MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Hmm, looks like I have some new vids to catch up on! Yay :D
(mine, sadly, has taken a backburner to other things currently on fire in my life ~ I only wish one of them was Mac from Sleight of Hand :p)

Wow, MJ your post just came up as I was typing this... from that report alone now I have to go watch some vids!! (I may hide mine away in the dark completely now!) :lol: I'm looking forward to seeing them, I loved so many others of Natty's.

OK, so no cool vids from me, but I did bring a few Pac piccies along with me...

Thought I'd go the Flirty realm today :D

:p... you want chemistry? here it is... :p

~ he said...

~ she said...

~ ...and here's where a little foreplay'll get ya... :lol:

*sigh* oh, mondays...
:p :p :p :p :p :p :p
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

*natty tackles mj*

That ^^^ makes me smile mj and Elwood, thanks i'm glad you like my vids . Mj The song is 'Why'd you lie to me' by Anastacia... I enjoyed the challenge!

Thanks for the pics Elwood, I love them :)
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#


Just a finger tip caress, can say so much. Two hurt lovers destined to become one.

*The more I see this couple, the more I fall for them both*

Hi evreryone, *Big Hugs*

And thanks for all the FB on my Vid. It's wonderful to have so many new on line friends. :)
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#


Ohhh!! El, nice pic you chose, of our couple. :devil: I love the develish smiles, and you just know, they want more of each other. And with Mac's eyes closed like that, we can just imagine what Pey is doing to her hunky Macky. :devil: :devil:
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

^perfect cap! :devil: right in the middle of that moment! :devil:

And thanks for all the FB on my Vid. It's wonderful to have so many new on line friends.
:( saw your vid, still cant go online for some dumb reason *rawr* ill go change that situation a lil later. ;)

*online friends are wub. *gg* *hugs all*

el LMAO im hyper and im stealthy XD sorta like a mushroom that just pops out :p *poof* reply :lol:

natty *pokes* youre awesome! why not make more? want more challenges/requests? :devil: imma download the song now :D *thankies*
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

*online friends are wub. *gg* *hugs all*

So true....

Just to let you all know, the story has been updated, and there is a PM to follow :devil: "Locker Room Scene :devil:
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

ooohhh the title of the pic sounds good :devil:...I'm off to read!!

Mj I love that song to its really catchy! Im always open to requests! :)
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

*more random hugs and tackles to all* :D

*stops to catch breath* (...sheesh :lol:)

everybody's vid/fic work both inspires and slighty intimidates me, but, when time permits me, I'll keep at it til i've got something that measures up... :lol:

in the mean time, i could always procrastinate by rummaging for more pics...

PS ~ just back from the pm/locker room :devil: hooooooeee!! :lol:
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#


This Pic, they remind me of being shy and unsure. :eek:


*Go crazy with it mj, I want an awesome caption for this*

PS ~ just back from the pm/locker room hooooooeee!!

It was hoootttt, wasn't it :devil: :devil:

**Big Hugs All** :p
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Im sleepy but I HAVE to post this NOW. :lol:

Just to let you all know, the story has been updated, and there is a PM to follow "Locker Room Scene
:devil: well, you got my attention ;)

natty ooh... :D ill think of something *gg* im sure. ;P

el *pokes* dont be! im sure youll do awesome (fic or vid) :D

*Go crazy with it mj, I want an awesome caption for this*
:lol: :lol: OMG you are the first one to tell me that EVER! :p guess you know me well now ;) Oh i will :devil: crazy = me.

I wouldn't say its awesome but my mind's blank right now...

Peyton: *is looking/reading something on the table beside her* stop staring.
Mac: something on your neck... cant help it
Peyton: well.. *is all shy with all the attention she's getting* remove it then...
Mac: er..cant... its impossible to 'remove' it, that'll take days... besides, if you ask me to do something about it, i might just give you another one.

*bad i know* :(

i just found out that Peyton isn't coming back with Mac... and... I heard from a friend that Mac isn't himself... Frankly I dont know HOW to react on this... so im assuming they mean that they broke it off? *shakes head* if ya want, go check the spoiler foldie guys... very juicy stuff in there...
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Oh my God! :( I'm so upset over the spoilers...
I LOVE PEYTON and she brings a softer side to Mac... I wish they would make her stay. C'mon TPTB, PAY HER MORE. :lol: I don't really think it's about the pay though, just a terrible joke. :p I'm going to MISS Peyton so much! She's so gorgeous and has helped Mac fight alot of his demons and she pushed him to speak to Truby which was very impressive.
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Peyton: *is looking/reading something on the table beside her* stop staring.
Mac: something on your neck... cant help it
Peyton: well.. *is all shy with all the attention she's getting* remove it then...
Mac: er..cant... its impossible to 'remove' it, that'll take days... besides, if you ask me to do something about it, i might just give you another one.

*I love it, that's awesome* You are crazy Awesome mj* **Big Hug**

DON"T worry about what you hear in the spoilers, because as we all know, they change their minds, like we change our panties, everyday :p :lol: :lol: :p :p

Oh my God! I'm so upset over the spoilers...

*Don't be, just read my theory and you'll feel better*

This is what I think. Mac comes back all pissy, not because him and Peyton had a fight, not because they broke up. *BUT* Mac was most likely told, he had to come back and help with a case. Hence, leaving him pissed because they had disrupted his time with Peyton and he had to leave her there. "I know if I had to leave my true love behind and come back early, I'd be pissed too".

**that's my theory"***.

*Read my Pac story "Magic Under New York Bridge", that will cheer you up*** It's in the FanFic section. **

Edited to add a spoiler box for Season 4 spoiler info
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

*I love it, that's awesome* You are crazy Awesome mj* **Big Hug**

*bows* im glad i didnt fail the expectation :p *hugs back*

like i said earlier, whatever the spoilers mean, i have no clue what to feel about it. IDK its weird... *shrugs* am i in O_O tptb are reading quite a few ffs. :lol: *cross fingers* hope they read ours :p

lmh I hung out there for a while. check it :D i promised remember?
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#


Psss, Just remember my girls, the spoils aren't always right. :cool: ;) ;) ;)

*Okay mj sweetheart, go crazy again, antoher caption please*

I went to your site, and started reading a little last night, plan to go back today. :) :p

lmh I hung out there for a while. check it i promised remember?

I know you did, I seen the FB :D :D :D