Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#
* * enters, and pokes and pokes and pokes everyone excessively, just to make sure everyone gets at least
one good poke * *
*pauses to catch breath* sheesh that's a lot of poking! Hooo. :lol: Hi all!
MJ-> Banner: yep a pic from open season spec. features where they show them voicing their characters in the studio - man it looks like he had fun!

Natty=> Pac Vid: I promise promise promise i'll watch it sooooon!!!!!!! It's Pac, so just try and stop me fer chrissakes :lol: of course i'm there soon as i can
Stel icon -> already toldja i luv it! :lol:
Why the pic makes you sad,El, if I may ask? I wanna cry, too, when I see the picture/watch the scene but because I'm so happy about that Mac let his feelings out a little bit...
-> Pics: - why does that first one makes me sad? *sigh* I don't want to get too too serious, but I will try to answer openly here. I just don't know if I'll be clear. That pic holds within it that brink moment of wanting something so much, but not yet knowing if it will happen, of being so absolutely vulnerable and wide open, and feeling everything so keenly. Their first embrace was visceral, their last embrace was affirmation, but this was the in-between moment, when everything was still unspoken. (I dunno, I guess there's a personal aspect that also makes it more intense for me too). I couldn't breathe again until he'd whispered in her ear. Just wraught out, just that pivot moment, where all the pain and want is completely exposed and awaiting whatever comes next.
Strangely, the next pic, where Mac's in the shadow of the doorway, is easier for me to take. Maybe because it meant there was going to finally be some kind of imminent interaction between the two, maybe because it was right after Marlee Matlin's character told Mac she wished she could help him - and the fact that he was there meant she had, and that one way or another the next evolution was about to happen.
* And yes, I did really love that phrase from Marlee Matlin's character, how she knew there was something weighing on Mac's heart ~ "I speak with my hands - - you, speak with your eyes...." I thought she was just fabulous as a special guest on the show.
:lol: ** shakes it all off **
LMH Well, now, that's enough of that!! Look what you've started here!!! :lol: Thanks for all the sweet, poignant pics. Very lovely indeed, as are the words you place with them with such care.

*sigh* oh, mondays (and man did today ever put me thru the wringer. one day off is not enough - I'm a little burnt out and crispy, and that may be an important contributing factor to how i respond to emotional stuff these days :lol::lol::lol
(** i'm looking forward to your vid Natty!!)