MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

LMH: Can I please have the link to your ficcy? Thanks!

Elwood: to be honest, beta-ing is so hard! I'm doing it for 5 people of different fandoms and I'm so sick of it. :lol: So hats off to you for being so great.
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

LMH: Thank you! Do you post at too?
Some people there give great reviews!

Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

kissmesweet said:
Elwood: to be honest, beta-ing is so hard! I'm doing it for 5 people of different fandoms and I'm so sick of it. :lol: So hats off to you

!!! *** OH DEAR ~ NO NO NO PLEASE *** !!! - Please, you misunderstand - and you give me far far far far to much VERY misplaced credit!! :lol: :lol:

-> while I wouldn't mind beta-ing for others, because I can be a hard editor, my rather cryptic aside in my post above was actually *me* shyly talking about an old story of my own that I was considering venturing up to *these* writer's eyes for their feedback..., not vice versa :lol: :lol:

kissmesweet, please, pretty please, keep such credit where it is due, with Betas like you. I'm glad to know that you take on such a delicate task for so many people in so many contexts. It should most most definitely be hats off to you!!! :D :D :D
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Okay mj love, now I need two quotes One above and the new one on our lovely couple
okay, ill post one later. im a bit drowzy now...which brings me to my next post...

And What are you people still doing up for chrissakes???
Frankly IDK! :lol: since i posted here in this foldie, i started making risks posting at wee hours of the day (EST) :p

kissme- of course i wub huddy! *hugs you* im glad you like the dollie.. I made one lab coat suit to go along with the CSI vest :lol:

holy molly! :O :eek: OMG that just made my week a lot more weird! I just cant wait to see the eppie! omg... :lol: this S-M-P thing is driving me nuts!

ETA cause i might forget this idea tomorrow, it is kinda lame but who can blame me? my mind's half asleep now :lol:

first picture:

Mac: who are you calling? *about to get up for work*
Peyton: the fire dept. *nonchalant*
Mac: why? *confused*
Peyton: youre so hot. *grins*
Mac: you really dont want me to leave huh?
Peyton: well, ill call em if you leave..*teases him*
Mac: now i wont leave. gimme that phone.

(sorry jealous macky is so hawt i cant resist though theres another idea for that pic... something that has to do with desserts :devil: ill leave that up to you :p)

second pic:

Peyton: We agreed friday is casual day. Change! now!
Mac: O_O; Okay... okay, no need to rip the shirt...
Peyton: *without faltering* I'm still open to that idea.
Mac:*teases by ignoring the flirt* Not my shirt!

:lol: *wipes tears* I tried.. :p
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#


This is another of my fav's. It's almost as if, he's saying..."If I keep my eyes shut, she'll nevr disappear".

"God", I have really fallen for this sweet couple. They do each other well. :) :)
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

They "do" each other well...? :lol::devil: well, in my mind there's no doubt about *that* :lol:

But yes, they're very good for each other, and I love that pic - as a matter of fact, it looks very familiar to me, I think it might be one of mine...? (if it wasn't, it sure is now...) :lol: :lol:

Love that pic, thanks for posting a little mid-day cheer me up.

I never used to check in here at lunch, but I can't seem to help myself lately... *sigh* :p :p
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

i think my post earlier was gone unnoticed
*stares at the intimate pic instead*

*tackles mugs* :lol: you like it then :p
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

first picture:

Mac: who are you calling? *about to get up for work*
Peyton: the fire dept. *nonchalant*
Mac: why? *confused*
Peyton: youre so hot. *grins*
Mac: you really dont want me to leave huh?
Peyton: well, ill call em if you leave..*teases him*
Mac: now i wont leave. gimme that phone.

(sorry jealous macky is so hawt i cant resist though theres another idea for that pic... something that has to do with desserts ill leave that up to you )

second pic:

Peyton: We agreed friday is casual day. Change! now!
Mac: O_O; Okay... okay, no need to rip the shirt...
Peyton: *without faltering* I'm still open to that idea.
Mac:*teases by ignoring the flirt* Not my shirt!

i think my post earlier was gone unnoticed

*Sorry, I'm sneaking away from the desk here. I didn't have a chance to notice. *Looks for boss* They're are awesome mj,

*Seeya tonight :)
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

*pokes, nudges and prods* oh MJ, c'mon don't go all pouty now, you *know* I luvs ya and yer wikked wit...

I was only trying to come up with a cap of my own for those other pics and couldn't think of anything good enough to share,

...and then I got supremely distracted by seeing two of my fave persons having a little tete-a-tete nose rub... :lol:

I do like the fire dept one esp. Jealous Macky would be so hot and fun to tease... ;) ;)

*sighs* *tears herself away, finishes lunch, logs out, and stomps back to work...*
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Adorable picture, LMH! Thank you! I LOVE IT!

Got to jet off to Champagne & Paris tommorow, guys! Have fun while I'm gone! (Well not TOO much fun, since I won't be here! :p) Then I'm going to Thailand, so miss you guys and I'll be back in more than a month! :)

Miss you guys and love you all! :D Have fun guys and don't let the thread die down! :p
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

They "do" each other well...? well, in my mind there's no doubt about *that*

Elwood I thought the same thing :devil: but your right they do suit each other and I hope Claire returns next season!