MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

nattybatty55 said:
I love those pics Linda...

Did I hear Pac fics there^^^ IF you haven't read LMHs fic your missing something sweetie heres the link

Edited to remove link to M rated fanfic

It is against board rules to post links to fanfic rated above PG-13
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

**OUFF** Get's up....takes Senna by the hand, grabs mj's hand, then we grab macky, steal him from peyton, just for a little bit, run to the nearest single bed, all squeeze on Macky, have our fun, then we give him back to peyton, so she can soothe his aching body part(s)***
:lol: nice way of having our wa with him noh? :lol: poor macky.

Did she get any on ya MJ? hands over optional towel. Usually I put them to a different use, but here ya go...
*thankies* seems like she's onto me :p i gotta hide from her... or else, i might need more towels. then again, we dont need towels when macky's around :devil:

no new news?! :( i was hoping for more. now i got this feeling she wont be around that much anymore *sobs*

Oh come now my Macky, you know you wanna.
oh macky wanna alright :devil: we just need to push him :p
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

no new news?! i was hoping for more. now i got this feeling she wont be around that much anymore *sobs*

Oh come now, don't go there.

Go the happy lipstick-kissed route.

And fer chrissakes, don't depress me while I at work.

*la la la, stubbly lipstick kissed mac...* :p
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Sorry 1CSIMfan- be time I realised/remembered what the link was it was too late to edit!
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

luvingmyHoratio said:

Oh come now my Macky, you know you wanna.

**Smirks** I do. :devil:

It sucks, I know, but oh well.

**Big Hugs ya'll :D

Haven't been here for a few days. *Somebody's gonna have to slapp me in the face*, but hell, we all want Macky. Just look at him smirking. Maybe he can handle Peyton, but can he handle all of us? Girls, we're animals. Oeps, read a bit too much animal stuff today!
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Finally home. Loooong day. Hi yas all. :p

hmmm, smirking indeed, it's hardly fair when a guy knows just how attractive he is, not fair in the least.

dammit. :p

Nice pics LMH, thanks for the lovely view.

What Schemes is on tonight, re-run. Mebbe that'll ease the day. A little Pac eppie is always good, plus there's Flack n' Stella work together in this one, always fun, and that twisted lab doing animal transgenics? Quirky eppie. And Mac looks pretty fine in it too. Barrelling thru the hallway to get down to Peyton... I felt like bolting like that today.

I think I can at least catch the last half.'ll excuse me if I pop out then...?
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

^^LMAO, all this jumping makes me tired :p poor macky, wonder what he feels :lol:

Oh come now, don't go there.

Go the happy lipstick-kissed route.

And fer chrissakes, don't depress me while I at work.

*la la la, stubbly lipstick kissed mac...*
sorry... :p ok, this means we need more fluff around here (yeah of course gutter included :p) ooohh LMH.. where are ya? :lol:

ETA cause El was posting at the same time too :p'll excuse me if I pop out then...?
:lol: :lol: omg,hilarious line :p that made me laugh all of a sudden.
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#


**Look at them, as they hold each other tight, knowing they feel their love shinning bright. Just from their expressions, their smiles, and their souls. We can tell this is a couple, who's love, will continue to grow.**

Nice pics LMH, thanks for the lovely view.
**Anytime, your welcome, Pac bud**

sorry... ok, this means we need more fluff around here (yeah of course gutter included ) ooohh LMH.. where are ya?
**Where am I? always around, here and there, but most of the time. I'm nowhere, except in my little naughty bubble. :devil:
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Ok i'm here to say my goodbyes before I jet off to the sun tomorrow morning! I'm going to miss you guys *sniff* the most...oh well i'm going to get a tan! :lol:

*Nat walks out waving*
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#


Okay.....How did we slip to page two"?

Listen my Pac buds, I have updated Under New York Bridge again, Also there is new poems in the poetry thread. Go and have a look.

Also...I did a new video, All Mac Taylor and Peyton, Poetry to music...Check it out. :)
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

~ t h r e a d . b u m p ~

I know everyone's off on holiday and such, so I know it's gonna be kinda quiet in here, but page two?

*slaps wrist*

shame shame shame...

OK will make an effort for some Pac Pics this weekend

Good lord I have sooo much to catch up on ~ and I haven't gone to Crete or California or anything at all like that...

I feel my life should take a turn of some sort... :p

Vids will have to wait a bit until a few other things are sorted, but I'll get to them.

FF next.

*stretches* this weekend may be the first that really feels like one...
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#


**Oh!!! Look at that Mac......"More, okay....I Love You's***

**EL.....That You?..... Oh God, Tackles..Hugs, Pounces, Jumps, all over EL**** Missed you, sooooooooooo muuuuuch*** :D :D :D :D :D

**Pounces and Hugs again, Incase you got away** :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

**Okay I'll just hold you tight for a while, until you promise not to leave again** :D :D :D
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#


I'm here for you Peyton, Just turn around and see

This is another scene I liked, IT's her teardrop, that makes this pic unique. Sooooo Saaaad :( :( :( :(

**Not much longer till Season4**

**Lucky girl to have Macky, I'm going to borrow him for tonight. Thanks :(

**Big Hugs, ya'll
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

************Echo's Page two again************** :eek: :eek:

Why is it, I'm always pulling us out? :confused:

Anyways, With S4 around the corner, I'm sure we will all have new Pac things to talk about. :rolleyes:

What makes Pac, what it is"? :confused:

Their love, and compassion,
their strength and their devotion,
that causes them both, to love forever with emotion. :D
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Aw LMH, thanks for holding the fort - not such an onerous task seeing as you're holding onto Macky too...

It's not just you, promise, I'm here too, but you know what condition I've been in of late - still hungover... *urgh*

**EL.....That You?..... Oh God, Tackles..Hugs, Pounces, Jumps, all over EL**** Missed you, sooooooooooo muuuuuch***

**Pounces and Hugs again, Incase you got away**

**Okay I'll just hold you tight for a while, until you promise not to leave again**

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!! :D :D :D To quote you from another thread, "That right there touches my heart!!" Aw, I missed ya too, right truly LMH, I sure did. I ain't going anywhere in the near future methinks, my running around for work will still incur long hours, but it will be a little more local at least. I've slowed in my abuse of computer peripherals too, so I should have better access now to check in more.

I'm soooooo looking forward to more Pac in S4, and damn them for not giving us a few more tidbits to tide us over in the meantime. Dog days of August indeed. Buggers. I'll just be over here, singing, "lala laaaa, lipstick kissed scruffy mac, la la, lovely laaaaaaah..."

Pac Haiku :p
Visceral embrace,
Chin lift murmuring kiss
Full heart and soulful bliss
