Mac/Stella #12 'Cause his desk is reserved for her.

What should the new thread title be?

  • 'Cause his desk is reserved for her.

    Votes: 15 34.9%
  • Office sex just waiting to happen.

    Votes: 8 18.6%
  • 'Cause she looks good on his desk.

    Votes: 3 7.0%
  • 'Cause they're always there for each other.

    Votes: 3 7.0%
  • 'Cause she's his one and only.

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • 'Cause he loves when she's on his desk.

    Votes: 3 7.0%
  • 'Cause she's worried sick.

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • Partners at work and in bed.

    Votes: 7 16.3%
  • Don't give up on me.

    Votes: 2 4.7%

  • Total voters
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If we are all agree i have an idea. I hope mods will aprove it. Before the tags existed we got used to use the "old fashion" spoiler warning
You must write "SPOILER" at the beginning and then you must leave spoiler space like this
And write here. People with tech or html problems will be able to post. Also Spoiler free Smacked fans will be awared there are spoilers. What do you think? I hope mods will be ok at this (crossing fingers). Members of our family are more important than any spoiler box ;) I wouldn't want to loose Karu or Lori because of HTML tags :(

There would be a great "birthday" ( It's not really a birthday but...) A really great story for a 100 episode. A big kiss... I can't wait!!!
I hope we will ahve a kiss and even more if the live together :D Did i mention how great Season 5 looks? :D

Karu---> I say the same and i feel horrible when i cannot even post because i'm too tired to turn on my 'puter :D And thanks you for your words about my banner. I really enjoyed the promo :D

Hugs family!!!!!!!!!

Debbie :D
Yaaay!! Debbie, you're back with us, I'm so happy to see you too. :D *Runs up and hugs you* I'm really glad to hear that your Dad's ok too. :D Love the new banner by the way. :D

Oh I agree Karu, everything makes me think of Mac and Stella... :lol: So I get very easily distracted and start day dreaming about them. :D I'm really hoping that this season will be ours. :D I'm pretty excited to see what will be done about 5.08 being the 100th episode, that's pretty exciting, I bet they will do something big, it would be awesome if it was to do with Mac and Stella. ;)
Steph, YOUR banner is amazing :D (and that moment so funny! :D ) I confess my head is on Mac and Stella too. Actually i have written about them in my lastest Composition test :D (my teacher really liked :D ) Ahem it couldn't fail! It talked about the Smacked story :D

BTW kaylene posted this wonderful artcicle about Melina (hey it fits here too :D
Don't shoot the messenger! Bad news grrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Debbie (I still have hopes. Melina laughed when she mentioned the fireman
*faints* Debbie, your avatar's damn sexy! *pokes TPTB* Now why can't you do SMACK like that? P.S. I think SMACK's spelled wrong.

By the way Steph, I hope TPTB do something SMACKtastic for the 100th episode too... they've gotta celebrate after all. What do you think they should do?
Originally posted by Debbie
Feel free to cheer me up, Asprine! :D or should i say spoil me completely? :D I love how you choose EXACTLY the kind of scenes i love :D

:lol:.. Yes, I'm going to spoil you completely with my icons of SMacked Scenes. Anyway, Thank you :lol:. Debbie.. I agree with you. Maybe you should suggest it to one of the moderator. I'm at your back supporting you :)! I'm sure they will reconsider because of too much people with low connection problem. *Hugs*

Originally Posted by Steph
5.08 being the 100th episode

OMG!!! I can't wait for that to happen. But its going to be in November right? :guffaw:. I'm going to cheer myself and jump around the house that day. :lol: *Crosses Finger* Hope it will be something between Mac and Stella. I can't believe we were this near!! :lol: 18 more days for me :). One kiss for EP 5 is enough for me. Because they will have more after that kiss. :guffaw:. How i wish to see them brushes their lips. I know that it will be sooOOoooooo PERFECT! Ah..*Flying to my Dreamland*.

*Quickly comes back* Hee.. Suprised that i'm back? I know that you are not suprise LOL! But i'm going to suprise all of you with my icons here :guffaw:. I promise this one day ago.. But i don't have privacy in my house with lots of my cousins walking around. :lol: Hope that you understand. I don't like them to know that i'm crazy about Mac and Stella.. They will just tease me and makes me blush. :lol: This is probably one of my weakness. *Back to Mac and Stella* Well, I just made this and its still fresh. I hope you like it. :)

Another gaze that Speaks Volume - Both of them gaze into each others eye and when Stella look away, Mac is still looking at her. :guffaw:The "LOOKs" This scene is like "Are you thinking what i'm thinking?" << both of them says in their gaze.

Stella touches Mac's cheek - This is touches cheek number 2 i guess. There's only 2 scene right? I love this although its just a short one. After Stella touches Mac's cheek, Mac turns to look at her. Its like he doesn't want her to go.. :lol: Actually he looks at her longer but i cut off because of the fade in of other scene. Hope you don't mind :).

Phone Talk - Hey Mac Taylor.. Are you scared of someone knows your conversation with Stella? :lol: Why do you have to call from the other side of the glass. You can just walk up to her. :) This is my favourite scene..

Walking straight to Stella - This scene is like Stella waiting for him to walk to her and pins her on the wall and kiss her senseless:drool::drool:. Oh GOSH! What am i thinking again.. :guffaw:

Hope you like all of them :). I will make more soon. :drool:

OMG!! OMG! Debbie.. Your new avatar makes me cry. Its like half of my dreams come true. Look at Stella. Its like shes exhausted after having an orgasm with Mac. In office maybe.. GOSH! I'm getting excited. I know that.. Independant women. Melina Rawks! Ah.. I'm still staring at your Avatar.. Both of them suits each other in wherever they are and also of course in BED! :D You're such a good editor.
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*faints* Debbie, your avatar's damn sexy! *pokes TPTB* Now why can't you do SMACK like that? P.S. I think SMACK's spelled wrong.

Karu, it's spelled right. That's SMAC for Stella and Mac. If Mac spelled his name MACK on the show then I would have done it that way:) If they had of called him Mackenzie on the show, then we would have SMACKENZIE:lol::lol: But that's okay. For no matter what way you feel like spelling it, it all comes out beautiful:):thumbsup:

Deb: Glad you are enjoying the new avvies and banners. It makes me happy you're enjoying them.

Again your little movie clips are very sweet Asprine. Thanks for sharing them.

I too am waiting for S5 to begin. I have so many stories playing around in my mind, and I can't wait to write them:lol::guffaw:

As always, thanks for the reviews on my stories.:)
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Originally Posted by Linda
Again your little movie clips are very sweet Asprine. Thanks for sharing them.

I too am waiting for S5 to begin. I have so many stories playing around in my mind, and I can't wait to write them:lol::guffaw:

As always, thanks for the reviews on my stories.:)

Thank you Linda. I love sharing them. Its part of my daily routine. :lol:. And i can't wait for your stories to be published.. so i can read. :drool::drool: *Peeks on Linda writing her stories* You're welcome. I hope you don't mind that my reviews are long because I read and write my reviews so it is more detailed. :) Thanks for the stories really..Linda.. When first i see your avatar, I'm in love with it. I don't get to tell you because when i read your stories.. I forget about it. Sorry. *I LOVE YOUR AVATAR* Linda..
Linda, hope your avvie becomes true on Season 5!!!!

Me too. You know I have to keep saying....We can see it building up between the two of them. Their little glances, and touches have become more frequent between them. Even if we don't get them together in S5 that's okay. There is always future seasons.

As long as we keep getting those little glances, hugs, and kisses on the cheeks, I'll be a happy too:)

And i can't wait for your stories to be published.. so i can read. :drool::drool: *Peeks on Linda writing her stories*

No peeking. Puts up screensaver.:lol:


Thanks the one that Deb has right now took me a while to get them just right. But once it was done I was a little shocked myself at the sight of it.:drool:
As long as we keep getting those little glances, hugs, and kisses on the cheeks, I'll be a happy too:)

Yeah.. I agree with you Linda.. Because those little glances, hugs and kisses on the cheeks makes me busy too. LOL! :lol: But i would like to see more tension between them. :)

No peeking. Puts up screensaver.:lol:

Ah? Can't see anything.. :(. :lol: Can't wait for your new chapter :drool::drool:.
If we are all agree i have an idea. I hope mods will aprove it. Before the tags existed we got used to use the "old fashion" spoiler warning
You must write "SPOILER" at the beginning and then you must leave spoiler space like this
And write here. People with tech or html problems will be able to post. Also Spoiler free Smacked fans will be awared there are spoilers. What do you think? I hope mods will be ok at this (crossing fingers). Members of our family are more important than any spoiler box ;) I wouldn't want to loose Karu or Lori because of HTML tags :(

Hugs family!!!!!!!!!

Debbie :D
Sorry but the spoiler code is there so members who do not wish to be spoiled will not accidentally see them. Spoilers can always be read in the spoiler thread in the NY forum. SO, please stick to using the spoiler codes.

Sorry but the spoiler code is there so members who do not wish to be spoiled will not accidentally see them. Spoilers can always be read in the spoiler thread in the NY forum. SO, please stick to using the spoiler codes.

Sorry but.. I think what Ghawazee means was when we reply to the post about something according to the spoilers but not the spoilers that is already exist in the CSI NY Spoilers guide. We have to use spoiler box and those people with low connections can't see.. :)

Thanks. :)
1CSIMFan I was trying to say most people who can use the spoiler box are going to use it. But we need a special permission for those people who can't use it. No matter reason.
People are more important than any spoiler box, that's why i asked if they could use the spoiler space instead of the spoiler box.
We can't loose people with interesting opinions and clever remarks only because they are tech-limited (and i'm not saying a low connection because i have one but other kind of limitations)

It would be pretty unfair if we have people leaving the forum just because they have problems with their PC's. In special when they have so rich opinions to share with us

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Hey everyone I'm back! Sorry I've been away so long. Yay for thread 12! *pats everyone on the back* I brought cookies as a congratulations present to us all! *hands out cookies*
What'd I miss? xxx
Hi Jen:D

Originally posted by Asprine
Spoilers in
Meanwhile, things get dangerous for Stella when she is attacked as she leaves the crime lab. A man grabs her and slams her against a wall, disarming her and saying he'll shoot her if she turns around. The man has a Greek accent, and Stella speaks in Greek, asking him what he wants. He demands that she give him what she took from Clarence, and when she says she doesn't have it, he wants her to tell him what it was. Stella lashes out and tries to free herself, but the man slams her to the ground. The only part of him she can see is a scar along his jawline--and the gun he is pointing toward her head.
OMG!! Stella in danger.. I hope i can kick the guy's *** for hurting Stella. How i hope that Mac was there to save her. *Prays that Stella will be okay* maybe she's not so okay, I hope Mac get to realise his feelings for Stella and confessed it to her as soon as possible. :lol:. But i'd still love to see more tension between the two of them. :drool::drool:.

OMG! Stella is in danger..... I'll bet when Mac get his hands on the guys, then i will feel sorry for the guy, Mac would probably kick his a$$:hugegrin: but i agree with you Asprine, i also hope Mac would get to his senses and tell Stella about his feelings to her!:hugegrin:
Lol Debbie, Stella are bonded too need Dr.Mac now:hugegrin: I can soo picture it, Mac taking care of Stella:hugegrin:
originally posted by Asprine
Walking straight to Stella - This scene is like Stella waiting for him to walk to her and pins her on the wall and kiss her senseless:drool::drool:. Oh GOSH! What am i thinking again.. :guffaw:
OMG! i can picture Mac pining Stella on the wall kissing her sneseless now :drool::drool: oh and by the way Asprine, great icons:bolian::D
As long as we keep getting those little glances, hugs, and kisses on the cheeks, I'll be a happy too:)
yup as long as we keep getting those hints i'll be happy:D
But i would like to see more tension between them. :)
they got soo much tension, that if we light a match it will blow up:lol: but i won't complain if some more tension gets between them 'cause if they get more tension they will probably tell each other how they feel even faster:D

and one more thing, i don't know if i'll get time to go in here later today 'cause im gonna go on a soccer game, Norway vs Iceland:)
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Steph, YOUR banner is amazing :D (and that moment so funny! :D ) I confess my head is on Mac and Stella too. Actually i have written about them in my lastest Composition test :D (my teacher really liked :D ) Ahem it couldn't fail! It talked about the Smacked story :D

BTW kaylene posted this wonderful artcicle about Melina (hey it fits here too :D
Don't shoot the messenger! Bad news grrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Debbie (I still have hopes. Melina laughed when she mentioned the fireman
Well, it was also mentioned that Stella is the 'ying to Mac's yang'. that they are a 'great team', and that 'Stella needs to meet someone real and good'...yeah, well she has that person right beside her, and she's already met him, and his name is Mac Taylor.
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