Mac & Stella #5: Tie Me To The Hood, Baby

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aww quit being mean to Danny.. already has that?..dangit.

Needs to go bye bye. We want our smacked dangit!. .. But anyways, yay to the fight!
Lynn Hiya! :D
No worries hon...we're not being mean to Danny exactly...more teasing him cuz he's just so cute and we loves him SOOO much! :lol: Lol, and come on he's a little slow on the uptake sometimes! ;) :lol:
Now wait...why "dangit" that tvguide has the listing already? I'm confused... :confused:
:lol: I can totally see Danny as being the last person on the team to find out that Mac & Stella are dating. He would up to Hawkes & be all smug while saying, "Can you believe that Mac & Stella are dating!" and Hawkes would be like, "Dude, I know. The whole team knew for 2 months!". Danny would then throw a tantrum and be like, "Why am I always the last to know!". Stella would feel bad and make up some lie so Danny shuts up :lol:. Danny would then be totally supportive. But yeah, it would be evene funnier if Danny found out by catching Mac & Stella in the lab closet examining each other's DNA :devil:.
But yeah, it would be evene funnier if Danny found out by catching Mac & Stella in the lab closet examining DNA
Lol, yeah J.F. wouldn't that be great!
Lol, I can just picture it...:
Danny walks into the closet to get something...and see Smacked...well you know...runs back to his and Lindsay's office...
"You'll never guess what I just saw! Mac and Stella are making out in the closet!"
Linds rolls her eyes..."I told Stella that closet wasn't a good place to do that!"
Danny gasps, "Wait you knew about this?"
Linds just grins at him, "Yeah I caught them in there last month!"
Lol, now that'd be funny! :lol:
^congrats here too chaos_ ! really nice sequel!...oh,time for the other one you were thinking about the other days!.. ;)

It would be a shoking experience for Danny to catch his boss -call me Mac-and his girlfriend-I call her Stella! :D-making out in the lab closet..

nice mini-story-dialogue moriel ! :lol:..and I can see it be shown in an episode...ok,the closet scene kxkx nop but the converstation oui!yep.!nai!.. :rolleyes:

Yeah, I'll start making the next one. These two SMACked fics are very light and fun. This next one -- the one with Voldemortress -- will be a bit emo and angsty. And I want it to be long, too. Time to cry, people. I'll make Stella cry. Hhahahahah!
I want angst! I need angst! ... Want to see Voldemortress in action. Hope you start writing soon 'cause i really like reading you.

If Danny caught them making out i'm sure he'd find something funny and embarrassing to say. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Awww Chaos, I just read both your ficcies...they are SOOO cute and fluffy and sweet, I LOVE it! :D Great job!
As for the new ficcie...Stella crying...? :( If Stella cries I just KNOW I'll cry and that's just sad :(
Lol, as a bona fide fluffy I must at least look like I'm protesting to angst... :p That said, as long as by the end Smacked is happy, I'll probably read it! ;)

12 days y'all...WOHOO! I SOOO cannot wait! I mean, I know I'll be shrieking angerily at my tv when the first ep comes on...cuz of you-know-who being you-know-where with you-know-who...but still I can't wait for the season to start! :D
Well, I think Mac will fight with the-one-who-must-not-be-named (that's so funny :lol:) and them our Stella would comfort him.

BTW, do you know (or have :p) any pic of Stella and Mac (or they separated) with the police officer uniform? like the one they wore in "Officer Blue" at the end of the episode???
awww I don't like angst...but as long as it ends happy, it works pretty much for me. I agree too Moriel...hehe we can't say what they would next but it involves olive oil I bet :devil:

*thinks she's gonna write a sequel or two to Special Delivery*
Hey Mel! :D **waves!** Yeah I don't like angst either, but as long as it ends happy then it's good, I say! :lol:
And yeah Mel ...Smacked uses Olive Oil alot! :devil: (And sadly I just totally sent myself to the, I'm just sad! :devil: Wow! :lol: )

You wrote a ficcie Mel ? it on Do you have a link?
Angst is better!!!! .... that way when the happy end arrives a good sensation of relief invades you. :lol:

I'm not sure Stella will want to comfort him after his fight with she who must not be named. It seems to me that Stella is mad at him 'cause he didn't tell her about his relationship with Voldemortress. Because i'm sure she doesn't know anything about it.
Lol, Mok I will admit that angst does make the fluff at the end that much is kinda fun to read a story where the characters have all the longing and pent up emotions and all that and then it finally gets resolved and they are happy in the end...I'll give ya that! (just don't let Lynn hear me say that or I'll never hear the end of it! :p :lol: )

I think Stella will make Mac explain himself first...why he didn't tell her about the she-devil...and then he'll explain that he didn't think he could have her, Stella his true love, so he figured he'd settle for what he could get (or something like that) and Stella will tell him he's a silly man because all he ever had to do was ask her to be his and she would have gladly and then she will hug him and they will kiss and...... :devil: :devil:
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