Mac/Stella #12 'Cause his desk is reserved for her.

What should the new thread title be?

  • 'Cause his desk is reserved for her.

    Votes: 15 34.9%
  • Office sex just waiting to happen.

    Votes: 8 18.6%
  • 'Cause she looks good on his desk.

    Votes: 3 7.0%
  • 'Cause they're always there for each other.

    Votes: 3 7.0%
  • 'Cause she's his one and only.

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • 'Cause he loves when she's on his desk.

    Votes: 3 7.0%
  • 'Cause she's worried sick.

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • Partners at work and in bed.

    Votes: 7 16.3%
  • Don't give up on me.

    Votes: 2 4.7%

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LOLOL! I love when you start ranting over "She" LOLOL!:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:

Talking about working with kids they did in RND remember when Mac carries the little girl out to meet hr parents in the end? He was holding her so gently and he smoothes her hair before he lets her go (melts) also Stella and the boy she was so sweet with him Jason I mean. I loved it when she cuddled the baby also.

Baby Daniella from "On the job" awwwwww how beautiful Stella looked with that baby! And Mac telling her the best it could happened to Daniella was to be with Stella!:drool: In Season 2 we had Mac and that little kiddo from "Necrophilia Americana". Melina and Gary both enjoy kids and it was obvious along all these years :D

I just watched "snow day" and I liked my ending better, when Mac and Stella hugged then I hit the stop button!
:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw: I can't blame because i do the same. MY episode ended there ;)

Also Mac was a little annoyed with "Her" when she told him she bought tickets without consulting him he probably never would have gone if those two events did not just happen to him the trial in "Comes around" and the drug bust in "Snow Day".

What annoyed me from Snow Day and those scenes is when "She" said "Because you adore me, i know you do" (Not sure. I think she said that)
Yeah, right :rolleyes: Dream on baby!:rolleyes: It was obvious she tried to convince him or herself :wtf:
She was trying to have a conversation with Mac and he really did not pay much attention I think he was getting "bored" with her and her vanity.
Blameless again. I was getting bored too with that endless speech about herlsef, and her job, and ME ME ME ME :lol: For God's sake, she only notice hsi mind was in somewhre else when his lack of attention was too evident. Couldn't she understand the rough time he was going through? :rolleyes: His carrer was being under the microscope...and not a microscope from the lab :wtf:

when he came back from vacation it was like the team told him right away where Stella was. And it was not "did you have a restful trip?"

Something called my attention. Did you notice all his memories from London are related to the 333 calls? Well i saw he was all alone in the hotel room. It was strange considering they were already sleeping together :wtf: Maybe it was a confirmation their relationship was over BEFORE the "dear John" letter. Also that gals at the airport mentioned he had a lipstick mark on his cheek. I would expect a kiss on my lips from my boyfriend!

Anj--> LOVE LOVE LOVE LEona and the fanclip you made!!!!!!! :D It's obvious you are not just Smacked fan but Stellarina too. You chose all my fav Stella moments. I'm dying to know hwat kind of things you will make with Season 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That picture was asked by Gary to made?
:guffaw: yes, i think he was the responsible :guffaw:

They are perfect as friends. And Stella and Mac's relationship will be a great asset to the show :thumbsup::drool:

Debbie :D
I just read the spoiler thread, it mentioned the Brass want to cut Stella from the payroll. Although Stella's definitely staying, I love to see how Mac fight for her. :) He better finally admitted his feelings for her.:adore:
LOL! Gary.. Gary.. :lol: I agree with you.. Debbie. I also think that they would make a great couple in the series. :drool::drool: As much as i want to see that!

AnJ, I love your video!!!! :D I love Mac in red.. LOL!

TPTB sometimes can be as evil they want.. :devil:

Kikii.. Is that true that Mac going to fight for her?
"Mac being told he has to cut Stella due to budget cuts" << I'm blur with this line.. LOL!

Thank you kikii.. For posting the links for me! *Hugs* :) Kikii.. I'm in love with your SMacked Fictions. Reed the Matchmaker.. That's a good idea. How i wished to see that in season 5! :drool::drool: 1 more week before season 5!!! YAY!!! *Jumps around my house* :)
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I just stood up from my TV watching 'You only die once'. When I watched it the last time I was like 'totally Stel and Flack'...but now I paid more attention to Mac. Did you see Stella's look after Danny had said 'Boom...Mac back in black...' I don't why she was smirking like that..maybe they'd been shopping together :lol:. click me
Mac: Yeah I've been shopping with Stel....
Stella: *thinking* Oh yeah Mac back in black..I really enjoyed shopping with him especially the changing room. *giggling* *
Woohoo that spoilers sound really promising!! I love to see when mac fights for his Stella. I can so imagina a scene where his shouting at Sinclair and acccidentally says 'you can't do this to MY Stella' :lol: but in the end Stella will stay..I mean it's sure since they all signed an agreeement until 2012, didn't they?!
Originally Posted by JellyBelly
Ausiello's at it again. Rumer Willis playing Mac Taylor, Julia Ormond as a new detective (Hmm, I wonder if she's latest in the Mac 'love interest' stakes) and just because Ausiello can't resist stirring the pot, a revelation that there will be no D/L big storyline in the 100th episode.

MEH!!! NO!! I hope that wasn't true.. I don't want to see another THAT! :(

Originally Posted by AnJ
*Mac*: Yeah I've been shopping with Stel....
*Stella*: *thinking* Oh yeah Mac back in black..I really enjoyed shopping with him especially the changing room. *giggling* *
Woohoo that spoilers sound really promising!! I love to see when mac fights for his Stella. I can so imagina a scene where his shouting at Sinclair and acccidentally says 'you can't do this to MY Stella' :lol: but in the end Stella will stay..I mean it's sure since they all signed an agreeement until 2012, didn't they?!

LOL! How i wished that was true! :lol: What a nice imagination you have there. :) I thought it was Gary the one who signed the contract only. Melina is still not sure. :lol: I've read one of the Melina's interview with Kristin Huntley. It said that Stella will have office romance in season 8 or 9. But i think i will be sooner that that.. :lol: The changing room...:drool::drool:
CSI_Kat, thank you for remind us the rule. I'll follow it next time. :)
Asprine, thank you for your support. We have the same wish. :drool:
Anjella, love the cap. It was sweet a moment. I think Stella might sometimes help Mac to shop since they always take care of each other.:adore:
I agree Gio, Mac is much less interested in P than he is in Stella,
well of course Mac is much less interested in P she's no fun but Stella on the other hand is more fun:D And P don't know how to use a gun and Stella well she's Rambo Stella:D
I can't help but loving your ideas Gio :D My big question is how they will start the sweet kiss. And why and when :D How loevely debate we will have :D I'm melting for the idea :drool:
Well Debbie, they have just had a tough case and Stella can't stop thinking about the case, so Mac goes to her appartment and talkes with her and then they kiss this sweet kiss:D okey im dreaming again..:D
Something called my attention. Did you notice all his memories from London are related to the 333 calls? Well i saw he was all alone in the hotel room. It was strange considering they were already sleeping together :wtf: Maybe it was a confirmation their relationship was over BEFORE the "dear John" letter. Also that gals at the airport mentioned he had a lipstick mark on his cheek. I would expect a kiss on my lips from my boyfriend!
yeah i noticed that too, Mac was sleeping alone in the hotel room and im not complaining i'll rather see him sleeping alone in the hotel room than P in the bed with him *shivers* and if Stella and Mac were together i think Stella would stay with him in the hotel room (but then they probably wouldn't leave the hotel room:devil:) and yeah kiss on his cheek, hello if it was Stella she would kiss him sensless:D okey that's only gonna happend in my dreams as sad that it is..:lol:
Mac: Yeah I've been shopping with Stel....
Stella: *thinking* Oh yeah Mac back in black..I really enjoyed shopping with him especially the changing room. *giggling* *
ohh i bet Stella enjoyed beeing in the changing room with him:devil::D *pokes you* you know AnJ, that might be a nice story about the shopping + the changing room:D
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Fire up your fingers people new information is out! Man it is like a little dribble here and a little dribble there!!!

Someone said Asprine maybe? That they heard Stellas job was going to be in jepeordy, well Julia Ormand is coming on board as a detective,wonder if Stella will be on a leave of absence? Also somthing was said of a interest for Hawkes? OR PLEASE NO! NO! NO! ANOTHER BLUNDER for Mac, save us all! Does anyone know how long contrcts run? If the show gets cancelled it wont make a difference,but I know if they keep stringing people along with the SMAC relationship and nothing becomes of it they will create a HUGE EXODUS! Peoplke get tired of being "Strung along" and then "Dumped"!!!
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OMG OMG OMG! ---> {{{{{{{{{{{{{Kikii }}}}}}}}}}}}

fight for her!!!!!!!!!! OMG! It's pure fanfiction (finally writters payed attention to great storylines :D ) OMG! He will find a way to keep her with him! :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: She saved him so many times but finally we will see how he will play with burocrats to help her. LOVE THIS PLOT! LOVE THIS PLOT. On the other hand I must say i like very much Julia Ormond. I have a thing for English actresses and actors :D but i feel sick for the idea of the new interest for Mac. Don't we have enough with the fireman? :rolleyes: besides regarding the 100 episodes...all fans could be pleased without being a specific episode of a certain ship. I mean, we could have Mac or Stella or Donnie or Lindsay moments without developing too much the ship : So ALL people keep the faith (Meg and Steph that was for you!) :D

Well Debbie, they have just had a tough case and Stella can't stop thinking about the case, so Mac goes to her appartment and talkes with her and then they kiss this sweet kiss:D okey im dreaming again..
ha ha we hope they will be living together and they won't need to move beyond 2 metres :lol:

I just stood up from my TV watching 'You only die once'. When I watched it the last time I was like 'totally Stel and Flack'...but now I paid more attention to Mac. Did you see Stella's look after Danny had said 'Boom...Mac back in black
:lol::lol::lol: Loved that moment. I noticed the general laughing. I thought it was and "in joke" about Gary and that's why all laughed ;):guffaw:

Debbie :D
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Man! You guys!!! I can't get a post on here soon enough!!!!


As for a kiss.... that would be amazing. *brain melts* one second....:rolleyes:.... stands next to air conditioning vent for 5 minutes* Okay, all better.:lol:

Like I usually say... she's expressing that she's nervous or something didn't go right, she's not angry, but she's anxious. She's just blabbing at this point and Mac finally just takes hold of both sides of her face and kisses her. His eyes are closed and her eyes are closed and the passion is just flooding out of the screen like Niagra falls.:adore: He eventually lets go and whispers something really sweet *insert really sweet here* and they continue or hug whatever you want.;)
*Waves* I haven't been around much today, I was at my best friend's house after school and I'm not long home, but I come home to see some interesting spoilers...

As for Mac being asked to cut Stella, there is NO WAY that he would ever do that... He'd not only loose a great CSI/Detective, but his best friend and the woman he loves very deeply. *Again another scenario which could lead to their feelings for one and other being revealed* With all of these interesting spoilers about dangerous situations for both Mac and Stella this season, my hopes for them getting together this season just get more and more. Let's hope for once the writers are nice to us...

Aww, yes Anj, I loved that scene too, I like your idea about Stella taking him shopping, I bet they'd have a lot of fun picking things out for eachother, not to mention what they'd get up to in the changing rooms. ;) I agree with you too Debbie, it did seem like there was an inside joke between them. :)

I don't wanna see that!! I don't want to see that!!! I don't want to see Stella on leave! Or Whatever cut it is!!! :lol:

AnJ, Is that Stella/Melina in your new avvie or someone else? :)

YAY!! With VaveAma.. LOL! I'm excited too! It's coming soon..
*Niagra falls* << I think i would love to see that! :lol:
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