Mac & Stella #5: Tie Me To The Hood, Baby

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I like this scenario:

Mac is hanging between life and death (heheh) and Peyote and Stella have a little talk.

P: You know, Mac really likes you.
S: Well, I like him, too. We've known each other for a long time...
P: No I mean, he *really* likes you. He was actually, you know, biding his time with you. The first few times we had coffee, he talked about you all the time. And that he was thinking about...moving on with you.
S: (is stunned)
P: He didn't say it but I knew he was so afraid of losing your friendship if he took that step with you. But he wanted to, so badly.
S: I don't know what to say.
P: But then you started seeing someone.
S: Yeah, yeah I did.
P: And that convinced him, more than anything else, to just back off. That maybe you don't see him that way.
S: I never...starts to tear up. But you were there for him.
P: Yes, I was. And only because you couldn't be.

I know, terrbily cliche! But I can actually *clearly* see this in my mind :lol:
I'm so not a closet fluffy.
Lynn Hiya hon! :D Lol, you keep saying that...but I just don't believes ya! :lol: **huggles to ya honey!** ;)

Ranma I LOVE that scenario...although that has the she-devil being nice and actually working to put Smacked back together and I just want to believe she's evil so I can hate! :lol: But I do like the scenario...very long as Mac lives in the end and he and Stella get together of course! (Of course...since I'm a fluffy and it must end that way! ;) :D )
CalleighWolfe said:

chaos Why did Stella tell Mac about sticking around????? What happened in that episode???? (Sorry but I've just watched 9 episodes from s1 :()

It's in "Heroes". Towards the end of the episode when Mac is in his office boxing up the murdered Marine case, Stella comes in and asks Mac how did he know Aiden bit Pratt and left the bite mark on the car's arm rest as a clue. Then Mac explains -- a young detective didn't give up six years ago and such and such -- that detective was Aiden. Then silence... until Stella says, "Do you want me to stick around." There... :) clearly, I should get a life -- memorizing CSI:NY lines and scenes indicates that I don't have any :lol: :lol: :lol:

Of course she doesn't know. Let's go for more SMACked drama, people. MAXIMUM DRAMA! Mac finally moved on in his life and started to become independent emotionally once again. Remember, midway season2 - he has hidden his "roller derby night out" from Stella. And we heard nothing about that Rose woman after the s1 finale. So I would opt for Mac NOT telling Stella then she finds it out. Of course, she's hurt but she manages to hide it. Mac being the insensitive one at times, doesn't see it... until she breaks. Think of Catherine when she found out that Warrick got married.
Ranma... Peyote?!?!?! :lol: :lol:

Mac is not insensitive... it's just that he is a man and well we all know men can be dense sometimes when it comes to feelings. There's a pic in the pic thread of Stella looking sadly and i thought to myself "I bet this is how Stella will look when she finds about Mac and Voldemortress". I need SMACKED!
hmm what do you think Stella is doing to comfort Mac today? We all know he's probably sad and depressed, naturally. (man is it raining here, oddly appropriate weather for today) I can imagine lots of holding and hugging and back rubbing and letting him cry....*sniff sniff*
Then silence... until Stella says, "Do you want me to stick around." There... clearly, I should get a life -- memorizing CSI:NY lines and scenes indicates that I don't have any
Lol, well done chaos! I'm impressed by your memorization! :D

I can imagine lots of holding and hugging and back rubbing and letting him cry....*sniff sniff*
Yeah Mel I agree, I think Stell will be comforting Mac in a big way today :D

Hmmm, can opt for not so much Smacked drama? :p Lol! :lol: I mean I'm sure we'll get some, it's inevitable...Mac's not dating Stella so we're bound to get drama (Rambo Stella :devil:...jealous Stella anyone!)...but I really hope the she-devil is gone after her 4 ep arc, and that Smacked finally works toward getting together! Dang it!

P.s. Okay y'all...I know it's Monday...but seriously where is everyone??
Mo... i was out. It's national holiday here...

I know i sound masochist but i want "she who must no be named" to stay longer than 4 chap. 'cause i like angst and i want to see she and Stella fighting over Mac xDDD
Mok what national holiday is it? :confused:

Lol, you angsty's and your drama! :p Heehee :lol:...yeah see, I like my ships happy...and fluffy...but I'm realistic and I know sometimes angst makes for better tv...(grrr! :rolleyes:) and I guess it wouldn't hurt to have the girls fight over Mac a bit, it would be fun to see Stella go Rambo on she-devil's butt! :devil:
It's the national holiday in Catalonia (a small country-region in north-east Spain). Commemorates the day we lost our freedom , rights, traditions etc... to the troops of the the new king of Spain in 1714.... Kind of difficult to explain right here. (it's like northern ireland)

Back on the topic... Yes! I like angst! 'cause it makes things more realistic.

We can't expect Mac to throw himself into Stella's arms because he has had a professional fight with "she who must not be named". I want to see Stella fighting to be with him and i want to see him then suffer 'cause Stella wants a real proof that he loves her with all his heart. I'm angsty and romantic!
Is that where you live then Mok? That's! Congrats on your holiday! :D

Lol, as far as liking angst...yeah it does sometimes make things more realistic, but then again they usually add way more drama then is necessary! ;) :p I can handle a certain amount of angst, but I get angst in real I like fluff with my ships! :lol:

yeah okay I can agree with you on that..I wouldn't mind seeing Stel fight for Mac, and then after she wins him...makes him prove he loves her...I mean she and we all know he loves her, but it wouldn't hurt to have him really show her that he's hers alone!
Nawh, Stella is too classy to physically fight for Mac. I think she would just wait till Mac breaks up with Peyton before she can have him again. She wants to feel like she earned Mac & she definitely doesn't wanna feel like she stole him away from another woman.

Or, we could place the un-named on a plane with snakes :lol:.
you make an excellent point JF :p :lol:...Stel is very classy and as much as she loves Mac...I kinda have to agree with you, I don't see her stooping to physically fighting over him or stealing him away from another matter how much she wants to.

Or, we could place the un-named on a plane with snakes
J.F. That is freaking hilarious!! :lol: I love that...and yeah we should TOTALLY do that! :devil: :D
Even if Stella was to steal Mac from Peyton she would eventually feel sick with herself. She would probably confess the whole situation to Mac & then walk away. She wants to win Mac over when he's single & ready for Stella, not when he's seeing another woman. Besides, Mac would probably be pretty pissed off once he found out the truth.

:lol: They'd totally make a sequel with Snakes on a Plane & you know who would be there but she wouldn't survive :devil: :lol:.
Well, Mac can we withdrawn to the people around him... even to Stella at times. But we do have those moments where we are so excited about something that we tell the whole story to the first person we see on the street, right? Maybe Mac can have that moment but it's not just with any joe or jane on the street... he has it with Stella. *okay, my own heart is beginning to break at that thought*

Well, I think Stella would still stick around. She would hide her feelings (love) in favor of being "just a friend" to Mac. But this time, she would just listen -- no talking. Mac then realizes that he's hurting her. How's that for drama? Lol!
How's this for angst...I can't believe I'm gonna do this...
kinda like chaos said...Mac has a big fight with she-devil...a professional fight that turns into a personal fight...and Mac realizes he needs to talk to someone other than the she-devil about it, and since he has and always will be closest to Stella...he decides to talk to her about he goes and tells her he had a fight with his girlfriend...and Stella stares at him for a moment, and then says "Wait Mac who are you talking about? You never told me you were seeing anyone..." and Mac looks amazed and then realizes he'd really never told her...and then Stella somehow manages to hid her hurt and pain and ask him what she can do to help him...and then that could become a pattern until Mac comes to his senses (which better be soon dang it!) and realizes that it's Stella who he always comes to with problems and to talk to and for help and that really it is her he wants in his arms...and no one else!

Hey just out of curiosity, anyone got any ideas for new thread titles? It's gonna be an issue here in the next few weeks I'm thinking! Especially with the premiere coming up! :D
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