Mac & Stella #5: Tie Me To The Hood, Baby

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Lol, Gaby sounds like a good plan to me! I'm down with that...heck anything that will let me get my hands on Gary is cool with me! :lol: :devil: Another thing we could try...kidnap Mac and Stella and lock them in a closet/lab/whatever until they admit their true feelings for eachother and start making which point we will take pictures and send them to TPTB to prove that we shippers are right and Smacked has and always will belong together! :D :D :D
I know this may sound ironic but the fact of being apart might drive Mac and Stella to be together. Eventually Mac will take a good look at Peyton and realize that Peyton can't give him something only Stella can provide, and that's probably unconditional love and friendship and combined in one. Rumour has it that Mac & Peyton have been together for a year but that doesn't even touch the fact that Mac & Stella have known each other for almost a lifetime. Maybe Mac is using Peyton to fill in the empty void that Stella left when she was off with Frankie as I'm guessing they were dating around the same time. If I was Mac I would wait for Stella. When Mac fully realizes that Stella is finally alone and single he'll feel like a complete idiot and probably wishes deep down that he was in the same situation as her. :(

Basically sometimes it's just better to sit and wait then to be with someone else so you won't feel lonely and I bet that's a certain someone feels. I bet it would so be worth the wait but...
Hmmmmm JF you make an very good point...
Yeah I agree...I think Mac will take a good look at Peyton and realize that while she has some virtues (I don't want to think she has any good qualities, but Mac is dating her so she has to have something good) she could never be what he really wants...because what he really wants is Stella, his best friend and soulmate! And I could see him starting to date Peyton because Stella started dating Frankie...I could see it being a misunderstanding like Stella wanted Mac to ask her out so she thought I'll make him jealous and then Mac saw her with Frankie and thought well she moved on and started dating Peyton...when really both want eachother and just didn't make a move. Grrr! But I agree...I think Mac will eventually see Stella is single and wish he was and then bye bye Peyton...hopefully!!!
Thanks :). Yep, there's a fine line between trying to make someone jealous and trying to make someone think that they don't like them anymore. Obviously we know now which route Mac took when Stella dated Frankie but now we get to see what Stella makes out of the situation. Even because Mac is well...I'm sure Stella will have no problem sharing how she feels and nothing should stop her. At least it wouldn't stop me :lol:.
Moriel. You should know. Giving ^ Spoilers to play wiht, is bad. J, gets all hot and bothered over them, really. :lol:

I bet Stella lets him know straight up how pissed off she is at him over that. beyotch. really. I'm not bashing really. I just don't like when someone {like Mel} tries to take my Mac!...I mean Stella's Mac.
^ :lol: It's true! Someone could say a simple word like, "Magazine" and I'd have some twisted fantasy. Well, at least that's what Lynn believes :p.

OT: I wonder if Stella knew about you know who(if you read the spoilers) this entire team 'cause I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't. I imagined she'd feel hurt & feel like she was lead on, pretty much like every other female out there. Things might be awkward in the lab & office for a while.
Lol, Lynn I'm pretty much like JF especially with spoilers like this...I tend to get pretty hot and bothered by them too! :D
And as for Stella I do hope she lets him know that he should be with her and not ya know the other one should have Stella's Mac...except Stella!

P.s. I'm a Pathologist now...YAY!! :D
lol Lynn, you never give up, do you? *agrees with Moriel* When I saw the pics I wanted to go "Hey, hands off Stella's man! You can't have her!" LOL based on a comment on the NY board, I've taken to using the term "she who must not be named".
Harry potter influence the csi fans now!..voldemort,no name...duh..! :eek: :lol:
I wasn't mean!..What I wanted to say,but I couldn't explain well :lol:is what you said in the previous spoiler boxes..
now,I say that I'm going to give them and some space and time to understand that they are made for each other and admit their feelings and continue together...I hope the writers will understand that TOO!... :mad: :D
:lol: :lol: :lol: .... i can't stop laughing!

xDDD... Ok, from now on we'll refer to Peyton Driscoll as "she who must not be named"

If i was Stella i'd be really pissed if my supposed best friend hadn't told me about his new relationship, specially after all she has done for him since Claire died.

Edit: I've just seen this pic in the picture thread with Lindsay, she who must not be named and Stella... She who must not be named has a face like sayin' "i'm sleeping with your man" and Stella's face is "Who laughs last, laughs better".. xDDDDD :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm crazy i know...
good for you to know!..
who laughs last laughs better huh!?..I would love to see Mac and Stella together but I don't know...I don't want it now...Is too early for her to move on...And I am sure she will be happy for Mac and that female voldemort :lol:..after that we have a DEAL...they will understand their true and deep feelings for each other :rolleyes:..and then they will leave happily ever after and we will keep watching! :D
Lol...I like the Harry Potter references y'all! "She who will not be named" works for me! :lol: (Although I'd be happy with "skanky hoe who stole Stella's man" too, but that's just me! :lol:
And Mel yeah hon, I just wanted to grab her and rip her away from Mac! If only I that'd be fun! :D :D
Ok... Theory accepted!

But only because Stella needs time to deal with Frankie. After she feels better i want "she who must not be named" gone and Mac revealing his deep feelings for her. :D :D :D

I'm starting to laugh..... :D
lol Moriel, either works for me. reminds me of a Buffy quote about "your number should be I-800-I'm-dating-a-skanky-ho" LOL. And I love it when I start something :D I'm sitting here giggling.

Hey, how about it winds up in a chick fight over pulling, eye poking, scratching....rowwrrrrr LOL. And Rambo Stella wins of course.
I have a question...Who is the one that kind of found the name of this ship...Smacked...Just to know!>.. :cool:
mel_Stella is a real lady :D...She wouldn't do that to her and more her own self..She will be fighting fair and NOT humilitanig!.. :lol:She've learned to fight for what she wants and loves[which is Mac]and she is not capable-when the right time comes-of losing him! :)
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