MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Adorable picture, LMH! Thank you! I LOVE IT!

Got to jet off to Champagne & Paris tommorow, guys! Have fun while I'm gone! (Well not TOO much fun, since I won't be here! ) Then I'm going to Thailand, so miss you guys and I'll be back in more than a month!

Miss you guys and love you all! Have fun guys and don't let the thread die down!

Safe trip, and try their chocolate, you'll love it.

And don't worry, all us Pac fans will keep this thread alive.

*Pac Story has been updated*

See ya...Big Hugs :D
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Wow, have a fab trip, jetsetter kissmesweet!! :D

No worries about the thread, only about our sanity and state of mental well being as we slog thru the off-season.

Safe travels and have a fantastic time! :p
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

*hugs kissme* you leavin' me!? *sobs*
you better come back! *gives some extra greggy dolls*

mugs *pokes* heheh you should come here more often so I can poke you more :lol: :p

*pokes, nudges and prods* oh MJ, c'mon don't go all pouty now, you *know* I luvs ya and yer wikked wit...

I was only trying to come up with a cap of my own for those other pics and couldn't think of anything good enough to share,
:lol: im allowed to pout sometimes :p nah no biggie, i knew it was awful anyway :p my 'wikked' mind wont cooperate with me -_-; im sure when you post, its gonna be awesomely memorable ;)

LET THE THREAD DIE DOWN!? O_O *gasps* not if we can help it! right gals?

They "do" each other well...? well, in my mind there's no doubt about *that*
*clears throat* :lol: need i say more? :p
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Hmmm, thread begs a wee bit of attention here.

Pac Piccie, just because. :D From People With Money


You can never have too many sweet moments between them. Besides, I've just been in checking other ships and threads and felt the need to recharge a bit here. :p

so *aaaawwwwwwwwww*

*sigh* that felt good. :D
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

yah, the People With Money ep was such a sweet introduction for them... absolutely adorable from the get-go, I thought. :)

sig - heheheh!!! *yippeeeeee kay-yay, mo-fo's!!* :lol:
I wanted to make a more fun one, & found a good pic :D

:p :p :p
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#


Another beautiful pick, as our Mac, wipes her tear. They say the eyes are the windows to the soul. And this pic, Mac is showing his complete soul, to his Peyton.
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

*pokes* LMH! hey there, how's it going?

Silent Night was also one of my favourite eps. It was just very poignant. This was such a heart-wrenching, vulnerable moment, and it was more delicate, profound and moving as a love scene than just about any other I've seen on recent television.

Nice pic, but makes me kinda sad too.
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

*pokes* LMH! hey there, how's it going?

*Poke* back. Very tired.

New Poem in the Poetry thread, inspired by EL's pic. Go have a look, at our great couple. :)
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Ok guys I have done a new pac vid... The name is 'CSI NY- Pac'...could I have been any more original?
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Thanks a lot for the cute pics, El and LMH.
I love these scenes with them. :D

Another beautiful pick, as our Mac, wipes her tear. They say the eyes are the windows to the soul. And this pic, Mac is showing his complete soul, to his Peyton.
Yep, Mac always speaks through his eyes.. I've noticed that, I think, two people said that with his eyes. I remember the woman and the scene before Mac shows his soul to Peyton..
He said to the woman: "What makes you think that something's wrong" or something like that and she could see it in his beautiful eyes.

Why the pic makes you sad,El, if I may ask? I wanna cry, too, when I see the picture/watch the scene but because I'm so happy about that Mac let his feelings out a little bit..

Natty Wonderful work, really well done! Love your new vid! Pac is always cute together. You'll get your "whole" comment on YT tomorrow, promise! ;)