Mac & Stella #5: Tie Me To The Hood, Baby

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Auda! :D I think you're following me! :lol: Lol!
As for the above...I sucky is that....I'll be more than mad if the above ends up being true...Grrrr to TPTB! :mad:
chaostheory08 said:
Hang on, maybe the new girl's in for someone else....
I mean, NOTHING can go between Mac and Stella.
I sure hope so...personally I'd like to see the new girl go with Flack...that way both my ships are safe! Plus Flackie needs someone of his own too...and since they're both detectives that'd work nicely! And that way Smacked is safe! ;)

**Moriel grabs her pitchfork and rotten tomatoes...don't make me use these on you PTB! Cuz I will if you mess with my ships!**
I have a feeling that the new girl will be like the Olivia Benson to Flack's Elliot Stabler. He needs a 'partner' after being in that kind of accident.

*I'm bringin' the eggs!*
chaostheory08 said:
I have a feeling that the new girl will be like the Olivia Benson to Flack's Elliot Stabler. He needs a 'partner' after being in that kind of accident.
Lol, Chaos is it really bad that I don't know who you're talking about? :p :D What show are those characters from? :confused:

And I'm curious y'all...I keep reading all these opinions of people who think that getting main characters of a show together ruins the show. (They use Moonlighting as an example...which I've never seen...) Personally I think they could make it work, I think it's just a matter of not flooding the audience with relationship stuff between the two characters. I mean you can show that they're together and give them "moments"...but just don't make them the total focus and then I think it could work! What do you all think?
I'm going to KILL Mac. if he has a gf. Thats for sure, Mel, sharpen those pitchforks, we're going in! We attack at Dawn!

Where on earth is J?
^^I have no idea who she's (chaostheory) talking about either :lol:

As for Moonlighting, it was very obvious (for me anyway), that the show was going to be about them getting together. They showed so much sexual tension between David & Maddie in less than five eps in the first season that it became the focus of the show (unlike say Remington Steele --- their cases overshadowed their flirtation). So yeah, I think your scenario works. Just as long as it's not an in-your-face thing :)

Hey Lynn! Don't touch Mac! Go for the other one :devil: I'm thinking Mac feels Stella's not ready yet for another relationship so soon after Voldemort. And who knows, mebbe it will show us a jealous!Stella.
woooohoooo jelous stella will always be funny!!....when she was pissed off in the first season in officer blue, and they were having the argument i still cant get the image of macs face when she came in with the gun and slammed it down on the table.....END OF CONVERSATION!!!!
orgasmicbilly said:
woooohoooo jelous stella will always be funny!!....when she was pissed off in the first season in officer blue, and they were having the argument i still cant get the image of macs face when she came in with the gun and slammed it down on the table.....END OF CONVERSATION!!!!

:D...that was a nice scene! :D...
another one good was in til death do we part when he went to tell her about Flack's decision ,not to go to the DA[?]... :rolleyes: :lol:,and Stella started talking and talking!! :D
I *can* see them being afraid of putting Stella in another ship too fast...maybe we'll get lucky and he'll go out with the other one, then dump her later on and by then find comfort in Stella's arms. I can dream <sigh>
Mmmmm, Mel ^that's a scenario I guess I could live with! :p :D
As for Jealous!Stella...mmmm, the fluffy in me, just doesn't like that idea....Stella's been thru enough crap lately...she should be able to be happy!
And Lynn if we're going after someone with pitchforks (which I'm all for doing by the way hon!) I say we go for either TPTB...or the "other woman" :mad:
im in with the whole pitchfork idea!. I can imagine this woman being hated from the start. I felt so much anger for that woman who mac went on a date with and they only had one date. thank god shes only in a few eps, i do enuf screamin at the tv as it is.
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