MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Hi 1CSIMFan ~ apologies about spoiler protocol.

Could you briefly explain how to type the format to create a spoiler box? I'll go look on FAQs too.

I admit I'm a little confused though, because many recent posts here kind of are speculation - not based on a posted spoiler, but on lack of information. Or at least that what I was responding too.

Is it that if it's talked about in the Spoilers Thread it's ok because it's in a contained thread that you know what it's about, but not necessarily so here, for example?

Sorry for creating more work for you, I'll get the hang of it, promise :)
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Hiya El, under the instant UBB code, you'll find the one that says spoiler, click it and it will pop up, put in S4 for the title, then click okay, and the second one will pop up, this is were you place the spoiler, you just write it in, and press okay. Then Voila, it's hidden in the box". :D :D

I hope I explained that right :eek: :p

*Psss, Pm Rrated on its way*
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Awwww, thanks 1CSIMfan: that saddens me a little... but thanks for letting us now!
If Claire leaves, I hope she'll take some guest spots once in a while!
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

*Okay mj sweetheart, go crazy again, antoher caption please*

I went to your site, and started reading a little last night, plan to go back today.

lmh I hung out there for a while. check it i promised remember?

I know you did, I seen the FB

O_O omg my mind went blank! I'll get back to that for a sec... *thinks captions while mind going crazy over spoilers* anyway, thankies for checking the site :lol: see? i dont break promises :p i try anyway. :D any updates? *hugs you* aw i wub ya too :D glad you like the caps :p

*tackles kissme* OMG its been a while since i had these! thankies! made my day... :D *gives her a greggy doll*

I refuse to rant...
angst? angst?? WTF are you trying to DO to us LMH...??!
^- though i agree with her :lol:

*sighs* im bothered here and i cant think straight... tsk... these spoilies are driving me insane.. more than usual i mean :lol:

Note: LMH- i owe you caps next post ;)
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

I know Claire just got married too, but. I really hope she don't leave leave, if she does, I hope she makes some spot appearances, at least more appearances then she is now, *sighs* but I'm hoping for the best here. I really like Peyton

You love angst, so shush.
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

^ :lol: me? angst? love? *pokes lynny*
occasional drama yes but angst no thanks.. me humor :p

yeah i heard claire is gonna be quite busy now but im wondering... is Peyton gonna come back? WTH happened in London?! *grumbles*
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Note: LMH- i owe you caps next post

*Ahem1!! stamps foot, where is the quote* :lol: :lol:

*Tackles Lynny* Trouble maker :p :p :p :p

Now I'm going to drag out you know what, and send it to you.
You're naughty :devil: Just keep it hidden from Mel :lol: :D
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Okay, I think I figured out how to format this spoiler box thing. Now that I have I'm not sure I wanna think about anything else to put in them...

And What are you people still doing up for chrissakes??? :lol:

OK, I have to, absolutely have to go to sleep now. Okay, soon... Ack. Tired very tired...

BTW final thought tonite
That film for 2008 is the Irish film, Shamrock Boy (the same mentioned in the article and at IMBD). Productions usually take four to eight weeks on location (big budgets may get longer), plus studio time. Filming is expensive, so it tends to happen very quickly and intensely, hence an insane period of preproduction detail. If it's a smaller budget, they won't have a drawn out shooting schedule. If they're filming in Ireland on location and then using either Dublin or London Studios, she could still finish filming before Christmas (depending on whatever starting date, of course - there's still five months before the new year). This could be a good bet, due to -A- weather, and -B- post-production work and -C- release dates and distribution, or if for TV, broadcast dates and rights. A release goal for something lke this is might be spring, say March, Patricky-Day-ish... That could give them months for postproduction and re-shoots too. All pure speculation, but, hey, so is everything else right now. All this to say that one film will not necessarily negate a whole season on television. She was only in what 9 ? eps or so in S3. It's all a matter of scheduling, and the writers accommodating who's available in the best dramatic fashion. Lastly, being newly married with a hubby in tv, taking a steady recurring gig on a hit tv show in the same town could be a good thing... In the end, there's still no info available to say much about anything here.

Now to bed. Honestly. Sheesh.

PS thanks for a fab nite-time story LMH...!! :lol: :devil: wicked wicked wicked lil LMH... :lol:
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Also, Peyton could be in later episodes after Claire Forlani has wrapped up filming. I honestly don't know to think about the spoilers. I have my sources and I couldn't tell what was going on but I'm thinking that either they're through or maybe they got married. Whatever it was, Stella knows something is up and Mac knows he can't hide it from her. There was nothing more after that so it could go a number of ways. I know Mac checked out of his hotel earlier than he was supposed to and Peyton wasn't with him.

About what should go in spoiler boxes. Anything that has been posted for Season 4 episodes must be in a spoiler box. Also, anything from any source (tv guide, promos, published anywhere) needs to be in spoiler boxes. If you're just speculating on things that have never been released as a spoiler, then you don't need a spoiler box.

Hope that helps. :D
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#


Okay mj love, now I need two quotes :lol: :lol: One above and the new one on our lovely couple :lol: ;)

And What are you people still doing up for chrissakes???
Pac buds will do that to you :lol: :eek: :p

PS thanks for a fab nite-time story LMH...!! wicked wicked wicked lil LMH...
:devil: :devil: *You know it*. :devil: ;) :devil:

Now , I'm glad you all liked your bed time story, but don't forget to read the chapter in FanFic thread. ;) :p

See you all later Pac buds :D :D
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

MJ: Thanks! I love a Greggo doll and its been a while since I had one of THOSE too! :) Glad you liked Huddy! ;)

Modie: Thanks for giving us all that info! We really appreciate it! ;) I hope all goes well for Mac/Peyton! :D
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Getting to your fic update, and poems LMH - actually got to it, but was to tired to FB in any intelligent fashion (I have trouble with that at the best of times...:lol:

Will check out vids tonight after work too. Will also decide what to do with my fic, whether to pm you writer types for fb, but - i just wanted to get ahead a bit in case i decide to just post.

Man work is arduous today. Stayed up way too late, got up way too early, working way too hard... Looking forward to evening free time...
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Getting to your fic update, and poems LMH - actually got to it, but was to tired to FB in any intelligent fashion (I have trouble with that at the best of times...
*I knew that, as I seen you still out here at 4am, Canadian time. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Will check out vids tonight after work too. Will also decide what to do with my fic, whether to pm you writer types for fb, but - i just wanted to get ahead a bit in case i decide to just post
*No worries or hurries, it's not going anywhere" :lol: :lol: *Can't wait to read your story :)

Man work is arduous today. Stayed up way too late, got up way too early, working way too hard... Looking forward to evening free time...
*Gives you Giant hugs, and sends you a large hot cocoa, with big fat marshmellows. Yummy. :D :D :D

*New Chapter of Under New York Bridge* **Another PM**
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

*stretches* ahhhhhhhh. Hoo. That's better. What a day.

LMH, Natty ~ saw your vid ~ you do wonderful work together, and LMH pretty please pass on a Super Kudos/fab job!! to Jazzy Girl too, she's got great taste :D :D

PS. beware, I might actually get off my butt and PM a chpt or two of revived beta ff to some of you writer types, we'll see how courageous I feel... :p :p :p