Mac & Stella #5: Tie Me To The Hood, Baby

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^ I'm not sure of the person(s) who came up for the name of this ship but hopefully someone will come forward :lol:.

I agree, Stella is way too classy and ladylike to pick a phyiscal fight with another girl, even if that girl is a man thief :mad:. Although Stella is probably capable of kicking anybody's ass the most she would do is give them a surprise smack upside the head and then she would say to Mac "Parata tin kargiola!" I'd say what it means but this is a pg-13 board & some might get offended at the use of foul language. I'm sure athens will know what it means :lol:.
J, I'm actually surprised you've got a new icon. who am I kidding, I'm not. Nice one though!

It's true! Someone could say a simple word like, "Magazine" and I'd have some twisted fantasy. Well, at least that's what Lynn believes

Hey! It is true. You really do!!.

OT: I wonder if Stella knew about you know who(if you read the spoilers) this entire team 'cause I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't. I imagined she'd feel hurt & feel like she was lead on, pretty much like every other female out there. Things might be awkward in the lab & office for a while.

I don't think she knew. She might've gotten hints of it, but she was going through her own stuff so maybe she didn't pick up on it, but she's gonna be sad for awhile, and pissed. and angsty. Nice.

Moriel congrats!

Lol, Lynn I'm pretty much like JF especially with spoilers like this...I tend to get pretty hot and bothered by them too!

I wouldn't tell her that really. :lol: .. I love picking on J and Auda, they're my minions though!

And as for Stella I do hope she lets him know that he should be with her and not ya know the other one should have Stella's Mac...except Stella!

And me! and not mel, :lol: But seriously. I think she'll figure out ways to let him know that. ;)

lol Lynn, you never give up, do you? *agrees with Moriel* When I saw the pics I wanted to go "Hey, hands off Stella's man! You can't have her!" LOL based on a comment on the NY board, I've taken to using the term "she who must not be named".

You know I love you Mel!!!... haha. I was thinking that too when I first saw it. I think I screamed, "I'm gonna kill him!" and then I thought, "Eh, I'll just kill her!" *She who must not be named* is a perfect name for her. really.

lol Moriel, either works for me. reminds me of a Buffy quote about "your number should be I-800-I'm-dating-a-skanky-ho"

:lol: I remember that on Buffy, that was hilarious and yeah it works perfect here!

I have a question...Who is the one that kind of found the name of this ship...Smacked...Just to know!>..

It was J and I. We just don't wanna tell anyone :D

I just love it when J gets all weird and speaks different languages and gets me to the point where I wanna whack her and say tell me!.. But I'm sure whatever it is, knowing your mind. Mac will love it! :D
:lol: Different languages? I only speak English, Greek & the occasional gibberish :lol:. Ok, but since you wanna know...

Parata tin kargiola= Dump the bitch

:lol: Mac would act all weird and offended but once he hears Stella speaking Greek he'll be so turned on he'll...well ya know. Maybe Stella will get him to say, "Thelw na tin gamisw!" If you wanna know just send me a pm...
I think since they said it'll be just for a few episodes, it'll be over before we realize it. I mean, knowing Mac "Mr. Integrity of the Lab and the Job" kind of guy, he would most probably break it off.

Things like these would probably make Stella and Mac closer. The more you oppose, the more it rebels.
I'm not sure if that'll matter much. Besides, it's rumoured that Mac and Peyton have been together for a year and they could carry their romance off screen just like Frankie & Stella did in the past. However, he'll probably end up realizing that it's too hard to date someone who works in the same lab as him so he might call it quits or ask to take a break & see other people. Stella is the exception though. Deep down Mac knows that seeing Stella in the lab everyday would make him happy instead of worrying. Plus, I bet the whole team will be much more accepting if Mac dated Stella, especially Lindsay. I wonder how Peyton will fit in with the team 'cause I'm not sure if I like her :lol:. Plus, since she's so new they might immediatly feel that Mac is playing favourites since he already knows Peyton so well, which isn't true. We all know that Mac likes Stella best 'cause she gives him the best sex er, treats him the nicest and vice versa. ;)

I agree with ^. You can try to fight your feelings all you want but fate has a way of driving you together. Besides, it's much better for them to give in, which we know they want to do, instead of fighting a personal battle & getting frustrated. It's so much better for the both of them.
Stella is the expection! lol. I was about to whack you J. But I think it might be complicated for him to date the new chick. I don't think I like her to call her anything else, but she better treat Mac and Stella with respect!

I thought you liked that angsty side of them J? Although I do agree. They need to just jump each other and be a couple. .. eh :p
:lol: What I meant by Stella being the exception is that she is the only inner office woman whom Mac would have no problem dating. I meant it in a good way :lol:.

Even though I'm an angst girl I'm a sucker for fluff, especially now that I'm head over heels in love at the moment and have been for a while. Besides, every angst needs a little romance right ;).
You know, you always do this to me, You get me used to an icon, and then you change it.

Thats what I thought. *pats your head* Good little minion. Now tell me, what are we going to do with this new chick? Poison? Throw off a cliff?

Thats sad minion, I didn't know that. You never told me! *whacks you* Thats what you get. Maybe next time you'll tell me. Anyways, Alrighty. They are entitled to their round of fluff, since its been angsty this past season. So okay. Bring on the fluff. (Moriel, if you tell Auda I said that...)
Poison?!?!?!? Let's be more sophisticated... after all she's a doctor. Let's get her by surprise!... Oh! And you are all right, Stella is too much of a Lady to pick a fight with another girl... that's the difference between them :lol: :lol: :lol:

Does someone know if there are more news about the upcoming episodes?!?! ... though i'm not sure i want to know... I wonder if ignorance is better....
Nope, I don't know anymore spoilers involving Mac except for the ones posted here. I'll keep checking the spoiler thread over in the NY forum...

Personally, Stella is too good to kill a threat. She knows that it'll be a turn off in the eyes of Mac. The best way for Stella to be with Mac is for him and Peyton to break up and even then she has to wait a few weeks 'cause otherwise she'll seem like the rebound girl to Mac. Besides, Mac needs plently of time to think what a moron he is :lol:. Personally, if I was him I'd dump Peyton the minute Frankie was gone. It's a little mean but hey...when people belong together they gotta be with each other!

You could be with one person for years but if that's the wrong person your heart will reveal to you who you should be really be with and hopefully that'll happen to Mac.
J_shame on you! :lol:....and yeah I knnow what they mean... :cool:
I'll keep saying that until you'll kill me! :rolleyes:[you can't ;)]...Stella is not ready for that kind of relation ship..Let Mac express himself for some episodes and then his heart[the one j_ is talking about]will take everything under control and with the right person! :D
jorja_fan86 said:

You could be with one person for years but if that's the wrong person your heart will reveal to you who you should be really be with and hopefully that'll happen to Mac.

As Scully said once: "Well, it seems to me that the best relationships-- the ones that last-- are frequently the ones that are rooted in friendship. You know, one day you look at the person and you see something more than you did the night before. Like a switch has been flicked somewhere. And the person who was just a friend is... suddenly the only person you can ever imagine yourself with."

And if Scully says so... then it means it's the truth. So let's hope Mac one day wakes up and realizes there's no other woman like Stella.
nice mokis ...that was good..and whoever is Scully[x-files a wild guess?if is not that no tomatoes please :rolleyes:]I agree with..They -must-have been in difficult and strange situations through all those years of friendship..they do have a bond that nobody can cut or damage.. :)
And after all they trully trust each other and by them selves wouldn't let anyone else keep them apart...
athens said:
J_shame on you! :lol:....and yeah I knnow what they mean... :cool:

:lol: Could you imagine if Stella said, "Koproskilo!" while passing you know who in the hallway? I'd probably have to watch that a few times :lol:.

Anyway, I think we're due for some photos of the two taken from The Closer:


This is when Stella starts speaking to Mac in Greek, saying that she's worried about him.


This is after Stella says, "Agapi mou" which translates to "My love" but it can be used in different ways but I'm sure Stella meant it in the romantic way ;). Now, all she had to add was "Filise me*" and it would be perfect!

* Kiss Me
That would had been really sweet and certainly surprising for Mac!... It would had taken a lot of time for him to translate Stella's words.

Athens, yes.. Scully as in The X-Files. I was mad about that show. One of the best i've ever seen on TV. Somehow, Mac and Stella remind me of Mulder and Scully... years of working together, sometimes wondering if it's worth but always sticking together....

Oh... and thanks for the greek words... maybe i'll use them soon!...
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