Mac & Stella #5: Tie Me To The Hood, Baby

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Kids are another thing we're indulging in on the RP boards. The first one's kinda stalled while the owner reposts it, but there's still one on Jess's board where Stella had twins and one where they adopted. I can also really see her wanting to do something like that.

I can also see her being someewhat difficult to live with during mood swings and possibly killing poor Mac's hand during labor lol...I'd hate to see the pregnant version of Rambo Stella lol.
hey...will you forward me the link please darlin'

cuz im too lazy to look for it lol

but i think the baby abouve is so cute!!
and she kinda has macs face too lol!!
i mean it has the curly hair to go with stella
here we go...
that baby is really cute...A smacked family would be something interesting though something like could never happen!..they would both want babies,they will adopt and have on their own...biiiiig family :lol:

nice mokis!..good you are ready!

iheartn&c and mel just in the future don't hurt them more..hurt someone,don't hurt anyoone :D...hey,obil,if you join them in rps be good,not mean like them!... ;)[just kiddin :rolleyes:]

and one last,when you write fics give us a clue to know about it and go search please...!thnxz :D
didnt stella walk in to macs office one day and he was sta there thinking and stella was like "whats up?"

and mac was thinking about having kids!!


i think mac and stella both want the exact same things in life!!
Cute baby! If they would have a kid... maybe just one. Or two. I like how Mac played 'daddy' to Sam in that Japanese comic case. And how 'Stella' handled the baby back in season1... that was so cute.

My fave SMACked episode? Er... "Hush" is one and the rambo Stella episode when she charged in Mac's office with a machine gun hahahah -- I keep picturing what would happen if Danny was the one who did that hahahahah
ehm...''hush''is another episode with kind of rambo stella when she saves Mac's life..shoking yeah :D...!the one you are talking chaos. about with the gun is probably ''officer blue''! ;)...both of them,are good smacked episodes..

did ever happened what you said o,bil_ >>??mac thinking about kids? :confused: :lol:
^Yeah, those.

SOrry, I'm very bad with episode titles. I just go by the scenes lol..


PS: "All Access" is currently airing behind me as I type this.
I didn't watch when that one reaired, it was too painful. *wanted to slap Mac for not giving hugs and lots more comfort*

I can't wait to see S1, I am so outta the loop when it comes to those eps LOL. Hmm would love to see her thank him properly for saving her <g> I can see her doing it quite thoroughly LOL.
I can't wait to see S1, I am so outta the loop when it comes to those eps LOL. Hmm would love to see her thank him properly for saving her <g> I can see her doing it quite thoroughly LOL.
Yeah Mel you and me both...I am trying to figure out a way to rent Season 1 if I can...but so far I haven't figured out a way. And as for her thanking him "thoroughly".... :devil: Lol, yup I can totally see that happening! :lol:

Okay y'all....Rambo Stella? Does Stella really charge into Mac's office with a gun? This I gotta hear about...please tell me more! :D
It's a case where they need to extract the bullet from a horse and they know, probably, the surgery will kill the poor animal. Plus, the horse was donated by an officer widow and she her daughter want to see the animal again. The district attorney asks Mac to postpone the surgery as long as it's possible. Stella talks to Mac and gets angry 'cause she says she needs the bullet to find the rifle and that the surgery must be done and Mac says the contrary. He ends their fight saying he's the boss and "end of conversation".

Stella goes to the suspect's home and finally finds the rifle. She goes to Mac's office with the rifle and it really looks like she's ready to kill. :lol:... She's is still angry with him and makes sure Mac gets it rising the tone of her voice, telling him now that they have the rifle, the surgery has to be done to have the bullet and finishes with an "End of conversation". I love it.
^^^^correction...the episode where stella walks into macs office with the machine gun is "officer blue"

with the great lines of

"and you should be out there looking for the weapon instead of arguing with me...end of conversation!"

"in stella talk its time to get the bullet out of the horse mac...end of conversation!!"
Mel lol! :lol: Those shirts are AWESOME! How'd you find those? Stella would totally wear one of, can't you see it...she takes off her suit jacket and there she is wearing that tee....I would LOVE it!! That'd be a nice way to make Smacked canon...heehee! :D And yeah she would definitely not go back! :devil:

Thanks for recap Mokis...sounds like a good ep, I'll have to find a way to watch it! :D
So then what's the ep where Stella kisses him on the cheek...what happens there? And the ep where they're both dressed up and Stel helps him tie his tie (I think that's what she does) what happens there? :D
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