MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Fantastic PAC pics, everyone! Thanks for posting them! This is the one and only ship I sail in this show, so I sincerely hope Mac's lovely Peyton does come back in S4! :( *Fretting after reading stupid Spoilers thread*
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

I know, I kept telling myself I was going to go spoiler free, now I wish I had stuck to that. Ignorance is bliss! I love Mac and Peyton - I can only hope that they bring her back midseason (with a really good reason for why she stayed in London for so long).
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Ignorance was bliss - now do I go over to Spoilers?

Dammit people...

...dammit people - now I'm gonna hafta go track down that article and see what else it says...

OK Back - Hmmm. Not a lot really. Nothing beyond what's already been said. Certainly not enough to get upset all over again. Not yet. Dog days of summer people, time will tell. I'll just be back in my Lipstick-Kissed-Scruffy Realm of denial, waiting on further burden of proof. Until then, stuff it. La la la...
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Heeelllllllllllooooo, just popping into say hi- i'll post more on friday when I go home for a nights sleep before I go off to wales for that wedding!!

Bye, im off to the pool!!xx:lol:
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#


No matter what the spoilers may say,
We should not believe them, as they never remain.
So always remember, their love is and will always remain..
deep in our hearts, until Peyton returns, in Mac's arms to stay.

Keep holding El....Never give up on our Pac. For their love is strong, and made from the deepest enchanted love and romance. ;) ;) :)

Beside's that TPBS, change their minds like we change out panties, Everyday!!!!! :lol: :lol:
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

The actress probably has some project she is working on and they had to give her time off. Maybe the Lindsay and Danny romance will run its course during this time. During this time we will get to see an anxious Mac. Maybe the writers will bring her back during the sweeps for a dramatic return. The romantic focus will then hopefully be on Mac and Peyton. Maybe Mac will hop on a plane and go to London to bring her back. It would be cool to have Mac jump on a plane to ask you to come home. If it were me I probably would never have stayed in London.
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#


** It's in there smile, it's in their kiss, it's in everything, they speak or wish. So much compassion, and love they hold, knowing in each others arms, their bliss is home

**Where's my El...has she disappeared again?****

**Tell your boss..I give... you...a...vacation. :lol: :lol: :lol:**

**Hurry back El....** before Sphinx and I get caught in the cobwebs** :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

*Tazmanian Spaz El whirls in*

oooooooooohh.... dizzy *urgh*

Hiyas LMH, Sphinx, campers all, -- quickie posts for now (sometimes a quickie's just the ticket ;))

oh!lookeedaprettypictures..... *head tilt puppy eyes*

Wha? Oh. Right. er, sorry.

I'm working again, into tonight, but not too late, so mebbe after I scrub off the day I'll be back to deal with any remaining cobwebs in here. I think my entrance took care of a few. I am the swiffer of choice, as chosen by Taz Spazzes worldwide. Sorry. Still nuts - the day I mean, not me. OK, me too :lol:

Lissen y'all, whatever torture TPTB are wrenching us thru, Pac remains untouched in my heart, regardless now of whatever may happen on the show. But as I said, time will tell, even if it takes till mid-season and dramadramadrama, plus airtime for all the others to catch up on their own romances. *shrugs* Evs, I says (evs = whatever)

*sigh* So. The day beckons. Pesky f****** thing. I'll be back, for as my latest Pac t-shirt says, "I have not yet begun to bite..."

---ETA --

**Tell your boss..I give... you...a...vacation. **
^ that was very Shatner-esque there, you :lol:

I'll be sure to pass that along, I mean I wouldn't dare argue with you... :p I'll just mention though, I have groceries that are knocking on the door of my fridge, having evolved enough by this point to plan their own escape. You know what's worse? You know those gigantic Toblerone bars that come out just before Christmas? My father sent me one for the holidays... it has sat untouched in my fridge for the past eight months... (ohh, the shame, the absolute shame...)

Er, anybody want some? I'm sure the rogue veggies will negotiate for it's release...


Well, back to late to do anything really. Pac recharge. A few shippy banners making me a wee bit peeved, will resist. To each their own. Evs. S'all good.
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

**First the smile....**

***Then the whisper**

**Followed by closer we lean in for the kiss**

Just can't get enough, of my Pac...They will always be Heaven Bound :) :)

This couple speaks in whispers,
to each other through the night.
Letting their spirits fly & soar,
until they reach the stars so bright.

Then once they arrive, upon the clouds,
they'll passionately love each other sound.
Until their souls have given out enough,
and they soar back down filled with love.

This is Peyton, this is Mac,
and no matter what, they will always last
forever , tomorrow and each new day,
bound as Heavens sweet Angels Sing.

LMH :).......................This is for you El. :D :D
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

i'm back people!
*tackle hugs everyone while giving away mickey ear hats*
^_^ im soooo glad to be here again, frankly, i missed you guys... and teh gutter :lol:
*claps hands together*
so... something's new? what should i know?
*is nervous*
Peyton... stay in-..??!
NO! :(
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Hey Mj I'm still on my hols but I thought no new csi eps was bad.... having no talk csi is worse!!
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Easy there, sugar. The writers are doing their dramadramadrama thing. Just finished reading an interview with Lankov and frankly I'm with MBGrissom on that one, and feeling a little more upbeat, if still resigned to writer games. I still think it's about filming schedules and writers trying to be clever, resulting in untold angst all around on many levels. Silly f*****s.

but I digress.

* pokes and tackles and hugs MJ * MoJo's back!!! Awwwww. Missed ya. Ears? For me??? Good. they'llhelp hide my evil little horns. very happy to see ya back .

and LMH ~ super nice stuff up there. Just luv that sequence of pics, and your words, as always, are spot on.

Chins up kiddos. It may take till mid-season, but they'll not get me to crack twice for spoilers. Read the Lenkov article, look at pretty piccies, keep spirits up. Chin chin people.

*pokes and hugs allaround*

Back to work for me. Don't forget about the toblerone in my fridge, help yerselves. :D
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

nat *hugs* i know what you mean :rolleyes: boy, i really do. :p

*pokes El* I missed my big sis too :D :p MoJo? o_O :lol: i could use that sometime

*runs around in cirlces*
WTH is with the spoilers?! I just dont see the point.
*is pissed*
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#


You are my inspiration, you are my guidinglight,

**Hey ya'll...Back from work...Tired...But happy :)

S4 coming soon, I can feel the Pac room, fill with excitement.

*Waves bye***

**Leaves hug for El.... :D :D :D

***Thankies for the ears mj***Huggies :)
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

MoJo?? lmao. *roflmao* Thats a new one for her!

We like spoilers, okay not really, but. Some are really interesting. and some just plain out SUCK. I'm wondering on the Peyton one. Like which ones do you believe?