Mac/Stella #12 'Cause his desk is reserved for her.

What should the new thread title be?

  • 'Cause his desk is reserved for her.

    Votes: 15 34.9%
  • Office sex just waiting to happen.

    Votes: 8 18.6%
  • 'Cause she looks good on his desk.

    Votes: 3 7.0%
  • 'Cause they're always there for each other.

    Votes: 3 7.0%
  • 'Cause she's his one and only.

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • 'Cause he loves when she's on his desk.

    Votes: 3 7.0%
  • 'Cause she's worried sick.

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • Partners at work and in bed.

    Votes: 7 16.3%
  • Don't give up on me.

    Votes: 2 4.7%

  • Total voters
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[SPOILER="Adam and Stella] I too think Adam and Stella going for pizza will be more my poor scruffy, geeky lab guy who apparantly is facing a 'life crisis' asking Stella for advice. Spoilers suggest that Donnie's sister will have impact on Adam - so what if Adam has a crush on her, or gets in a relationship with her, and wants to ask for advice? I think he'd go to Stella. Even if his 'crisis' isn't to do with Samantha, I still see him asking Stella 'out' as a way to get to ask for her help, as Adam is so shy, he would feel better asking her for help outside the lab.
The fireman is good looking, but he has nothing on Mac.[/SPOILER]
Ah? IF Adam was Stella's new love interest, FIRST it would be awkward. Second, It doesn't make sense sometimes. But the fireman.. Completely EWWWWWWWWw! *Sigh* The writers can write whatever they want.. :(
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[spoiler="Adam and Stella]
Yeah I agree MacsLady, I think that Adam feels most comfortable with Stella, even though he has a little crush on her, I don't see him asking her out on a date... We have seen a few scenes between them and it seems to me that she'd be the person he'd go to in a crisis. I think it would be very weird if she was his love intrest, but that's probably because of my love for Smack... I am still holding out hope for something happening between Mac and Stella this season, we still haven't heard much about a love intrest for him which to me is good news... Ok, I'm going to stop rambling now...[/spoiler]
Steph, I love your new avatar and new banner. :) Anyway, I agree with you too. So far, I haven't see any news about Mac's new love interest. I'm quite happy with that. I can't bear to see another girl in bed with Mac. Unless it is Stella. I would be not only happy but also excited.
Thanks Asprine, Dopebabygirl made them both. Her art is awesome. :D

Oh I totally agree with you, I can't stand seeing Mac with anyone but his Stella... Those 2 need to get together soon... They have so much chemistry and nothings being done about it... Tsk... They have enough chemistry to power NY. ;) I'm still holding out hope that something will happen between them this season, there are so many scenes that sound as if they could lead to something happening between them. :adore: I'm really hoping it does...
Whoa...whoa! I need to come back here more often! I am definitely loving all the animated icons of Steph and Asprine! :adore:

I feel like this is the make or break season for Mac and Stella. 5 seasons is more than long enough to watch them grow stronger together. I think by midway through the season, we will get the most wonderful shock of our life when we see them together. :D Or am I just being too optimistic? :rolleyes:
Whoa...whoa! I need to come back here more often! I am definitely loving all the animated icons of Steph and Asprine! :adore:
Thank you Evenin. Yes you should come back here more often because we all miss you. :)

You're welcome Steph and Thank you for agreeing with me. Why is it so hard for them to get together? LOL! But i understand.. Don't worry, I believe that there will be something more than what we already have in season 5. :)
Yes Meg, you do need to drop by and say Hi more often. :p I love your optimism. I'm really hoping that they are going to get together this season. I will be so happy if we get that wonderful shock you're talking about... I'm really hoping that we do, it sounds like we could... I keep thinking about all of the things that are going to happen this season and how they could lead to Mac and Stella getting together...
Asprine, you can call me Megan or Meg ;)

Is anyone else glad that the new season is coming up? Because I am slowly losing ideas and need some more moments to juice the muse if you know what mean :devil: I am losing ideas for both of my ships in NY so I am so glad that it is only two weeks till the premiere :D I need more Smack moments! At least they are happy (for the most part)
Oh, Hi Meg. :D. I'm glad that the new season is coming up because i can't wait to see more personal moments between the CSI's. Its like something is going to happen between Mac and Stella. The sound of it is nice.I don't mind if they don't get together in the beginning of the season but i need more SMacked dose(moments). I've been shrinking day by day because i want new SMacked moments :lol:. I can't wait to see what will happen :D :drool::drool:
I 'm attending a fast course how to make vodoo dolls:lol::lol::lol::lol: with his pic on it

Voodoo dolls! *quickly makes one of UO fireman* Hmm, looks like teaching arts and crafts class at the community centre paid off after all! But seriously, that's a good idea... methinks there'll be a lot of them passed around in the thread. *snickers*

Waves to Karu, I'm here. :D Oh yeah, I think we should do the glass scenario first. I have a feeling that it may take quite few takes though, I can see it being messed up on purpose... :lol: :devil:

Mac and Stella would so do something like that... TPTB never lets them have quality time so methinks that they're not gonna waste any time getting the show on the road when they finally come to our set! By the way Steph, I love your new icon...
I am trying to find out where everyone is getting there information from? Like pizza etc.? Is it from the spoiler "Just the facts maam", "Start spreading the news," Or is there somewhere else?
LORI, I believe it was Debbie who first mentioned in p.10 this thread. I've copied it below.

It looks like someone tried to kill Mac simply because of his name. It turns out there is another Mac Taylor in NY, a MacKinnley Taylor, whom someone has been hired to kill. Mac has been mistaken for him. One episode case, by the looks of it. Someone is killing off people named "Mac Taylor". So far, at least two Mac Taylor's have been killed, and there are a lot more in within 50 miles of NY. This episode features 4 others then the Mac we know. From the looks of it, the Mac Taylor the killer is looking for has done something to the killer, who is now seeking revenge. The only Mac's affected are the ones who own vehicles. Is it the Mac Taylor that was in a hit and run? Was it the one who dented a vehicle and didn't leave the insurance info? So on and so forth, the clues have lead to the fact that something happened with a Mac Taylor with a vehicle. Which is the real Mac Taylor that the killer is looking for? What did MT do to bring about such revenge? And how will our Mac stop him before it's too late?

There is a nice little scene at the end with Adam and Stella, which involves going for pizza. And the little tidbit that Adam lives in Brooklyn.

*Multiple Mac Taylor's are targeted by a killer seeking revenge for an unknown motive at this point.

I hope it won't go beyond than a pizza;) because i'll start to kick walls:lol:
Thank You Shell kiki! I can not see a romance there! But a trusting friendship could be a strong possibility! It will be good because I think we will get to know Adam on a more personal level as he shares with Stella over pizza. As for the fireman, well he sure is "turning up the heat " on this thread and pretty easy on the eyes, but I dont see a lasting romance with him and Stella, there may be some flirting there but I still place my bets on Stella and Mac. Besides maybe Mac will beat him upside the head with the baseball bat if he trys to score a "Home run" !!!
*Cough *Cough *Cough i'm glad you agree with me gals. There is ONE Mac Taylor and he is all for Stella Bonasera ;) :D

Lori, my source was at the beginning someone who posts at Now i have become a member of DLChem because i get the "sides" of the script there. I don't post there. I only read. Some spoilers are exclusive of that page so i try not to post them in the "Just the facts" thread because it wouldn't be correct. But i share with my online family ;) the good news or bad news
If you want to read spoilers there, go to Google and type DLChem. When you get the results, it's the first option ("Log In"). You must be a member to read spoilers :D

Asprine and Steph---> Awwwwwww love you animated icons and banners gals! :D Asprine, could you make me one? :D (I can't resist not having one)

Meg--> I'm glad you are back! i hope your positive thoughts become true, dear! Fortunately for us, we have you. Unfortunately for us writers don't have you :D So they can write whaterver they want grrrrrrr

Please don't shoot the Messenger:alienblush:
Episode 5.03 - Turbulence: A high jacking takes place in a plane. The shady circumstances lead the CSI team directly to James Turner, one of the passengers. There is a Fire Fighter vs. Police soft ball game. At the event, Firefighter Brendon Walsh flirts with Stella. It is possible that this role becomes recurring. Source:
Hmm, looks like teaching arts and crafts class at the community centre paid off after all! But seriously, that's a good idea... methinks there'll be a lot of them passed around in the thread. *snickers*

MacsLady--> as always you feel what i feel ;) :D I think poor Adam
will need advice. And yes, it says it is because of Samantha (at least it was strongly suggested). Don will be affected by Sam because she is a pain on his a**, Adam because he will fall in love with the bad girl;). But i'm wondering why and how she will affect Stella. Considering how sensitive she is towards the members of her ensambled family;) i do imagine she will be affected if something makes feel bad to Adam and Don. Butttttttt what if Sam has a big crush on Mac:lol::lol: I want to watch Stella sooooooo jealous again!:drool: Just like in 4.17:drool: I prefer that over the horrid idea of the fireman becoming a regular on the show:scream::scream:

Until the end of Season 5 and beyond if it is necessary,:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Vave--->{{{{{{{{{{{{my hugs and my words with you and your family dear}}}}}}}}}}}

Hugs to Anj, Jenn, Gio,Kiki and every single member of this family:bolian:

Debbie :D
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