Mac & Stella #5: Tie Me To The Hood, Baby

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But you know, M/S ended up together... hey, M/S. Get it? Oh shut up J.

How do you know she didn't add it J. Just because we didn't see, doesn't mean she didn't ;)

Aww, she's worried about him..
omg i just fort of the best way dis peyton fing cud go!

stella could start cursing her in greek and mac wud just ignor it a few times and then when she did it again bt also say sumfin bout peyton taking away her mac he would start talking in greek and tell her to stop swearin in the lab and she wud b like i dint know u spoke greek

hed tell her hed been takin lessons ever since 'the closer'

soooo mac wud knw she liked him and peyton wud get angry and say you love her its obvious ur even takin greek lessons for her.

and then it wud all out in the open :D
iheartnickcath said:
But you know, M/S ended up together... hey, M/S. Get it? Oh shut up J.

*looks at post* *looks at shot ouzo* *looks back at post* Hmmm, ok, I'm a bit confused here :lol:.

I have some new topic for everyone. What would you do if Mac and Stella became cannon? Do you prefer fan fics over the ship becoming cannon?

Personally, I take fics over becoming cannon for so many reasons. One is that fics give you more freedom to do what you want with Mac & Stella then the show does. Plus, if Mac & Stella broke up in a fic we'd be able to move on but if they got together and broke up on the show it would be much harder to take and it would ruin our fun :(.
Wouldn't mind to see them canon... and fighting like in the ep "officer blue" xDDD... (Stella was great in this one). But i like fanfics too 'cause we can imagine thousands of situations to put them into. And they can break up because there's nearly a 100% possibilities that they'll make up in the next chapter.

If someday they become canon i don't want their relatioship to be the central interest of the show. I like CSI NY 'cause it's a good cop show not because it's a soap opera. I have General Hospital for that! xDDD. But a kiss or two or a scene like the one he's going to have with "she who must not be named" would be great to see.

Does anybody know if there's a place with Mac&Stella fics? I've read everything in fanfiction and i'm longing for more.

Edit: Wish i had the ep "The Closer" to hear Stella speaking in greek! :D
I wouldn't mind seeing them as canon. They deserve that, but yeah like you said, J. If they break up on teh show theres going to be tension there. .. and I don't think its the kind we want to have.

J, we need to make Smacked a site. :D

Oh J, You knew what I meant! :lol:
I have a feeling that Stella teaches Mac sexual phrases in Greek when nobody is around. Then, when the time is right he uses 'em if I know what I mean. Anyway, I feel like spreading more photo joy:

By My Side

Look, they practically walk the same way with the hip twist to one side. I hear couples always copy each other ;).

Don't Speak

I probably already posted this photo but forgive me anyway. The fact that the light is bearing down them as they're looking into each other's eyes makes the moment more romantic. Their eyes are doing the talking for them as they always do.
Hello my lovely Smackies... :lol: :lol:

JF thanks for the fabulous pics hon! I LOVE that last one where they're facing eachother in the dark...that is hot! And I like the Greek, don't know what it means...but I like it! Now I totally want to see Season 1 even more...yummy Greek Smacked moments, sweet! :D
Bring on the fluff. (Moriel, if you tell Auda I said that...)
Lynn!!!! **Moriel jumps up and down grinning and giggling!** I KNEW it!! Lol, you are SOOO a fluffy at heart Lynny! YAY :lol: :lol: Aud where are you? Did ya see this??!! :D **Hugs to Lynn!**
"Well, it seems to me that the best relationships-- the ones that last-- are frequently the ones that are rooted in friendship. You know, one day you look at the person and you see something more than you did the night before. Like a switch has been flicked somewhere. And the person who was just a friend is... suddenly the only person you can ever imagine yourself with."
Mokis I love that! That is so totally cool...and that could totally work for Mac and Stella! Thanks for sharing :D

I say all us Smacked fans work together...and a couple of us grab Mac...and a couple others grab Stella, we'll kidnap them and lock them securely in the lab somewhere where they cannot escape so they work "everything" out (aka...make up and make out! :devil:) and meanwhile a few others will kidnap "she who will not be named", tie her up, pack her in a trunk and send her on a oneway trip to Greenland...where I'm sure there will be a nice large man who will take pity on her and make her his kitchen slave and never allow her to leave...thus ensuring that Smacked will be together forever!! :D
I like it Moriel :) Don't forget to provide plenty of olive oil for them. And a hidden camera so we can watch 'em work :devil: I wonder where we'd do it...I'd say broom closet but lately it's a toss up whether Danny and Flack will be in it LOL J/K...I sometimes have fun in the caption contests with them though I don't techincally ship them.
Lol glad you liked the plan Mel I kinda figured you would! ;) :lol: Yeah I don't think the broom closet is a good option...Danny and Linds are currently heating things up in there! :devil: (Nothing personal to Flackie...but I'm a total D/L fan! :D ) Hmmmmm, we could lock Smacked in Mac's office (with all the windows) and we'll just tell them that it's mirror glass...that they can see out but we can't see in! And even though we can see in and they know that...they will allow that info to pacify them and then they will get busy with eachother! :devil: :lol:

Koproskillo!??how can you translate that j_?? :lol:

I like the ideas of mokis and moriel..!but yeah no closet,they need some space..what about the interrogation room...the one way see glass is a nice opportunity for us ! :D... :)

Even if they become canon sometime that doesn't mean fan fictions will stop exist..I think they will become more..and more... :D
Take a page out of Danny and Flack's story -- "I got your back". Notice when one feels bad, who does s/he turn to?

CSI has this habit of introducing new characters at the purpose of giving one of the main characters a love interest. But in reality, the 'relationships' exist in the fans' minds and creativity. And TPTB tries its hardest to manipulate that.
Moriel?!?!?!? ;) didn't know you could be so wicked!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I love your plan!... i'm paying for a one-way ticket to the Antarctica. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D.... The thing about the hidden camera... maybe we should give them a little privacy... but... what the heck!!! You're right, we deserve to see everything! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I love this pic:

'Til death do us apart (taken from pastmyshoulder)

Wonder what she's whispering into his ear after kissing him in the cheek... i leave that to all the greek people here!... I know what i would say in catalan "T'estimo"*

(I love you)

More wicked ideas people?
"Let's go practice our strip search technique....I brought the olive oil!"
"You want to go back to your place and find out what other things we can do with handcuffs?"
Mel's plans are usually locking Mac up in something.. Oh wait, thats your RP's.

We're not giving them no privacy. So I say either you give us hidden cameras or put them in interrogation room.

Yeah J, why don't you share with us your little plan.
Does your interrogation room have glasses instead of walls? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:

... it reminds me of big brother....

I feel wicked today!
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