MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

lmh: thanks for the word of encouragement... I don't want Peyton to go! She's too cute.

MJ: *Hugs and hands a box of Huddy! ;)*
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Aaaaahhhh this is what the person on the spoiler thread said....

That I don't know. Stella tries to ask in episode #1 but Mac shrugs her off so there might be a problem (which would explain his uncharacteristic behaviour)
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

*Stop that Natty*** :( :( :( :(
:lol: :lol: :lol:

We all know the writters are constantly changing their minds. Not to stray.....but they also said "H" was supposed to be hurt in a plane crash. Yeah, like that happened.

*Anyways back on Topic*

I will not give up on Pac.....I've just come to love them :( :( :( :(

*God I'm depressed now* :( :p :( :p :( :p :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

*I have alot of love today*** So here's somemore***
Can you all feel it.
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Hi everyone, Just a quick post to lend a shoulder - not giving up on Pac either. I hope Claire Forlani decides to make at least a few appearances this season. Maybe a long distance romance for her and Mac? I would prefer her in every epi, but will take whatever I can get.
Runs back out take care of a sick kid. Later guys.
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Im not giving up on Pac, hell no!!
*I never thought you would.* *Luv ya girl*

God I hate TV Drama :mad: :mad: :mad:

*Okay* Rant over******

On a happier note, Natty is helping me with a new video again. All about Pac. :D :D :D :D Will keep you all informed.

***Big Hugs all around***

*Besides, why do they do stupid things like that. Put couples together one season, and then tear them apart the next*?
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

My turn to rant...

I just posted in spoilers my initial thoughts, but mainly I think I said:
please invite Claire back....
pleeease invite Claire back....
My first thought was, well, spoilers are mostly scripts still in draft stage. There's nothing that confirms or denies her being part of the show cast.
Following that, I then think of the article that said Claire had a movie filming in Ireland, so she may not have been available to shoot early season episodes, so maybe they decided to be clever and try to find a juicy way to work that into the scripts. Buggers.

I recall the interviews with Claire saying how much she enjoyed filming with Gary and their scenes together, and Anthony Zuiker saying how excited she was to be on the show, ready to do whatever was necessary. He also said it was important to have a realistic relationship for Mac, so having smooth sailing might be dramatically boring, script wise, as they've already broached this season. As tortuous as this can be, I'm sure that they'll milk that sort of thing for all it's worth, which is okay as long as it's continued to be handled well.

* I absolutely refuse to be upset by the very first, meager, still rather ambiguous spoilers handed out to eager fans over the summer. Refuse. I will not tear them to pieces looking for more info than they provide, or read things into them that there's no way to confirm or disprove. There's simply not enough there to speculate on, so I refuse.

I'll just shuffle right back into the withdrawal line with another cuppa coffee (albeit with maybe a lil sumthin added to help cheer me up, I admit) and wait in a tightly restrained manner for more information.

In the meantime, there's always fics and vids to help me thru.

Too early to say anything more. Hmmmph. So f***** there.

*sigh* :p

think i figured this spoiler thing out... OK Maybe not. I can't seem to stuff all of that in there. Trying again...
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

I just posted in spoilers my initial thoughts, but mainly I think I said: pleeeeeease bring Peyton back....

*God, I luv ya girl* "Here,here" :lol: :lol: Now that was one hell of a f****** rant. You go!!!!!

*Some omre love, @ El, hugs you tight, get's you to breathe. @ Natty, Luvya, and big hugs again. @ mj, more hugs and love, your captions rock. @ Stella, hugs and love to you too.

And to everyone else who loves Pac. :lol: :lol: :lol:

:D :DNext chapter to my Pac story will be up shortly. Also there are new poems *BEAUTIFUL POEMS* on our couple in the poetry thread. :D :D
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

*leans on LMH* *deep exasperated sigh*.

...Thanks, hon. --> Aren't you just our rock today!!! :D :p :lol: I wrote my rant at lunch, then checked back on my break, there you were and you really did make me smile, so thanks... ;) :D

F****** silly buggers, the lot of 'em. Ack.

*gets up, ornery, shaking slightly in withdrawal, stomps back into spoiler line.*

*changes mind. goes to fic instead.*

(slams door for good measure, muttering "stupid f****** buggers" all the while).

I guess I should actually go and make some dinner instead. I'll save the fics/poems for later. :cool:

(PS. I've been revisiting a fic I'd started after S2, but left by the wayside. After spoilers I was upset inspite of myself and stopped writing. I'll try to pick it up again. Before I subject the general populace to it, if anyone might beta a little sample and tell me if it's worthwhile, lemme know...)
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

*leans on LMH* *deep exasperated sigh*.

...Thanks, hon. --> Aren't you just our rock today!!! I wrote my rant at lunch, then checked back on my break, there you were and you really did make me smile, so thanks...

*Any time, I'm always hear for you and all my Pac buds*

Please forward your story to us, we would love to read it.

Or just post it, you know we will love it. It's from you, and anything by another Pac is always good. :D :D :D

*Natty almost has the new Pac vid done for me. I made this one really lovely and angst.* Luvya Natty*
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

angst? angst?? WTF are you trying to DO to us LMH...??! :lol: :lol: :lol:

OK ok, i still can't decide whether to PM beta fic stuff of just jump into the deep end and post...

I still have to go make dinner fer chrissakes... :lol:

'back later, maybe, either way i'll let you know

PS feeling better (hungry but better). some other posts that agree with the holiday-interruptus theory/timeline. *sigh* That man may never get a day's rest, especially if you go by what's happening in the Wet Thread...

Need. Food.

And Drink. :D
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

angst? angst?? WTF are you trying to DO to us LMH...??!

Not that kind of Angst. Maybe I put it wrong. How about really lots of tears and hugging. It's to the song,,"It's all coming back to me now". "They find each other crying out loud. "Calm down, luv, you'll love it. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

*The new video is up, and it's awesome** Big hugs Natty**

*chapter 4 is almost ready, along with another PM Rrated** It's getting hotttteeerr***
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Guys, you need to put any and all Season 4 spoilers in spoiler boxes. If a spoiler's already out and you guys are discussing it, it needs to be in a spoiler box. I've seen post after post the talks about peyton leaving/claire not coming back and none of them are in spoiler boxes.

Some people do not like spoilers and may not know and if they came in here, they'd be spoiled. Also, keep in mind that nothing has been said and my spoiler source doesn't exactly say what is going on. So, it's all speculation at this point.

Just put all the Season 4 talk in spoiler boxes until the episode has aired.


ETA: I just checked IMDb and have some info:

I just checked imdb and it looks like Claire Forlani is going to be filming a new movie for release in 2008. Not sure if that means anything. Just wanted you guys to know.

here's the link: imdb
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

YeY!!!!! Thanks 1CSIMfan, You rock.

I knew Peyton would never leave. Now let's just hope, the writters have sense enough not to break them up. If they do that I'll be really pissed. If they're smart they'd do my story, where he gets called back to help with a case, and has to leave Peyton in England, until the case is done. Then he can go back and get her". "I'm keeping my hopes high, that they'll have sense enough to do something smart like that.

*Sorry for not using the spoilers* :)