Mac & Stella #5: Tie Me To The Hood, Baby

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Yes, Palm, Fluff grows on trees. Thats where your from :D .. oops did I tell your secret?

Okay why tease us over a picture if you do not have it??? Hmmm.. And yes, You SHOULD do something about it. Why don't you write us a Smacked Smut ficcie?

Mascot said No.
I would if I had inspiration! Hence the "Cough" helpamascotout. That picture fields dirty thoughts. Grows it like a mushroom. I mean, if I half-sorta-not really remember the discussion that went with that picture, it wasn't clean.
Yeah, there is a serious dearth of sMacked smut. Very sad. I've practically memorized stellaluna's fics after reading them time and again. Oi.
Radical618 said:
Khrissy_25 I love your banner, very cute!

Teheehe.. Thanks !
My fave two couples but of course Smacked is the bomb of all couple threads!

bwwhahaha.. *cough*...

Jealoues Stella! Ooooo yes I'd love to see how they interact with each other.
Jealous Stella i like the sound of that i could just see Mac being so clueless to why she is so unhappy!!
Okay I had to pop in...I'm a bad Smacked shipper I know! **ducks the flying objects!** I adore this ship I do...really! :D Now what's this I hear about a spoiler that's not so good for Smacked?! Something about Mac and girlfriend? Tell me it's Stella or I'm gonna hurt TPTB! Arghhh...more angst! What's with the angst! :p I'm about the fluff :D Lol! :lol:
lol I like the angst. I can do the angst really well. I just hate to be left hanging screaming at the TV or computer "come on, what's next????"

But certain people know I love writing it. Besides getting Mac and Stella engaged in all my games I think Mac's been hurt in all but one or two. But I so adore the over the top fluff that comes when she comforts him later :D And wish we could see that onscreen. *Growls at writers for not having more Smacked in All Access but likes what was in COTP*
Oh yeah, the fluff that comes later (in some fics) are worth the wait.

I hope Smackers can be like GSR some seasons later. But you know, in a good way ... I mean, we'll be more open to it. Lol....
i agree, with mel23<- omg that rhymes


the writers aways start going down the smacked road (like sending mac and stella to sulivans for irish coffee) but then the stupid credits come up and we dont get to see the gud stuff. like mac getting legless buying ten crates of olive oil and then getting stella to tie him to the bed with the ties he no longer uses.

:devil: :devil: :devil:
but you know why that is, coz there are grumply old people out there who want it all to be about the science. Cant they see stella and mac are meant to be?
"Mac's been hurt once or twice" :lol: Mel! You like leaving him in the "I can die at any minute".. Which of course, Its fun being Stella on them though!

I agree Chaos, Hopefully they'll give us Smacked like the GSR's finally got theres. We need ours!

Ah, we need some of the angst and drama of the show, for our fav pairing :D
I didn't say once or twice lol....I know I like hurting him. 'Cause the comfort stuff afterward is so darn cute :)
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