MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Geez guys, just read a few of your pages. My face got stuck in a long grin. I need some duct tape to flatten it. Noticed it's better to put beverages away in this thread too. (I know you warned!)
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#


**Oh, wow there Macky my love, watch that instrument, we are on duty***

LMH your icon!!! O__O
**I know...The man is a Greek God**** :devil: :devil:

**Sees CSISenna.. **Tackles and Hugs, you're here, you're here***Tackles and hugs again***

Well ladies another month and three weeks, our new season starts....At least here in Canada :D :D :D :D

Can't wait, I so miss it, and re-runs just don't do it anymore... :( :( :(
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

*looks at MJ* I so didn't miss you, you can't prove it even if I did. Which I didn't.

God I can't wait for NY to come back I want to freaking know whats going to happen already! Why can't it come back now and make me happy?

*throws hot water on mj* Ooops, I thought it was cold.

LMH: Thud is the new word for your icon.
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

**Sees CSISenna.. **Tackles and Hugs, you're here, you're here***Tackles and hugs again***

*Crawls up from the floor, jumps at Luving and huggles back*. :D

Peyton: Saunas en Hot Tubs only for me Macky!
Leaves a crying LMH and Senna behind.
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

**I know...The man is a Greek God****
:D i know :devil: *some thoughts enter mj while snickering*

*looks at MJ* I so didn't miss you, you can't prove it even if I did. Which I didn't.

*throws hot water on mj* Ooops, I thought it was cold.
... *gets towel* okkkaayy... you didnt miss me... i get it :p

-anybody have ANY news for Meyton/Pac?!
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

anybody have ANY news for Meyton/Pac?!

**Hey mj...Nah nothin here on them yet.** :( :(

*Crawls up from the floor, jumps at Luving and huggles back*.
**OUFF** Get's up....takes Senna by the hand, grabs mj's hand, then we grab macky, steal him from peyton, just for a little bit, run to the nearest single bed, all squeeze on Macky, have our fun, then we give him back to peyton, so she can soothe his aching body part(s)*** :devil: :devil: :devil:

Pss, I luv ya Senna....and that beautiful wall.. So talented :D :D :D
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

I thought someone posted somewhere that the actress has some movie or project. They may have had to give her time to do it. Maybe that is why they sent the character to London. Hopefully we will have a very passionate reunion scene. If we are lucky, she could rip his clothes off. :devil: They could make use of his desk. So much for the paperwork. Peyton and Mac should have a hard time keeping their hands off of each other.
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

100% right 'Thud' is the new word for LMHs icon!!:devil:

anybody have ANY news for Meyton/Pac?!

Nope everytime I have a look at the spoiler thread I always hope there's some news but

Ages ago it said that at the begining of the season Mac is seen on the plane (or something like that) he looks a little rough, stuble etc and I think it said something about a lipstick mark on cheak!!! I think he had to rush back from London early because of somecase and when he gets back he sees a 'blood stained' statue of liberty!! Oh and it also said that he was grumpy because he had to come back early!!

This friday I'm going Crete for a week and then Wales for another for a wedding!!! I have a 7:30am (UK time) flight! I'm looking forward to it but I am definatly going to miss tread the most :(
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Awww, safe trip Natty, have lots of fun.

Don't worry, we'll keep the thread warm and cozy, for when you get back.

100% right 'Thud' is the new word for LMHs icon!!
****I know, I can't help but look at it, every few minutes either, I keep thinking the frame is going to go lower,, revealing his 9mil :devil: :devil:
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

aww, looks like I've been missing some fun in here...

* trudges in *

'lo everyone. I'd tackle all of yas if I had the energy. First day off, very wrecked. Happy to see nice piccies, looking forward to a nice story later on. (I will eventually get to all the vids too, promise, just need to make some time ;) ).

Welcome, One True Love :D

CSISenna says...Leaves a crying LMH and Senna behind.
*raises hand* er, hallo? what about the rest of us...? hello? anyone?? sheesh... :p Nice pic/paper there btw you...

^ Aw, NatBatster, I hope you have loads of fun, but we'll miss ya too!! :D Still a week to go tho.

and Yo! Lookie there!! *sidesteps scalding water* looks like CathStokes has made quite an entrance... kinda glad I was late... Nice to see ya ;)

Did she get any on ya MJ? hands over optional towel. Usually I put them to a different use, but here ya go...

LMH I love the twinkle in that Pac piccie, tres adorable!! And yes, you've a *supremely* sexilicious Spencer avie there. I've found my messages have lately defaulted to unpostable when I take too long to submit them, having been distracted by watching a few rounds of Sexy Wetness flicker by...

Damn cinematographers and their adherence to ratings standards... *shouts and throws popcorn* lower dammit! *SIGH* gorgeous, delectible... where's a hot tub when you need one...

Sphinx said: Hopefully we will have a very passionate reunion scene. They could make use of his desk...
Would be nice. Who says paperwork is dull? New meaning for the term "Desk-Jockey?" :devil: (...ride 'em, giddyup...)

Alright. FF. And I'm taking my drink with me dammit. I need to squeeze every last ounce out of my day off, seeing as you're all busy squeezing mac... :p :p :p

See yas. :cool:
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Lower!! I know same here :devil:

But I have this thing for the hip/pelvis bone!! Don't know why I just think it's sexy on all men :devil:... Ok gutterville here I come!
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Still no news on our couple"? So I made something up yesterday listen........This is our Macky talking

I love my Peyton, yes I do, though I have to admit, I love my PAC Girls too. I need them to hold me, as much as I do her, because a man can never have enough, foxes to make his body squirm...By LMH :devil: :devil:

'lo everyone. I'd tackle all of yas if I had the energy. First day off, very wrecked. Happy to see nice piccies, looking forward to a nice story later on. (I will eventually get to all the vids too, promise, just need to make some time ).
**To tired, to bad, let's get her girls, as we all attack, tackle and hug El***

LMH I love the twinkle in that Pac piccie, tres adorable!! And yes, you've a *supremely* sexilicious Spencer avie there. I've found my messages have lately defaulted to unpostable when I take too long to submit them, having been distracted by watching a few rounds of Sexy Wetness flicker by...
**you and me both, like i said before, I'm waiting for that frame to move lower :devil:**

Alright. FF. And I'm taking my drink with me dammit. I need to squeeze every last ounce out of my day off, seeing as you're all busy squeezing mac...
**We finished squeezing Macky yesterday, before you got here, but hell, let's do it again. Grabbing El, Senna, Natty, mj, one true love,cathStokes, and everyone else in our hot thread. As we all Grab our Macky away from Peyton once again and into our hot tub, where towels are not allowed** :devil: :p
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

CSISenna says...Leaves a crying LMH and Senna behind.
*raises hand* er, hallo? what about the rest of us...? hello? anyone?? sheesh... :p

*Ducks from El* Sorry girl, we all cry, but I thought you were running off to get some more towels. Glad to see you made it back.

**We finished squeezing Macky yesterday, before you got here, but hell, let's do it again. Grabbing El, Senna, Natty, mj, one true love,cathStokes, and everyone else in our hot thread. As we all Grab our Macky away from Peyton once again and into our hot tub, where towels are not allowed**

El, forget about the towels, Come one girls, let's just go tackle Macky! :devil:
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

...but I thought you were running off to get some more towels. Glad to see you made it back.

Well, true enough, I did go thru a couple cleaning up after CathStokerama and MJ... I mighta zipped out..

El, forget about the towels, Come one girls, let's just go tackle Macky!

;) ...well, there's a reason they're called *optional* you know, after all... (just hate to think I'd missed out y'see. 'course, I did take him on that little road trip with me...)

:lol: Hot tub, huh? Works for me...

**To tired, to bad, let's get her girls, as we all attack, tackle and hug El***
heeheehee :lol: aw, shuckies, 'thankies, I feel do better now, fresh bruising aside...

See yas after work mebbe. Have a good 'un :cool: :D
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#


Oh come now my Macky, you know you wanna.

**Smirks** I do. :devil:

It sucks, I know, but oh well.

**Big Hugs ya'll :D