RP's?

Calm yourself there, Mo?. I think I just want the angst and fluff of it all. Smacked needs the fluff, dangit!..But for the she who must not speak of, I say we throw things at her. :D .. I can see Stella being pissed at him, for a while, then :devil:
Lynn do I wanna see what she does to him? Lol :lol: And no worries...I'm calm! ;) And I'm sorry my dear, but is that you asking for fluff?! :lol: See I knew you was a closet! :lol: **Moriel does a little jig!** And I'm ALL for throwing things at "she who will not be named"....totally works for me! :p
lol probably not, Mo...actually one game is gone now...but there's still the cancer game and the car crash game but that was Lynn's idea, she just did it 'cause I mentioned something to her. Although I guess I'm to blame for the broken back and temporary paralysis. Oops and can't forget the heart attack game.
Oh dear Lord! What kind of games are y'all playing? :eek: Poor poor Mac...yikes! :eek: You're right I think I'm better off not knowing anything! :D Or I might have a heart poor fluffy eyes and all the Mac whumping that's going on! :( least we know Stella is there to comfort him...she is right? Cuz if she isn't then I seriously will have a heart attack!
Yeah that's the only reason I do it. I love the comfort that comes after :D Except when Jess (Ilovegrissom1) pulled a twist on me in one game and had Stella turn down Mac for Flack. The poor boy's mentally anguished in that one.

I am trying to tone it down and not do much else to him as he's recovering...the boy needs to just be himself for a while and not get hurt anymore.

Oh and just so you don't think I'm totally evil, come see the one where he and Stella adopted a little girl are having a double wedding with Flack and his OC fiance. :D Lovely stuff.

Which does bring me back to wondering as before what kind of wedding Mac and Stella would have...I bet Stella'd want a nice storybook one since she never had much as a child. And Mac in a tux...yummmmmmm! Although I wonder who'd give her away since she has no parents, the poor girl.
Lol, Mel I don't think you're evil...well not entirely! ;) :lol: Stella and Mac adopt a little girl...awwww, how totally cute is that! :D

Mac in a tux....Yummy! :devil: **swoons for a moment at that thought!** Lucky Stella! :D Yeah I see them having a bigger wedding so Stella could have what she always dreamed of when she was little...and as far as who'd give her away...wouldn't it be cute if Flack or Danny gave her away?! I think that'd be cute! :lol:
I don't know if I will end my fic happy or hanging lol. Heck, I don't even know if it's going to end up sad. But it will be a bit romantic, angsty, sad, and probably happy, too.

So Mac and Voldemortress fight... Mac would probably walk aimlessly, until his feet take him to Stella's doorstep. He'll realize where he is when Stella opens the door and takes him in. I can't help but think about what Stella said in "Heroes". *Want me to stick around?*

Waaaa! I'm giving away my story! Hahahahahah!
Awwww Chaos, you gotta end it happy! Smacked always deserves to be happy! :D Please don't end it hanging! I really don't like :lol:, it makes me want to throw things! :p

As for your spoiler, yeah I like that....sounds good! :D Speaking of spoilers....
Stella's known about the she-devil for awhile, or do you think she will find out like we're supposed to in the premiere? And if so, what do y'all think her reaction will be? (I mean we all know she'll want to kill her, but how do you think she'll act?)
I think Stella will already know it's not something Mac would have kept to himself for a year we've already seen that he tells her some of his deepist thoughts.
The Flack part would work if he weren't also getting married in that one LOL. It's really fun so far. Atlhough I think we lost the LV half of the game sometime back :(

I do think she'd know...I'm gonna try to explain things in my fic about why they were both dating other not the baby one, sorry I forgot I didn't tell you I was writing another one too.
Your ficcie sounds like fun Mel you'll have to make sure you give me/us a link when you're done! :D Just promise me you'll give at least one of these a happy ending, okay! :lol:

As for knowing...hmmmm...
Mac kept in under wraps because he didn't want to hurt Stella and because he knows he's really in love with her and so he wants to hide this so he doesn't lose her...and sadly (this is totally angsty of me I know!) but I'm gonna say that Stella finds out from the something she says or does in Mac's presence that makes Stella go "What the Heck?!" and then Stella confronts her and she cattily tells her "Oh yeah we're dating!", and Stella gets mad...and walks away, and then Mac gets mad at the she-devil and tells her she shouldn't have done that and then goes to talk to Stella...and then somehow the whole thing comes out and Mac ends up telling Stella really he loves her (Stella)...and he apologizes and together they kick the she-devil to the curb and live happily ever after! That's what I think should happen! :lol:
Mo... i like you bein an optimist

I'm sure Mac hides the fact he is dating to Stella and to everyone because he doesn't want everyone to know it if the "thing" doesn't go well... that's the real thing... the shipper thing (and i like being in a shipper world) is that he loves Stella so much that she's scared to loose her and since he has already lost someone he cared about a lot, he doesn't want it to happen twice. But what will we do if we discover that Stella really know it from the first moment and she was cool with it?
Lol, thanks Mok! I like being an optimist too! :lol:

she knew from the beginning and was okay with it? Seriously? Well I would hate that...but really I don't see her being okay with that...I mean I know in some respects the writers haven't made Smacked's storyline a blatant romance, but at the same time I do not think that they would try to fool us into thinking they were entirely platonic and that this is something Stella would be rooting for. Honestly I think she'll be jealous and will try to maybe act like she's okay with it, but really she isn't and I think that will come out at some point!
:lol: :lol: very good ideas everybody!!!! :lol: :lol:

chaos Why did Stella tell Mac about sticking around????? What happened in that episode???? (Sorry but I've just watched 9 episodes from s1 :()

Thanks a lot for the link to Officer Blue pics !!!! :D
I told you, she was mean to him!

I'm so not a closet fluffy. Look at all my RP's. their angsty.

What ep you talking about CW?
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