Mac/Stella #12 'Cause his desk is reserved for her.

What should the new thread title be?

  • 'Cause his desk is reserved for her.

    Votes: 15 34.9%
  • Office sex just waiting to happen.

    Votes: 8 18.6%
  • 'Cause she looks good on his desk.

    Votes: 3 7.0%
  • 'Cause they're always there for each other.

    Votes: 3 7.0%
  • 'Cause she's his one and only.

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • 'Cause he loves when she's on his desk.

    Votes: 3 7.0%
  • 'Cause she's worried sick.

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • Partners at work and in bed.

    Votes: 7 16.3%
  • Don't give up on me.

    Votes: 2 4.7%

  • Total voters
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he'd rush in to the spare room to hold and comfort her, tell her 'I'm here, Stell, you're safe' and then he would sleep with her
Omg I love that idea! *starts day dreaming* It's also really realistic, Stella had had lots of bad dreams and I'm sure Mac couldn't just let her alone in her bed crying. And then she'd stop crying fall asleep in his arms and he'd be still awake and think about how comfortable he is with her in his arms. *can't stop thinking of it*
I used to think its better for them to stay like that. We get more moments from that. We get to catch them staring at each other, something like that. If they get together.. Its like err.. less fun? But I would like to see what will happen if they get together.
I'm totally with you on that.'s unrealistic that they really get together but I can't stop loving the idea but I also tptb were to stupid to handle that without problems just think of D/L and 'her'. I adore the moments..really...they make my favourite eppies and give great stuff to make fanarts but why can't the just enforce the. Like a hug into a kiss or such :adore: :adore:...
Heey my smacked twin is back:D we have missed you:D and like Steph and Karu i love your icon:adore:
Soccer games are awesome!! I am a huge Northern Ireland fan, went out and bought the new shirt today!! :D I'm going to be watching the game later, but only on tv, cause it's away. :lol:
Steph, yeah soccer games are awesome!!:D i play soccer so i love playing it and watching it, but it's much more fun playing:D:lol:
originally posted by Steph/Adorable_Crazy
I've always picture if Danny or someone else comes in and light a match then it's gonna say BOOM! 'cause they two got soo much tension between each other..
Yeah I can imagine a scene like that too, but I was thinking of Flack rather than Danny... :lol: I'd love to see Flack walk in on them when they've got together, but before anyone knows... He would tease them alot about it, but I think he'd be happy that they'd finally got together, I don't think it would be a secret for very long... Unless of course Mac threathened him... That would be hilarious. :lol:
yeah well i can picture either Danny or Don but like you said ^about Flack knowing about Mac and Stella before everybody else^ if Don finds out about Mac and Stella before everybody else i can picture him walking around and teasing both off them:lol: a little scene i got playing in my head about Don teasing Mac.
Mac and Don are on their way to the lab and in the car Don is teasing Mac
Flack:You know Mac, i've always had this feeling that you and Stella would hook up, i just never knew when you guys would
(then Mac interrupt Flack with a warning tone)
Mac: Don
Flack gets quiet for some minuts but not for long
Flack: i thought you were the kind of guy that wouldn't do it at where you work (now Flack were getting this grin on his face)
Mac: Don
Flack: what it wasn't my fault that i walked in on you and Stella, just lock the door next time (Don noticed the look on Mac's face) i'll stop now.
Mac just nodded when Flack said he would stop.
-- Some how i picture the two of them sitting in the car like that whenn Flack knows that they are together:lol:
I'm wanting more hugs and more kisses... I don't think that's too much to ask...
yeah and i want more bed scene with Mac and Stella:D:p and i want that you mention ^up^ to Steph:D
And so do the rest of us, though I think some people would faint if that happened... *hears faint thud!* Maybe we should just do a scene like that anyways. We should just have people write the script and then have someone direct... and well borrow Mac and Stella for a week. *notices confused looks* Why a week? Because they'll mess up on purpose just to do the scene all over again! So who's up for it?
im up for it Karu:D and after we have borrowed Mac and Stella for a week i don't think they won't even manage to be in a room together alone without keeping their hands of each other:devil:

And by the way Asprine loove the animations:D
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I'm so happy to have you back Anj! :D I agree with Gio, i feel Don will be the first one to know. I can imagine him teasing them

And we will have a great Season 5 if
they give us what it seems it's going to happen. I mean, spoiler remarked "The family will be closer" because of Mac in danger. It's obvious Stella wasn't having a good time according to the promo. And i always think Stella is HIS family. It doesn't matter they are not married (yet;) ) Also if Stella is in danger Mac will be sooooooooo upset :drool: He will smack the guy who will bump Stella at the end. trust me!:drool: Besides she will need someone to comfort her because she will be beaten so she won't be able to stay alone:drool:
OMG Season 5 is so promising! :drool:

MacsLady you are right. The good guy is there. She already found him . I hope TPTB think the same as us;):lol:

1CSIMfan---> I tried to do my best. I've requested a permission for both members but aparently nobody cares here to keep smart posters. It's just a pity this lack of consideration. Have you ever thought something is so easy for you as surfing Internet it's quite complicated for somebody else?

Also we have PC limitations. is necessary a certificate they can't use spoiler box to get some consideration from Mods here?

8 years ago we didn't have this problem. Unfortunately it's not the technology the problem here

Debbie :(
Glad you agree with me Asprine, Karu and Gio, glad we're all on the same page about what we want from the new season, let's just keep our fingers crossed that it will happen... :lol:

Gio, I love your little scenario, gosh I can totally imagine a scene like that between Mac and Flack, that would definitely be the kind of thing you'd expect from him if he knew something... He is such a tease, but I think if he knew he'd be able to keep it a secret, he'd just like to tease them about it... However, I think if Danny found out, or Adam for that matter, that everyone would know about it very soon, Adam would let it slip, then Mac would be after him, poor Adam always slips up infront of Mac,
Danny however, just couldn't keep a secret... :lol:
Gio, I love your little scenario, gosh I can totally imagine a scene like that between Mac and Flack, that would definitely be the kind of thing you'd expect from him if he knew something... He is such a tease, but I think if he knew he'd be able to keep it a secret, he'd just like to tease them about it... However, I think if Danny found out, or Adam for that matter, that everyone would know about it very soon, Adam would let it slip, then Mac would be after him, poor Adam always slips up infront of Mac,
Danny however, just couldn't keep a secret... :lol:
yeah i agree i don't think Danny could keep that secret, 'cause he is always the last one to know anything like Mac and P's relationship, and so if he was the first to know it would spread like wild fire in the lab:lol: But like you said Steph, i think Flack can keep the secret better than both Adam and Danny:D
I'm so happy to have you back Anj! :D I agree with Gio, i feel Don will be the first one to know. I can imagine him teasing them

And we will have a great Season 5 if
they give us what it seems it's going to happen. I mean, spoiler remarked "The family will be closer" because of Mac in danger. It's obvious Stella wasn't having a good time according to the promo. And i always think Stella is HIS family. It doesn't matter they are not married (yet;) ) Also if Stella is in danger Mac will be sooooooooo upset :drool: He will smack the guy who will bump Stella at the end. trust me!:drool: Besides she will need someone to comfort her because she will be beaten so she won't be able to stay alone:drool:
OMG Season 5 is so promising! :drool:

MacsLady you are right. The good guy is there. She already found him . I hope TPTB think the same as us;):lol:

1CSIMfan---> I tried to do my best. I've requested a permission for both members but aparently nobody cares here to keep smart posters. It's just a pity this lack of consideration. Have you ever thought something is so easy for you as surfing Internet it's quite complicated for somebody else?

Also we have PC limitations. is necessary a certificate they can't use spoiler box to get some consideration from Mods here?

8 years ago we didn't have this problem. Unfortunately it's not the technology the problem here

Debbie :(

I'm taking this to PM.
Originally Posted by MacsLady
Asprine - Love the icons!
Thank you :)

I'm totally with you on that.'s unrealistic that they really get together but I can't stop loving the idea but I also tptb were to stupid to handle that without problems just think of D/L and 'her'. I adore the moments..really...they make my favourite eppies and give great stuff to make fanarts but why can't the just enforce the. Like a hug into a kiss or such :adore: :adore:...
LOL! Yes they are stupid! I asked my friend "why almost everyone who got hooked up in CSI breaks up?" She answers me a really logic answer. "Because the writers wants to show those CSI are perfect in so many ways so their weaknesses will be on their relationship". A kiss on the lips would be great :drool:! Hey.. We only get 3 kisses on the cheeks so far :lol:.

And by the way Asprine loove the animations:D
Thank you..Gio.:)

And, I know Mac will save Stella.. Mac will take care of Stella.. Sooner or later, Stella will be Mac's. :lol:
im up for it Karu:D and after we have borrowed Mac and Stella for a week i don't think they won't even manage to be in a room together alone without keeping their hands of each other:devil:

*snickers* TPTB are going to roll over in their graves after we're through with Mac and Stella. I say that the ratings aren't gonna plummet and that them being OTP will add an extra dimension to the SMACK dymanic. *pokes TPTB* Work with it!

Glad you're on board gio... now all we have to do is figure out who's gonna write and who will direct. Any volunteers? Oh, and while we have Mac and Stella for the week, we ought to direct other fantasies and scenarios, eh? What moments would you like to direct them in? I want to hear all your suggestions and ideas.
Hi, guys!

gio - I love your scene with Mac and Don. I can definitely see Don teasing Mac and Stella, but knowing when to stop.

AnJella - love the idea of Mac holding Stella in his arms while she sleeps and realizing how right it feels to have her there. And she would think how safe she feels in his arms.

I agree with everyone that Danny would be unable to keep quiet about M/S if they got involved. :lol: He's just too Danny to be able to do that - he has a big mouth that gets him in trouble!

Ghawazee - I agree that Stella is Mac's family, and Mac is Stella's. They have the rest of the team of course, but they share a very special bond. Neither has any family of their own as far as we know (though Mac had Reed). I bet they spend Thanksgiving and Christmas together, except for when they are with love interests, and even then they exchange cards/presents. I am certain that Stella was right there for Mac the first Thanksgiving and Christmas after 9/11.

I agree too that it would be great to see Mac make the first move in moving their relationship forward. I think that could happen, cautious as he is, Mac has started initiating the hugs between them in The Ride In and of course in RND - he brought her coffee, initiated the hug, and offered her his spare room, that is a BIG MOVE for Mac, because while Stella is naturally open with her emotions and passionate (so she kisses Mac on the cheek, and it is very natural for her to do that) Mac is very reserved and cautious when it comes to showing his emotions, especially to the people he cares most about - Stella and the rest of his team (family) and Reed.
Glad you're on board gio... now all we have to do is figure out who's gonna write and who will direct. Any volunteers? Oh, and while we have Mac and Stella for the week, we ought to direct other fantasies and scenarios, eh? What moments would you like to direct them in? I want to hear all your suggestions and ideas.
Oh Karu! I'm also in ! What do you think if gio and I write the stories and then we need a director. You? Oh and we could also play the 'special-glass-scenario' :devil:. What a dream Mac and Stella belong to US for week:lol:
I really like your scenario. I can so picture Flack having a rant and Mac trying to stop him :lol: I'm also with you that he'll be the first one to know. Wasn't he any of the first who knew of P?? I also think it's pretty obvious that there's something going on between Flack and Angell and that's probably why those two will have a real 'men-talk' about womn and such. omg much I'd love to have a scene like that on the show:
Flack: So you're with Stella now. Gosh! I've always knew it. you two were made for each other...
Mac: Well that's true but...what about you and Angell. I told you from the beginning...
Flack: Ok..ok you're right. Isn't it fun that we both found our 'big love' on work although we were always against it...
Mac: Yeah it gotta know I'm very happy with Stel...we respect each other and have fun together that's why it is a perfect relationship for me. She's my lover and my best friend you know it's great. She opened my heart after...Claire had died...I'll always thank her for that...
Flack: You're sayin' it she was there for you and you for her. I didn't have such a hard fate, but Jess always stood by me matter what I did...she always said 'He you're gonna make it'. I knew that love will find even us...some time. And it did.
Mac: yeah. And I'm incredibly happy....
Oh, I'm in too Karu, what do you want me to do? I think AnJ should write for us, her little scenario's are so cute. *Love the most recent one by the way, that is sooo cute!!* I'd love to see a scene like that between Flack and Mac, they seem to be pretty close aswell... Obviously not as close as Mac and Stella, but it seems to be a close guy friend, so I'd like to see them talk if/when Mac and Stella get together, that would be cute. :D As to what we should play out... Well definitely that scene we came up with, with the changing glass in Mac's office, I'd love to see a scene like that... :adore:
Anj!!!!!!!!!!---> that was so sweet! :D Did i mention before Angell and Don fans
will have great moments on 5.06;) ? Of course, my source remains unknown:thumbsup:

MacsLady--> two members of the family think alike;) You made me remember those episodes fron S1 or S2 where he was invited to a Thanks giving dinner (I think it was that)because everybody thought he was going to be alone. I have always thought he was with Stella. I can imagine at least last 4 years he was with her. Althought i do think is likely he was with her at the beginning (inmediately after Claire died) and later he decided to stay alone. In Recycling he asked Stella when was the last time they had dinner together and Stella answered "Sometime in last millenium" or something like that. So They did have dinners after Claire

Gio---->:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw: please, please, please God, make it to happen as Gio wrote it! It would be a priceless moments as we had with "You two have been working together for too long" and Mac's reply to Don's "Boom":guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:

This is not spoiler as long as it was posted as a Talk CSI article and it's part of EW:

On September 24, CSI: New York will start out season five with "Veritas". This season, executive producer Pam Veasey said, will go against the usual trend for crime shows by showing more personal moments. "[W]e decided we would bring the audience into moments when [the characters] go home," she explained.

*Cough *Cough!:drool: "personal moments" "moments when characters go home":drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool:

I cannot think in another thing more promising than this:drool:

Debbie :D
Hello, I just noticed this.. >> [the characters]. They put this brackets on *the characters*. Do you think there was something up? And i love the sound of *more personal moments* and *when [the characters] go home*. This is really making me :drool::drool:. :lol: I'm sure there will be some spark on them. :drool: I wanted to ask this so long ago.. "Do we have any hints on Stella helping Mac to go through Claire's Death?" cause' i don't seem to find any. :) But everytime i read FF, i always get to read that part. :D

Anyway, AnJ i love your little scene. :)
Just seen in the spoiler thread that 5.08 will be called "My Name Is Mac Taylor", nothing else is known except, there is more than 1 person in NYC named Mac Taylor...
Oh I agree Ladies, that does sound promising, I love how NY is more character based that the other 2 shows, I also love how it says we will be seeing more of the characters outside of work... Let's hope that includes a scene with Mac and Stella together... Say a date... Gosh that would be awesome... Season 5 just keeps sounding better and better. :D :D :D
Oh I agree Ladies, that does sound promising, I love how NY is more character based that the other 2 shows, I also love how it says we will be seeing more of the characters outside of work... Let's hope that includes a scene with Mac and Stella together... Say a date... Gosh that would be awesome... Season 5 just keeps sounding better and better. :D :D :D
Steph.. Tears just formed in my eyes by reading what you've wrote. That just drove me nearer and nearer to Mac and Stella's Relationship. I can't wait to see that. This keep coming from my mind *What will our reaction be if we see Mac and Stella kissed on their lips?* I mean that will be a really new scene to us. :lol:

"My Name Is Mac Taylor" I'm sure there'll be something more than that. So their 100th episode will be about Mac Taylor huh? It sounds nice. Maybe .. Mac and Stella.. :lol::drool::drool:. Can't wait to see that episode. But still long way to go.. :lol:
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