MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

*pokes El* :lol:

They are so hard to cap! *whines to El*
*:p and hides from her* gimme an idea, i'll work this out somehow :devil:

is it me or macky is sooo adorable on that last pic!? the cap was cute :lol:

wait, youre going somewhere? leaving us here? :(
you can keep macky as long as you return him unscathed :D or peyton might chase ya with a scalpel :p
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#


*Nose to nose, heat to heat, as Mac and Peyton, make love in the street* :devil:
Here's your pic for today girls.

lovely thanks LMH.

okay off to FF. will snark in appropriately on pac bridge thread later.

*Thanks, and Oh boy, more Snarky comments*

*Runs and hides the drinks from keyboard*
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

*Nose to nose, heat to heat, as Mac and Peyton, make love in the street*
kinky :lol: :devil:

you're good with fanarts AND fanfics *ish jealous* ;)
btw, i saw you on ff and i now have ya on my alerts.
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#


Peyton, I can feel your heat, burning within my soul, as you stand behind me, and embrace me in your hold.

@mj,**Huggies** and thankies for adding me to your alerts. I'm honored. :D

Okay girls, another manip of our kinky, loving couple :devil:
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

aww, some seriously unhappy looking Pac there. Mebbe she'll cheer up when I return Mac tomorrow night...

just a super quick hello, gotta bunch stuff left to take care of before my return. *sigh* I've missed being able to check in. Looking forward to getting home for a rest.

Talk to yas all soon!! :D
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

aww I think he definately has his own certain smile for her and same for him. Its really cute.

I really was expecting to hate her/this ship with a passion, but its worn me down. damnit.
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

I really was expecting to hate her/this ship with a passion, but its worn me down. damnit.

**Huggies Lynny**. Nice to see you here, and you can't help but love them. They are so wonderfully warm, just read my Pac story, you'll see. :) :)

And now I have to run, I need to finish two stories, and begin a new one. :D :D

**Hurry back El** Like right now** Damn it*** :lol: :lol:
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Hiyas CathStokies :p I'm glad to see ya in here too. :D --> Dammit schmammit be damned, it's all good ;)

Yo LMH - I'm baa-aaaaack... :p :p :p :p Okay. Fresh drink ready. Optional paper towels ready. Alright. I'm taking my chances, I'm going in. FF Pac Fic here we come...(I like to live dangerously. How many chpts have I missed?) I think I'll have to try and find some happier looking pics of them though. Soon. ;)
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#


Peyton, please come closer, and allow me to wrap you in my love,
So I can make you soar, beyond the stars and moon above.

Another pic of our sweet couple.

Along with several updates on Pac, and a new vid on YT.

See ya :D
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

^ see, now, that's what I'm talking about... Nice pic there, that was a sweet moment. Very very nice. *sighs*

I'll get to vids soon as I can. I'm still unpacking, etc. and am about to embark on the perils of FF, but I'm gonna catch up on all of it, promise!!! ;) (can I bill you now, or invoice you later for the damage I'm about to incur on my keyboards...)
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

I'm so going to torture the two of you..

How many chapters do you have on your pac story is it here or lj??.. *sighs* Where the hell is MJ with the usual, "omg what are you doing" bs? .. I say bill her now. :)

So this story.. will it have me tossing my computer out the window or drooling and buying a new keyboard?
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#


See their smiles, the look of longing, the look of passion, the look of satisfaction. This is what Pac is made for. :D :D :D

I'm so going to torture the two of you..
**Yeah El, we get tortured** My boyfriend will be so jealous** :lol: :lol: :lol:

How many chapters do you have on your pac story is it here or lj??.

**Nine Chapters so far** :D :D

So this story.. will it have me tossing my computer out the window or drooling and buying a new keyboard?
**Buying several new keyboards** :devil: :devil:
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

CathStokers said: ...I'm so going to torture the two of you...
er, would that be with jaunty playful snarky affection or um, ...with malice...? *pssst LMH, should I be worried...?*

aw, this is gonna be fun... :D c'mon in!
(Loads of new piccies in mac/gary too - I ain't seen much of ya over there. um, was it something I said? :lol:)

RE computers... no matter how you feel about it, the end result is likely to be one and the same: a computer peripheral shorted out by a dumped-over or snorked-out food/beverage, and then subsequently drop-kicked out a window... Oodles of fun, guaranteed!!! ;)


CathStokerama said: I say bill her now.
you know, I do agree with you, but trying to get LMH to cough up anything up front (other than pasta, apparently) is suuuuuuuch a freakin' hassle... sheesh :p :p :p
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

er, would that be with jaunty playful snarky affection or um, ...with malice...? *pssst LMH, should I be worried...?*
**Nah, not worried, their is two of us, we'll tackle her first**

you know, I do agree with you, but trying to get LMH to cough up anything up front (other than pasta, apparently) is suuuuuuuch a freakin' hassle... sheesh
**Auh, come now, Who's going to pay for mine, El keeps destroying with her Snarkiness** :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Auh, come now, Who's going to pay for mine, El keeps destroying with her Snarkiness?** :lol:

er, maybe there's a government grant we could all apply for? or again, a sponsorship of some sort?

BTW, chpt 7 did me in, in that regard, it was a good thing I saved reading them til I got home...

**Nah, not worried, their is two of us, we'll tackle her first**

*steeples and runs fingers together* .............eeeeexcellent.....

heeheehee ;)